
I. 担当者

担当者竹内 理
住所〒564-8680 吹田市山手町3-3-35 関西大学内

II. 授業目的


III. 授業形態


IV. 授業計画

9/26オリエンテーション (Orientation):学習者要因の総合的研究をめざして
10/03開始年齢 (Age)
10/10適性 (Aptitude)
10/17性格 (Personality)
10/24学習スタイル (Learning Style)
11/07動機づけ (Motivation)
11/14不安 (Anxiety)
11/21学習方略(1)(Language Learning Strategy -1)
11/28学習方略(2)(Language Learning Strategy -2)
12/05コミュニケーション方略 (Communication Strategy)
12/12研究方法論(1)(Research Methodology-1)
12/19AILA ユ02 参加・発表のため休講 (No class due to AILA'02)
1/09研究方法論(2)(Research Methodology-2)
1/16まとめのディスカッション (Summary & Disscusion)

V. 指定文献


Bailey, K.M. 1991. Dairy studies of classroom language learning: The doubting game and the believing game. Proceedings of the SEAMEO/RELC Conference, 1-40.

Bruen, J. 2001. Strategies for success: Profiling the effective learner of German. Foreign Language Annals, 34:3, 216-225.

Busch, M. 1993. Using Likert Scales in L2 research: A researcher comments. TESOL Quarterly, 27:4, 733-736.

Chamot, A.U. and J. Rubin 1994. Comments on Janie Rees-Miller's "A critical appraisal of learner training: Theoretical bases and teaching implications." TESOL Quarterly, 28:4, 771-775.

Chapelle, C. and P. Green 1992. Field independence/dependence in second-language acquisition research. Language Learning, 42:1, 47-83.

Crookes, G. and R.W. Shcmidt 1991. Motivation: Reopening the research agenda. Language Learning, 41:4, 469-512.

Dornyei, Z. 1995. On the teachability of communication strategies. TESOL Quarterly, 29:1, 55-85.

Dornyei, Z. and S.Thurrell 1991. Strategic competence and how to teach it. ELT Journal, 45:1, 16-23.

Ehrman, M.E. 1996. Understanding second language learning difficulties. (Chapter 4, pp.47-76.) Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications.

Ehrman, M. and R. Oxford 1989. Effects of sex differences, career choice, and psychological type on adult language learning strategies. Modern Language Journal, 72:1, 1-13.

Ely, C.M. 1989. Tolerance of ambiguity and use of second language strategies. Foreign Language Annals, 22, 437-445.

Griffiths, C. and J.M. Parr  2001. Language-learning strategies: Theory and perception. ELT Journal, 55:3, 247-254.

Harley, B. and D. Hart 1997. Language aptitude and second language proficiency in classroom learners of different starting ages. Studies in Second Language Acquisition, 19, 379-400.

Hinenoya, K. and E. Gatobonton 2002. Ethnocentrism, cultural traits, beliefs, and English proficiency: A Japanese sample. Modern Language Journal, 84:2, 225-240.

Horwitz, E.K. 1988. The beliefs about language learning of beginning university foreign language students. Modern Language Journal, 72:3, 283-294.

Horwitz, E.K., M.B. Horwitz, and J.A. Cope 1986. Foreign language classroom anxiety. Modern Language Journal, 70, 125-132.

久保信子 1997. 大学生の英語学習動機尺度の作成とその検討 『教育心理学研究』, 45:4, 449-455.

Marinova-Todd,S., D. Bradford Marshall, and C.E. Snow 2000. Three misconceptions about age and L2 learning. TESOL Quarterly, 34:1, 9-34.

Oxford, R. 1996. Employing a questionnaire to assess the use of language learning strategies. Applied Language Learning, 7:1&2, 25-45.

Oxford, R. 1999. Anxiety and the language learner: New insights. In Arnold, J.(ed.) Affect in language learning. Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press.

Rees-Miller, J. 1993. A critical appraisal of learner training: Theoretical bases and teaching implications. TESOL Quarterly, 27:4, 679-689.

Rees-Miller, J. 1994. The author responds... TESOL Quarterly, 28:4, 776-781.

Reid, J.M. 1987. The learning style preferences of ESL students. TESOL Quarterly, 21:1, 87-111.

Rubin, J. 1975. What the 'good language learner' can teach us?TESOL Quarterly, 9:1, 41-51.

Sawyer, M. and L.Ranta, 2001. Aptitude, individual differences, and instructional design. In Robinson, P.(ed.) Cognition and second language instruction. Cambridge: CUP.

Scovel, T. 2001. Learning new languages: A guide to second language acquisition. (Chapter 5, 111-116). Boston: Heinle & Heinle, Thomson Learning.

Takeuchi, O. 1991. Language learning strategies in second & foreign language acquisition. Bulletin of Institute for Interdisciplinary Studies of Culture, Doshisha Women's College of Liberal Arts, 8, 64-83.

竹内 理  近刊 『より良い外国語学習法を求めて-外国語学習成功者の研究』 (第2章「12才では遅すぎるのか」)東京:松柏社

Turner, J. 1993. Using Likert Scales in L2 research: Another researcher comments. TESOL Quarterly, 27:4, 736-739.

VI. 参考文献




VII. 成績評価

この授業では、1) クラスにおける意見の表明と質問を50%、2) レポート(講義内容に関して自分が最も関心を持った点を掘り下げたもの)を50%として評価する。レポートは、Due Date を1月20日(月)として、大学院事務室窓口に提出すること。フォーマットはA4サイズで、章・節立てを作り、APA形式の参考文献一覧をつけ、ワープロ打ちで提出すること。なお、図表なども利用して、説得力のある構成のレポートにすること。

Released: 09/20/02