関西大学システム理工学部 機械工学科
06-6368-1121 内線5596
 理事(論文誌担当,2010-2011, 国際担当,2012−2013)
  HI2022 大会長


 日本生理人類学会第65回大会 大会長




IEA(International Ergonomics Association) Council member

Journal of Physiological Anthropology Editorial Board member

The Open Cybernetics and Systemics Journal Editorial Board Member

NEDO「生活支援ロボット実用化プロジェクト」調査研究委員 (2009-2011)
The 10th Asia Pacific Conference on Computer Human Interaction (APCHI2012) Paper chair 

平成24年度科学研究費審査委員表彰 (日本学術振興会,2012)

学術研究振興資金審査専門委員/若手・女性研究者奨励金選考委員会委員 (日本私立学校振興・共済事業団)(2013-2019)


ACED (Asian Council on Ergonomics and Design) International Advisory Board member


1989	関西大学工学部博士課程前期課程修了(機械工学専攻)
1996 ペンシルバニア州立大学大学院ドクターコース修了(Ph.D., Industrial Engineering) 
1990-1993 ベンフランクリンCTDセンター技師 
1993-1995 ベンフランクリンCTDセンター上級技師 
 米国の製造責任に関する民事訴訟のexpert witnessとして法廷で
1996	関西大学 工学部 助手
2003   関西大学 工学部 助教授

2007   関西大学 システム理工学部 准教授

2010 より 関西大学 システム理工学部 教授
2010-2015 関西大学 医工薬連携研究センター センター長
2003	ベルギー ルーヴァンカトリック大学 交換研究員
2004 米国 ペンシルバニア州立大学 客員研究員 
2005 米国 ハーバード大学 客員研究員
 Dennerlein教授のもとで主にfine-wire electrodesを用いた








    1. Kotani K. and Horii K.: An analysis of muscular load and performance in using a pen-tablet system  Journal of Physiological Anthropology and Applied Human Science, 22(2), 89-95,2003
    2. Kotani, K., Horii, K. and Kitamura, Y. :Error Rates during mouse pointing tasks paced by estimated movement time given by Fitts’ law Asian Journal of Ergonomics, 3(1), 41-53,2003
    3. 小谷賢太郎,高木孝志,外池光雄,堀井健:力制御時の運動パラメータ設定過程における運動関連脳磁界応答の計測, 日本生体磁気学会誌,15巻2号, 9-15, 2003
    4. 小谷賢太郎,古澤憲司,堀井健:VR環境下における情報伝達遅延が眼と手の協調動作に与える影響, ヒューマンインタフェース学会論文誌, 6巻4号, 401-410, 2004
    5. Kotani, K., Kinomoto, Y., Yamada, M., Deguchi, J., Tonoike, M., Horii, K., Miyatake, S., Kuroiwa, T. and Noguchi. T.: Spatiotemporal Patterns of Movement-Related Fields in Stroke Patients, Neurology and Clinical Neurophysiology, 2004. (ONLINE, Submitted: May 31, 2004 Published: Nov 30, 2004, http://www.scholarlyexchange.org/journals/journalindex.php?journal_id=7# )
    6. 小谷賢太郎,山田誠,江坂茂朗,出口潤、外池光雄,堀井健,黒岩敏彦、野口太郎:脳梗塞急性期患者の運動時における脳磁界応答の計測:,電子情報通信学会論文誌,Vol.J88-D-II,No.1,121-132, 2005
    7. Kotani, K. and Horii, K. :Evaluation on a keystroke authentication system by keying force incorporated with temporal characteristics of keystroke dynamics, Behaviour & Information Technology,24(4), 289-302, 2005.
    8. 小谷賢太郎,法岡泰樹,堀井健:テンキーパネルを用いた打鍵認証システムの構築と評価, ヒューマンインタフェース学会論文誌, 7巻1号, 149-156, 2005.
    9. 堀井健,三浦葵,上坂重樹,小谷賢太郎:目視方向が目視検査作業者に及ぼす影響,日本人間工学会誌,41巻3号,154-160,2005
    10. 小谷賢太郎、藤田俊輔,堀井健:遠隔・VR環境下の位置決め作業に対する操作視点の選択基準,ヒューマンインタフェース学会論文誌,7巻4号,167-174,2005
    11. Kotani, K., Yamada, M., Esaka, S., Deguchi, J., Tonoike, M., Horii, K., Kuroiwa, T. and Noguchi. T.: Measurement of Neuromagnetic Fields Accompanying Movements by Patients with Acute Stroke, Systems and Computers in Japan, 37(7), 12-25,2006.
    12. 堀井健,上坂重樹,小谷賢太郎:眼球の加速度値を利用したサッケード運動の抽出,日本人間工学会誌,42巻4号,234-242,2006
    13. 小谷賢太郎,井上勝義,堀井健:運動特性を利用したソフトキーボードの入力方式の提案と評価,日本人間工学会誌,42巻6号,364-372,2006
    14. 小谷賢太郎,島野達矢,柏木充,橋本竜作,岩木直,鈴木周平,若宮英司,堀井健:発達性読み書き障害児を対象とした文字単位の音読時間計測によるひらがな読み能力の計測手法,計測自動制御学会論文集,43巻3号,166-171,2007
    15. Kotani, K ,Ito, S., Miura, T. and Horii, K.: Evaluating tactile sensitivity adaptation by measuring the differential threshold of archers, Journal of Physiological Anthropology, 26(2), 143-148, 2007
    16. Soeta, Y., Yanai, K., Nakagawa, S., Kotani, K. and Horii, K.: Loudness in relation to iterated rippled noise, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 304, 415-419, 2007
    17. Lee, D. L., Fleisher, J., Mcloone, H. E., Kotani, K. and Dennerlein, J. T.: Alternative computer mouse design and testing to reduce finger extensor muscle activity during mouse use, Human Factors, 49(4), 573-584, 2007
    18. 小谷賢太郎,杠孝一郎,堀井健:パスワード入力時のマウス操作軌跡を用いた個人認証システムの評価,ヒューマンインタフェース学会論文誌,9巻2号,161-171, 2007
    19. Kotani, K., Tateda, C., and Horii, K.: Computer-task based evaluation technique for measuring everyday risk-taking behavior, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol.4560, 417-421, 2007
    20. Kotani, K., Barrero, L. H., Lee, D. L.and Dennerlein, J. T.: Effect of horizontal position of the computer keyboard on upper extremity posture and muscular load during computer work, Ergonomics, 50(9), 1419-1432, 2007
    21. 萬谷惇,中川誠司,小谷賢太郎,堀井健:刺激音の立ち上がりの変化が聴覚誘発脳磁界N1mに及ぼす影響の検討,生体医工学,45巻1号,114-120, 2007
    22. 山口雄志,小谷賢太郎,堀井健:サッカード特性を利用した視線入力インタフェースの提案とその評価,ヒューマンインタフェース学会論文誌,9巻3号,61-70, 2007
    23. 堀井健,小谷賢太郎:スムーズ性眼球運動の追従速度がcatch-up saccadeに及ぼす影響,日本人間工学会誌,43巻6号,315-322,2007
    24. Kotani, K., Imae, Y., Asao, T., and Horii, K.: Accuracy of velocity perception generated by tactile apparent motion, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 5068, 336-343, 2008 
    25. Kotani, K., Hirato, Y., Ishigaki, T., Shimada, H., Toda, K. and Horii, K.: Biomechanical analysis of walking through a hallway under flooded conditions, Journal of Physiological Anthropology, 28(1), 23-28, 2009
    26. 小谷賢太郎、平藤裕司、朝尾隆文、堀井健、石垣泰輔、戸田圭一、馬場康之:地下空間への氾濫水流れ込み時における救助者の階段降り方法の評価―筋電および歩行時間による―,日本人間工学会誌,45巻4号,242-246,2009
    27. Asao, T., Kotani, K., and Horii, K.: Influence of reaching actions on driving performance, Service Robotics and Mechatronics, 235-240, 2009
    28. Kotani, K., Yamaguchi, Y., Asao, T. and Horii, K.: Design of eye-typing interface using saccadic latency of eye movement, International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 26(4), 361-376, 2010.
    29. ゆう徹、小谷賢太郎、朝尾隆文、堀井健:触覚の仮現運動における知覚速度の定量的評価,ヒューマンインタフェース学会論文誌,12巻2号,75-83, 2010
    30. 朝尾隆文,山本慶洋,粟井宏明,堀井健,小谷賢太郎:放射状拡大流動映像下で得られる視空間のゆがみ,日本バーチャルリアリティ学会論文誌,15巻4号,615-622,2010
    31. 小谷賢太郎,吉川遼太,田村俊樹,朝尾隆文,杉山哲也,植木麻理,小嶌祥太,柴田真帆,池田恒彦:重畳固視パターンを用いたスクリーニング用視野検査システム,電気学会論文誌C編,131巻9号,1577-1586,2011
    32. Suzuki, S., Matsui, T., Sugawara, K., Asao, T., and Kotani, K.: An approach to remote monitoring of heart rate variability using microwave radar during a calculation task, Journal of Physiological Anthropology, 30(6), 241-249, 2011
    33. Kotani, K., Yoshikawa, R., Tamura, T., Asao, T., Sugiyama, T., Ueki, M., Kojima, S., Shibata, M., Ikeda, T.: Visual field screening system by using overlapped fixation patterns , Electronics and Communications in Japan, 95(7), 29-40, 2012.
    34. Suzuki, S., Matsui,T., Kotani,K., Asao, T. :An investigation using high-precision CCD laser displacement sensor to measure body surface motion induced by heartbeat, Journal of Biomedical Science and Engineering, 5, 672-677, 2012.
    35. Kotani, K., Nakajima, A., Asao, T., Horii, K.: Use of saccadic latency for visual inspection system, Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing & Service Industries, 22(4), 296-306, 2012.
    36. 鈴木哲, 菅原慶太郎, 松井岳巳, 朝尾隆文, 小谷賢太郎:覚醒度変化と呼吸成分の関係性について,日本人間工学会誌,49巻1号,25-31,2013.
    37. 馬庭大樹、小谷賢太郎、鈴木哲、朝尾隆文:タブレット端末使用時の端末サイズと文字サイズの変化が 上肢姿勢へ与える影響、モバイル学会誌 3巻1号 33- 38, 2013.
    38. 藤井達史,内藤宏,篠原一光,石川貴洋,松岡孝,石田健二, 榎田 享,朝尾隆文,鈴木 哲,小谷賢太郎:IVIS 機器操作に伴うドライバの精神的負担評価のためのマルチモー ダル刺激検出課題の実車実験における妥当性検討,自動車技術会論文集,45巻4号,723-728,2014
    39. 小谷賢太郎,三樹弘之,小林大二,中西美和,鳥居塚崇,飯塚重善,岡田明,山本栄:触覚インタラクション開発の現状について:ISO9241-910による場面分類と関連研究の動向,日本人間工学会誌,50巻5号,215-222,2014
    40. 鳥居塚崇,小谷賢太郎,藤田祐志,堀江良典:JESの国際貢献とこれからの国際ネットワーク,日本人間工学会誌,50巻6号,336-341,2014
    41. 須澤 将馬, 小谷 賢太郎, 鈴木 哲, 朝尾 隆文, 篠原 一光, 内藤 宏, 藤井 達史, 石川 貴洋, 松岡 孝, 石田 健二:自動車運転中の車載情報機器操作によって生じる精神的負担の評価のための呼吸指標の検討,日本人間工学会誌,52巻3号,124-133,2016
    42. 小谷賢太郎,橋本大佑,佐野洋介,鈴木哲,朝尾隆文:把持面に曲率を付与した大型スマートフォンの人間工学的評価,産業保健人間工学研究,18巻1号,1-9,2018
    43. 朝尾隆文、小谷賢太郎、鈴木哲:後方視時にアクセル/ブレーキペダル操作を行う際の足位置知覚に関する実験的検討,ヒューマンファクターズ, 24巻2号,35-44,2020
    44. Asao, T., Motomura, Y., Hashiguchi, H., Kotani, K., Suzuki, S.: Improvement of speed perception in driving simulators using image deformation based on the human visual space, Mechanical Engineering Journal, 7(4), Paper Number 20-00175, 2020.
    45. Suzuki, S., Hoshiga, M., Kotani,K., Asao, T. :Assessment of Non-Contact Measurement Using a Microwave Sensor to Jugular Venous Pulse Monitoring, Journal of Biomedical Science and Engineering, 14(3), 94-102, 2021.
    46. Asao, T., Kobayashi, T., Kotani, K., Suzuki, S.,Obama, K., Sumii, A., Nishigori, T.: Development of a Drawing Application for Communication Support during Endoscopic Surgery and Its Evaluation Using Steering Law, Applied. Sciences, 11(10), 4505, 2021.
    47. 榎原毅,鳥居塚崇,小谷賢太郎,藤田祐志:人間工学者が今実践すべき3つのこと―IEAの改定コア・コンピテンシーから学ぶ―,日本人間工学会誌,57巻4号,155-164,2021
    48. Suzuki, S. , Sun, G. , Hoshiga, M. , Kotani, K. and Asao, T.: Noncontact Monitoring of Relative Changes in Blood Pressure Using Microwave Radar Sensors, Journal of Biomedical Science and Engineering, 15(1), 51-65, 2022.
    49.  小谷賢太郎,前芝直輝,朝尾隆文,鈴木哲:タブレット端末を用いた視線データによる心理的レジリエンス推定,産業保健人間工学研究,24巻1号,5-16,2024
    50.  新銅央行,小谷賢太郎,奥田啓斗,朝尾隆文,鈴木哲:手掌に提示された触情報の位置知覚特性−手掌上の位置と振動による影響−,日本人間工学会誌,60巻5号,276-282,2024


    1. Kotani, K., Horii, K. A design and evaluation of the user authentication system by using characteristics of mouse movements on a soft keyboard, Human Computer Interaction International 2003, 415-419, 2003
    2. Kasumi, A., Horii, K., Kotani, K., Kitamura, Y., Kanesiro, T. Effect of alcohol on the cerebral function observed in eye movements during tracking a visual target, Proceedings of the XVth Triennial Congress of the International Ergonomics Association, CD-ROM, 2003
    3. Okumura, T., Kotani, K., Horii K. Constructing brain computer interface system with wavelet transform, Proceedings of the XVth Triennial Congress of the International Ergonomics Association, CD-ROM, 2003
    4. Esaka, S., Kotani, K., Tonoike, M., Horii, K. Dynamics of brain activities on controlling force intensity, Proceedings of the XVth Triennial Congress of the International Ergonomics Association, CD-ROM, 2003
    5. Furusawa, K., Kotani, K., Horii, K. Influence of time delay to human operator in teleoperation, Proceedings of the XVth Triennial Congress of the International Ergonomics Association, CD-ROM, 2003
    6. Kitamura, Y., Horii, K., Kotani, K., d'Ydewalle G. Is it stereoscopic viewing or monoscopic viewing when subjects see through the eye camera?, Proceedings of 12th European Conference on Eye Movements, 39, 2003
    7. Kotani K., Fujita S., Horii K. Changes in physiological characteristics and performance of eye-hand coordinated tasks when visual information were given by different viewpoints, 7th International Conference on Work with Computing Systems, 470-474, 2004
    8. Kotani, K., Kinomoto, Y., Yamada, M., Deguchi, J., Tonoike, M., Horii, K., Miyatake, S., Kuroiwa,T. Spatiotemporal patterns of movement-related fields in stroke patients, Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Biomagnetism, 44-45, 2004
    9. Kotani K., Inoue M., Horii K. Evaluation of input scheme for ‘Lift-free’ soft keyboards during text entry, 7th International Congress of Physiological Anthropology, 24, 2004
    10. Norioka, Y., Kotani, K., Horii, K. Construction and Evaluation of Keystroke Authentication System Using Numerical Keypad with Force Sensors, Volume 5 - Emergent Application Domains in HCI, 11th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, July 25, 2005, (CD-ROM)
    11. Yuzuriha, K., Kotani, K., Horii, K. Implementation and Evaluation of an Individual Authentication System Using the Trajectory by the Mouse During Password Entry, Volume 5 - Emergent Application Domains in HCI, 11th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, July 25, 2005, (CD-ROM)
    12. Kitamura, Y., Horii, K., Kotani, K., Usui, T. , d’Ydewalle, G.
      Verification of Panum’s Area by a New Visual Space in using an “Active”  Gazing Eye, Proceedings of the 13th European Conference on Eye Movement, 97, 2005.
    13. Horii, K., Kitamura, Y., Kotani, K., Akahoshi, K., d’Ydewalle, G.
      Verification of Empirical Horopters by a New Visual-Space Model by Using “Active” Gazing Eye, Proceedings of the 13th European Conference on Eye Movement, 100, 2005. 
    14. Horii, K., Kitamura, Y., Kotani, K ., Okuyama, F., d’Ydewalle, G.
      Measurement of the Active Gazing Eye by an Improved Rosenbach Method:Tracing from the Dominant Eye to the “Active” Gazing Eye, Proceedings of the 13th European Conference on Eye Movement, 101, 2005.
    15. Lee, D.L. (Harvard School of Public Health) Fleisher, J.(Microsoft Corp.), McLoone, H.E.. (Microsoft Corp.), Kotani, K.. and Dennerlein, J.T. (Harvard School of Public Health) Alternative computer mouse design to reduce static finger extensor muscle activity, Proceedings of the 16th Triennial Congress of the International Ergonomics Association, CD-ROM, 2006.
    16. Kotani,K., Barrero, L.H. (Harvard School of Public Health), Lee, D.L..(Harvard School of Public Health), Dennerlein, J.T. (Harvard School of Public Health) Effect of horizontal position of the computer keyboard on upper extremity posture, Proceedings of the 16th Triennial Congress of the International Ergonomics Association, CD-ROM, 2006.
    17. Horii, K. and Kotani, K.: Effect of the direction of eye movements on the visual fatigue, Proceedings of the 16th Triennial Congress of the International Ergonomics Association, CD-ROM, 2006.
    18. Kotani, K., Norioka, Y., and Horii, K.:Accuracy and long-term decay of visual memory associated with the location and size of objects shown on a display, The 7th Asia-Pacific Conference on Computer Human Interaction, CD-ROM, 2006.
    19. Kotani, K., Ito, S., Miura, T., and Horii, K.:Evaluation of possibility for adaptation of tactile resolution by measuring differential threshold performed by archery athletes, The 8th International Congress of Physiological Anthropology, 43, 2006
    20. Kotani, K., Yamaguchi, Y., and Horii, K.: Development of an eye typing interface using characteristics of saccadic latencies, Working With Computer Systems, 170, 2007
    21. Kotani, K., Yamamoto, K., and Horii, K.: Characteristics of differential threshold for tactile sensation induced by air-jet, the 3rd workshop on Tactile and Haptic Interaction, 56-61, 2007
    22. Kotani, K., Hirato, Y., Ishigaki, T., Shimada, H., Toda, K.(Kyoto University), and Horii, K.: An EMG study of walking in flood water for evacuation from urban underground, International Conference on Slips, Trips, and Falls, 45-49, 2007
    23. Kitamura, Y., Horii, K., Kotani, K., d’Ydewalle, G.: New concepts on the dominant eye, Proceedings of the 14th European Conference on Eye Movement, 15, 2007
    24. Kotani, K., Hirato, Y., Asao, T., Horii, K., Shimada, H., Ishigaki, T., Baba, Y.(Kyoto University) and Toda, K. (Kyoto University): An EMG study of lower extremity during stair climbing in a simulated flood evacuation, 40th Annual Conference of the Nordic Ergonomics Society, 157-158, 2008
    25. Kotani, K., Hirato, Y., Asao, T. and Horii, K.: Can wearing equipment for the experience of the elderly generate EMG activity for stair climbing by the elderly?, 9th International Congress of Physiological Anthropology, 36, 2008
    26. Asao, T., Kotani, K. and Horii, K. : Influence of reaching actions on driving performance, The 7th International Conference on Machine Automation, 211-214, 2008
    27. Kotani, K., Hirato, Y., Asao, T. and Horii, K.: Can wearing equipment for the experience of the elderly generate EMG activity for stair climbing by the elderly?,Human Diversity: Design for life, Selected paper for the 9th International Congress of Physiological Anthropology, 71-73, 2009
    28. Asao, T. Hayashi, H., Hayashi, M., Kotani, K., Horii, K.: A study on fundamental information transmission characteristics of an Air-jet driven tactile display, Proceedings of HCII 2009, 397-406, 2009
    29. Kotani, K. Yu, T. Asao, T., Horii, K.: Representation of velocity information by using tactile apparent motion, Proceedings of HCII 2009, 470-478, 2009
    30. Kotani, K. Mori, T., Hirato, Y., Asao, T., Horii, K. Ishigaki, T., Baba, Y., Toda, K.: Identification of the optimum gait pattern for descending stairs in a flooded condition: An electromyographic study, 17th World Congress of International Ergonomics Association, 2009
    31. Kotani, K., Nakajima, A., Asao, T., Horii, K.: Hands-free inspection system as an application of eye-typing interface using saccadic latency, Proceedings of ECEM 2009, 2009
    32. Kitamura, Y., Horii, K., Kotani., K., Asao, T., d’Ydewalle, G.: How may asymmetry be accommodated by an ocular-motor map?, Proceedings of ECEM 2009, 2009
    33. Horii, K., Kitamura, Y., Kotani, K. , Asao, T., d'Ydewalle, G.: Certain drawbacks caused by diplopia in using the Rosenbach method in order to detect ocular dominance, Proceedings of ECEM 2009, 2009
    34. Kotani, K., Nakajima, A., Asao, T., Horii, K.: Hands-free Data Manipulation for Visual Inspection System by Using Temporal Characteristics of Saccades, Proceedings of International Workshop on Eye Gaze in Intelligent Human Machine Interaction, 2010
    35. Kotani, K., Yu, T., Asao, T., Horii, K.: Effective presentation for velocity and direction information produced by using tactile actuator, Conference Proceedings of 3rd International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics, CD-ROM, 2010
    36. Asao, T., Kumazaki, Y., Kawanishi, K., Kotani, K., Horii, K.:Evaluation of dynamic touch using moment of joint inertia, Conference Proceedings of 3rd International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics, CD-ROM, 2010
    37. Kotani, K., Yamada, T., Asao, T., Kato, M., Hara, N.: Physiological and behavioral effects of windows on occupant comfort, 10th International Conference of Physiological Anthropology, 23, 2010
    38. Kotani, K., Yoshikawa, R., Tamura, T., Asao, T.: Visual Field Examination System for Screening by Superimposed Fixation Spot Patterns , The 9th Pan-Pacific Conference on Ergonomics, CD-ROM, 2010
    39. Kotani, K., Hayashi, M., Kido, N., Asao, T.: Characteristics of information transmission rates using noncontact tactile display, HCII 2011, CD-ROM, 2011
    40. Asao, T., Kumazaki, Y., Kotani, K. : Effects of joint acceleration on rod's length perception by dynamic touch, HCII 2011, CD-ROM, 2011
    41. Nasu, A., Kotani, K., Asao, T., Nakagawa, S.:Information processing for constructing tactile perception of motion: a MEG study, HCII 2011, CD-ROM, 2011
    42. Kotani, K.., Asao, T., Suzuki, S., Osada, M.:Changes in finger joint angles during using scroll whieels: Comparison of scroll up and down motions, The 2nd East Asian Ergonomics Federation Symposium, CD-ROM, 2011
    43. Kotani, K.: Practice of PA design award program, China-Japan Usability & Human-centered Design Joint-workshop, Beijing, p.3, 2011
    44. Maniwa, H., Osada, M., Kotani, K., Asao, T., Suzuki, S.: Ergonomic evaluation on wheel-scrolling motions for reducing the risk of musculoskeletal disorders, 14th Korea-Japan Joint Symposium, CD-ROM, 2012
    45. Kotani, K., Ishigaki, T., Suzuki, S., Asao, T.,Baba, Y., Toda, K.:Evaluation for Emergency Escape During Stair Climbing in a Simulated Flood Evacuation, 2012 Southeast Asian Network of Ergonomics Societies Conference (SEANES), CD-ROM, 2012
    46. Mizutani, M., Kotani, K., Suzuki, S., Asao, T., Sugiyama, T., Ueki, M., Kojima, S., Shibata, M., Ikeda, T.: Development of screening visual field test application that use eye movement, HCI International 2013, CD-ROM, 2013
    47. Enokida, S., Kotani, K., Suzuki, S., Asao, T., Ishikawa, T., Ishida, K.: Assessing Mental Workload of In-Vehicle Information Systems by Using Physiological MetricsHCI International 2013, CD-ROM, 2013
    48. Jinnai, A., Otsuka, A., Nakagawa, S., Kotani, K., Asao, T., Suzuki, S.: Evaluation of somatosensory evoked responses when multiple tactile information was given to the palm, HCI International 2013, CD-ROM, 2013
    49. Maniwa, H., Kotani, K., Suzuki, S., Asao, T.: Changes in posture of the upper extremity through the use of various sizes of tablets and characters, HCI International 2013, CD-ROM, 2013
    50. Morodome, H., Suzuki, S., Asao, T., Kotani, K.: Non-contact measurement of biological signals using microwave radar, HCI International 2013, CD-ROM, 2013
    51. Asao, T., Suzuki, H., Suzuki, S., Kotani, K.: Estimation of driver’s steering intention by using mechanical impedance, HCI International 2013, CD-ROM, 2013
    52. Kotani, K., Kido, N., Suzuki, S., Asao, T.: Analysis of spatio-temporal memory on tactile stimuli by using air-jet for development of noncontact tactile display, HCI International 2013, CD-ROM, 2013
    53. Horie, Y., Kotani, K. : Trend of the research theme in ergonomics of Japan −Based on the Japanese Journal of Ergonomics−, The 1st Asian Conference on Ergonomics and Design (ACED 2014), CD-ROM, 2014
    54. Kanda, D., Tsukamoto, Y., Asao, T., Suzuki, S., Kotani, K.: Mental Workload of In-vehicle Device Operation by Eye Gazing for Head-up Display, The 1st Asian Conference on Ergonomics and Design (ACED 2014), CD-ROM, 2014
    55. Takenkaka, K., Jinnai, A., Kotani, K., Suzuki, S., Asao, T., Otsuka, A., Nakagawa, S. : Evaluation of Spatial Distribution of Tactile Sensitivity on the Palm for Developing Tactile Interface, The 1st Asian Conference on Ergonomics and Design (ACED 2014), CD-ROM, 2014
    56. Sakai, K., Kotani, K., Suzuki, S., Asao, T.: Minimum Duration for Presenting Tactile Stimuli to Perceive Stimulus Locations on the Palm, The 1st Asian Conference on Ergonomics and Design (ACED 2014), CD-ROM, 2014
    57. Kotani, K., Sato, H., Suzuki, S., Asao, T.: Evaluation of Flick-motion based Representation used for Presenting Japanese Kana Characters by Tactile Information Display Device, The 1st Asian Conference on Ergonomics and Design (ACED 2014), CD-ROM, 2014
    58. Kotani, K., Hashimoto, D., Maniwa, H., Asao, T., Suzuki, S.: Effect of dynamic posture warning during using mobile device to postural load of users, The 10th Pan-Pacific Conference on Occupational Ergonomics, 57, 2014.
    59. Kotani, K., Iizuka, S., Asao, T., Suzuki, S.:Changes in Heart Rate Variability by Using Tactile Thermal Interface Device, Lecture Notes in Computer Science Vol.9172, Sakae Yamamoto (Ed.), Human Interface and the Management of Information, 405-411, 2015.
    60. Hashimoto, D., Kotani, K., Suzuki, S., Asao, T.:Influence of posture awareness signals to the upper extremity posture and muscular loads during mobile device use, Proceedings 19th Triennial Congress of the IEA, Melbourne 9-14 August, CD-ROM, 2015,
    61. Shinoda, T., Shimomura, K., Kotani, K.,Suzuki, S., Asao, T., Iizuka, S.:JapanEmpirical Study of Physiological Characteristics Accompanied by Tactile Thermal Perception - Relationship between changes in thermal gradients and skin conductance responses, HCI International 2016, Toronto, Canada, 17 - 22 July, CD-ROM, 2016.
    62. Kumagai, K., Sakai, K., Kotani, K., Suzuki, S., Asao, T.: Why is tactile information not accurately perceived? Accuracy and transfer characteristics of visualized schematic images induced by perceived tactile stimuli, HCI International 2016, Toronto, Canada, 17 - 22 July, CD-ROM, 2016.
    63. Kotani, K., Ineyama, R., Hashimoto, D., Asao, T., Suzuki, S.: Relationship between operability in touch actions and smartphone size based on muscular load, HCI International 2016, Toronto, Canada, 17 - 22 July, CD-ROM, 2016.
    64. Kotani, K., Shinoda, T., Suzuki, S., Asao, T., Iizuka, S.: Comparison of indices associated with skin conductance responses evaluating for emotional changes induced by tactile thermal stimuli, The 2nd Asian Conference on Ergonomics and Design, Chiba, 2017.
    65. Takada, T., Kotani, K., Suzuki, S., Asao, T.: The effect of visual target contrast on latency and amplitude of saccades, The 2nd Asian Conference on Ergonomics and Design, Chiba, 2017.
    66. Arakawa, J., Kotani, K., Suzuki, S., Asao, T.: Relationship between accelerator/brake position and pedal misapplication, The 2nd Asian Conference on Ergonomics and Design, Chiba, 2017.
    67. Oki, K., Kotani, K., Suzuki, S., Asao, T.: Evaluation of guiding visual attention using partial stereoscopic images, The 2nd Asian Conference on Ergonomics and Design, Chiba, 2017.
    68. Kotani, K. : Toward a development of HFE discipline in Asian region, The 2nd Asian Conference on Ergonomics and Design, Chiba, 2017.
    69. Kuwahara, R., Asao, T., Wada, T., Kotani, K., Suzuki S.: Control over machine operations influences the vestibulo-ocular reflex, Spring Conference of the Ergonomics Society of Korea and 20th Korea-Japan Joint Symposium, JeJu, 2018.
    70. Shibata, T., Fujiwara, K., Asao, T., Kotani, K., Suzuki, S: Relationship between subjective speed for CG images and optical flow by means of image processing, Spring Conference of the Ergonomics Society of Korea and 20th Korea-Japan Joint Symposium, JeJu, 2018.
    71. Ohashi, I., Kotani, K., Suzuki, S., Asao, T., Harada, T.: Comparison of electromyogram during ball catching task in haptic VR and real environment, HCI International 2018, Las Vegas, USA, 2018.
    72. Murakami, S., Kotani, K., Suzuki, S., Asao, T.: Evaluation of discomfort degree estimation system with pupil variation in partial 3D images, HCI International 2018, Las Vegas, USA, 2018.
    73. Tsukikawa, R., Tomita, R., Nozawa, K., Ohashi, I., Horiuchi, H., Kotani, K., Kobayashi, D., Yamaguchi, T., Sato, M., Yamamoto, S., Harada, T.: Construction of experimental system SPIDAR-HS for designing VR guidelines based on physiological behavior measurement, HCI International 2018, Las Vegas, USA, 2018.
    74. Oga, Y., Kotani, K., Suzuki, S., Asao, T.: Effectiveness of stability evaluation by acceleration and angular velocity while operating smartphones, Proceedings 20th Triennial Congress of the IEA Florence, Italy, 2018.
    75. Tsuruno, R., Kotani, K., Suzuki, S., Asao, T.: Use of presentation of thermal stimulus for enhancing excitement during video viewing, Proceedings 20th Triennial Congress of the IEA Florence, Italy, 2018.
    76. Kotani, K.: Gaze tracking as a behavioral biomarker, KUMP International Symposium at Kansai University, 2019.
    77. Kobayashi T., Kotani, K.: Development of mixed reality environment for supporting endoscopic surgical procedure, KUMP International Symposium at Kansai University, 2019.
    78. Kobayashi T., Kotani, K., Suzuki, S., Asao, T., Obama, K., Sumii, A., Nishigori, T.: Performance evaluation of head motion input used for AR-based communication supporting system during endoscopic surgery, HCI International 2019, Orland, Florida, 2019.
    79. Yasui, R., Yamaguchi, K., Asao, T., Kotani, K., Suzuki, S.: Preliminary investigation of mechanical impedance characteristics during lane change maneuver, HCI International 2019, Orland, Florida, 2019.
    80. Kotani, K., Suzuki, S., Asao, T., Kojima, S.(Osaka Medical College) & Ueki, M.(Takatsuki Red Cross Hospital), Intra-individual variation of temporal characteristics of saccadic motion for the development of automated visual field measurement system, The 14th International Congress of Physiological Anthropology, Sep. 24-27, Singapore, 2019.
    81. Maeshiba, N., Kotani, K., Suzuki, S., Asao, T.: Development for tablet-based perimeter using temporal characteristics of saccadic durations, HCI International 2020 - Late Breaking Papers: Multimodality and Intelligence, Springer, pp.194-208, 2020.
    82. Yajima, T., Kobayashi, T., Kotani, K., Suzuki, S., Asao, T., Obama, K. (Kyoto University), Sumii, A. (Kyoto University), Nishigori, T. (Kyoto University): Evaluation of speech input recognition rate of AR-based drawing application on operation monitor for communication support during endoscopic surgery HCI International 2020 - Late Breaking Papers: Multimodality and Intelligence, Springer, pp.321-331, 2020.
    83. Motomura, Y., Hashiguti, H., Asao, T., Kotani, K., Suzuki, S.: Methodology of controlling subjective speed while watching CG images, HCI International 2020 ? Late Breaking Papers: Interaction, Knowledge and Social Media, Springer, pp.176-186, 2020.
    84. Kotani, K.,Yamazaki, H., Sakata, Y., Asao, T., Suzuki, S.: Does the Proteus effect accompanied with the elderly simulation kit improve empathy enhancement to the elderly? HCI International 2022, 2022.
    85. Konishi, H., Yajima, T., Kotani, K., Suzuki, S., Asao, T.: Development of a Surgical Image Object Display System Using AR Devices and Evaluation of Its Depth Perception, HCI International 2022, 2022.
    86. Kotani, K., Suzuki, S., Asao, T.: Usability Evaluation for AR-based surgical image object display system, The 24th Korea-Japan Joint Symposium and International Conference on Human Factors and Ergonomics, 2022.
    87. Yokota, T., Kotani, K., Asao, T., Suzuki, S.: Estimation of stress resilience from eye-gaze data collected by a tablet terminal when performing a dot-probe task: Application to junior high school students, HCI International 2023, 2023.
    88. Matsui, H., Yokota, T., Kotani, K., Asao, T., Suzuki, S.: Estimation of stress resilience from eye-gaze data collected by a tablet terminal when performing a dot- probe task: Features of attentional bias for affective pictures, The 25th Japan-Korea Joint Symposium and International Conference on Human Factors and Ergonomics pp.21-22, 2023.
    89. Konishi, H., Kotani, K., Suzuki, S., and Asao, T.: Effect of dot pattern projection on depth perception using optical see-through AR device, The 4th Asian Conference on Ergonomics and Design, 2023.
    90. Asano, H., Yamazaki, K., Kotani, K., Suzuki, S. and Asao, T.: Individual prediction of proficiency for each reading process using eye movement data for accurate reading comprehension, The 4th Asian Conference on Ergonomics and Design, 2023.
    91. Okuno, K., Kotani, K., Suzuki, S., and Asao, T.: Evaluation for AR-based Facial Expression Transformation System for Minimizing Social Anxiety in Interpersonal Situations, The 4th Asian Conference on Ergonomics and Design, 2023. 
    92. Ikeda, T., Kotani, K., Suzuki, S. and Asao, T.: Evaluation for AR-based Facial Expression Transformation System for Minimizing Social Anxiety in Interpersonal Situations, Proceedings of the 22nd Triennial Congress of the International Ergonomics Association,ug.25-29, 2024.
    93. Okuda, K., Kotani, K., Suzuki, S. and Asao, T.: Accuracy for tactually perceived location of vibration stimuli applied to the palm, Proceedings of the 22nd Triennial Congress of the International Ergonomics Association,ug.25-29, 2024.
    94. Matsui, H., Yokota, T., Kotani, K.,  Asao, T. and Suzuki, S :  Estimating Resilience Using Eye Tracking - Relationship Between Image Type and Attention Bias -, Proceedings of the 22nd Triennial Congress of the International Ergonomics Association,ug.25-29, 2024.
■■これまでの共同研究先 (所属は当時)■■
ハーバード大学公衆衛生大学院バイオメカニクスラボ(Prof. Dennerlein)









■■外部資金導入状況 (内定を含む)■■
年度 資金名称 題目  
1996 住友財団 基礎科学研究助成 力の知覚を用いた作業時の手指圧力の間接計測法に関する研究 研究代表者
2002-2003 科学研究費補助金 若手研究(B) キーストロークパターンを利用した認証システムの開発と評価 研究代表者
2004-2005 科学研究費補助金 萌芽研究 脳磁界応答の計測による運動麻痺回復と脳活動の関連性 研究分担者
2005-2006 科学研究費補助金 基盤研究(C) 空気圧制御による圧力呈示装置を用いたヒトの触覚能の高精度計測 研究代表者
2007 京都大学防災研究所 萌芽的共同研究 生体計測技術による地下空間浸水時の災害時要援護者避難に関する研究 研究分担者
2008-2010 科学研究費補助金 基盤研究(B) 触覚による情報獲得過程の生理的多型性 -ニューロイメージングによるアプローチ- 研究代表者
2008-2009 総務省 戦略的情報通信研究開発推進制度(SCOPE) 視線入力インタフェースを用いたハンズフリー目視検査システムの開発 研究代表者
2008-2010 科学研究費補助金 基盤研究(B) 市民の安全と都市機能確保のための多様な水害対策に関する研究 連携研究者
2008 JST シーズ発掘試験 非接触型触覚インタフェースの情報認知特性の研究 研究代表者
2010-2011 科学研究費補助金 挑戦的萌芽研究 生理人類学への応用に向けた頭部非拘束型視野形状計測 研究代表者
2010-2011 株式会社 テクノバ 受託研究 研究代表者
2011-2013 科学研究費補助金 基盤研究(C) 脳波を用いた動作精度の事前推定に基づく予測制御に関する研究 研究分担者
2011-2012 JST 研究成果最適展開支援プログラム (A-STEP) 探索タイプ 眼球運動特性を用いたスクリーニング用視野検査装置の高精度化 研究代表者
2012-2014 科学研究費補助金 基盤研究(B) 仮想感触提示技術によるヒト―モノ間のインタフェースを対象とした多型性表現モデル 研究代表者
2012-2013 科学研究費補助金 挑戦的萌芽研究 手による情報獲得に適した姿勢・行動の生理人類学的研究 研究代表者
2014-2016 科学研究費補助金 挑戦的萌芽研究 空間の「快活性」を評価するための生理指標の同定と人の状態に適応させた空間の開発 研究代表者
2016-2018 科学研究費補助金 基盤研究(C) リ−チングモデルを用いた眼球運動重畳型新規視野計の高精度化 研究分担者
2016-2017 日本医療研究開発機構(AMED)医工連携事業化推進事業 失明回避に貢献するポータブル視野計(POLS)の開発・事業化 副総括事業代表者
2017-2019 科学研究費補助金 基盤研究(B) 生理行動計測に基づくVRのための視覚-ハプティクス提示環境のガイドライン設計 研究代表者
2018-2020 戦略的基盤技術高度化支援事業(経済産業省) 内視鏡外科医師の早期養成、及び手術時間短縮のため、眼電位・筋電位等の生体信号による空間画像処理技術を開発し、透過型ヘッドマウントディスプレイを用いたハンズフリーコミュニケーション支援システムの製品化 副総括研究代表者
2024-2026 科学研究費補助金 基盤研究(C) 交通参加者の状況認識に基づいた自動運転バスとのインタラクション評価手法の構築 研究分担者