
I. 担当者

担当者竹内 理
所属関西大学 外国語学部・大学院外国語教育学研究科
住所〒564-8680 吹田市山手町3-3-35 関西大学内

II. 授業目的

この授業を、学習者要因の総合的な解明への試みとして位置づけ、外国語学習における個人差 (ID)の問題に取り組む。

III. 授業形態


IV. 授業計画

09/22オリエンテーション (Orientation):学習者要因の総合的研究をめざして
09/29開始年齢 (Age)
10/06適性 (Aptitude)
10/13性格 (Personality)
10/20学習スタイル (Learning Style)
10/27信念(Beliefs & Mindsets)
11/10動機づけ (Motivation & Engagement)
11/17不安 (Anxiety)
12/01コミュニケーション方略 (Communication Strategy)
12/08学習方略(1)(Language Learning Strategy & Self-Regulation)
12/15学習方略(2)(Strategy Instruction)
12/22研究方法論 (Research Methodology)

V. 指定文献

毎回の授業終了後、その回の指定文献(毎回のレジメ末尾に明記)を必ず読むこと。なお、論文の入手方法については、1回目の授業で説明する。また、* 印の文献は教科書として購入すること。

Akbari, R., and Hosseini, K. (2008). Multiple intelligences and language learning strategies: Investigating possible relations. System, 36, 141-155.

Bailey, K. M. (1991). Dairy studies of classroom language learning: The doubting game and the believing game. Proceedings of the SEAMEO/RELC Conference , 1-40.

Boo, Z., Dornyei, Z., and Ryan, S. (2015). L2 motivation research 2005-2014: Understanding a publication surge and a changing landscape. System, 55, 145-157.

Bruen, J. (2001). Strategies for success: Profiling the effective learner of German. Foreign Language Annals, 34, 216-225.

Busse, V., and Walter, C. (2013). Foreign language learning motivation in higher education: A longitudinal study of motivational changes and their causes. The Modern Language Journal, 97, 435-456.

バトラー後藤裕子 (2016). 『英語学習は早いほど良いのか』岩波新書

Chapelle, C., and Green, P. (1992). Field independence/dependence in second-language acquisition research. Language Learning, 42, 47-83.

Cheng, H.-Fu, and Dornyei, Z. (2007). The Use of motivational strategies in language instruction: The case of EFL teaching in Taiwan. Innovation in Language Learning and Teaching, 1, 153-174.

Cohen, A., and Wang, I. K-H. (2018). Fluctuation in the functions of language learner strategies. System, 74, 169-182. DOI: 10.1016/j.system.2018.03.011

Dewaele, J.-M. and Alfawzan, M. (2018). Does the effect of enjoyment outweigh that of anxiety in foreign language performance? Studies in Second Language Learning and Teaching, 8, 21–45.

Dewaele, J.-M., Cherr, X., Padilla, A. M., and Lake, J. (2019). The flowering of positive psychology in foreign language teaching and acquisition research. Frontiers in Psychology, 10, 1-13.

Dörnyei, Z. (1995). On the teachability of communication strategies. TESOL Quarterly, 29, 55-85.

*Dörnyei, Z. (2003b). Questionnaires in second language research: Construction, administration, and processing. LEA. (八島智子、竹内 理 監訳『外国語教育学のための質問紙調査入門』松柏社, 2006年)

Dörnyei, Z. (2009). The L2 motivational self system. In Z. Dörnyei and E. Ushioda (Eds.). Motivation, language identity and the L2 self (pp. 9-42). Multilingual Matters.

Dörnyei, Z., and Csizer, K. (1998). Ten commandments for motivating language learners: Results of an empirical study. Language Teaching Research, 2, 203-229.

Dörnyei, Z., and Thurrell, S. (1991). Strategic competence and how to teach it. ELT Journal, 45, 16-23.

Dörnyei, Z., and Ushioda, E. (2021). Teaching and researching motivation (3rd ed.). Routledge.

Ehrman, M., and Oxford, R. (1989). Effects of sex differences, career choice, and psychological type on adult language learning strategies. The Modern Language Journal, 72, 1-13.

Ely, C.M. (1989). Tolerance of ambiguity and use of second language strategies. Foreign Language Annals, 22, 437-445.

Griffiths, C. (2007). Language learning strategies: Students' and teachers' perceptions. ELT Journal, 61, 91-99.

Griffiths, C. (2020). Language learning strategies: Is the baby still in the bathwater? Applied Linguistics, 41 (4), 607-611.

Griffiths, C., Oxford, R., Kawai, Y., Kawai, K., Park, Y.Y., Ma, X., Meng, Y., and Yang, N.D. (2014). Focus on context: Narratives from East Asia. System, 43, 50-63.

Gu, P.-Y. (2003). Fine brush and freehand: The vocabulary-learning art of two successful Chinese EFL learners. TESOL Quarterly, 37, 73-104.

Gu, P.-Y. (2019). Approaches to learning strategy instruction. In A.U. Chamot and Harris (Eds.). Learning strategy instruction in the language classroom: Issues and implementation (pp.22-37). Multilingual Matters.

Gu, Y., Wen, Q., and Wu, D. (1995). How often is often? Reference ambiguities of the likert-scale in language learning strategy research. Occasional Papers in English language Teaching, 5, 19-35. (ERIC ED391 358)

Harley, B., and Hart, D. (1997). Language aptitude and second language proficiency in classroom learners of different starting ages. Studies in Second Language Acquisition, 19, 379-400.

Hartshorne, J. K., Tenenbaum, J. B., and Pinker, S. (2018). A critical period for second language acquisition: Evidence from 2/3 million English speakers. Cognition, 177, 263-277.

Hinenoya, K., and Gatbonton, E. (2002). Ethnocentrism, cultural traits, beliefs, and English proficiency: A Japanese sample. The Modern Language Journal, 84, 225-240.

Horwitz, E.K. (1988). The beliefs about language learning of beginning university foreign language students. The Modern Language Journal, 72, 283-294.

Horwitz, E.K. (2016). Reflections on Horwitz (1986), “Preliminary Evidence for the Validity and Reliability of a Foreign Language Anxiety Scale. TESOL Quarterly, 50, 932-935.

Horwitz, E.K., Horwitz, M.B., and Cope, J.A. (1986). Foreign language classroom anxiety. The Modern Language Journal, 70, 125-132.

Ikeda, M., Takeuchi, O., and Imai, H. (in press). Investigating dynamic changes in Elementary school teachers’ anxiety when teaching English. In C. Gkonou, J-M. Dewaele, and J. King (Eds.) The emotional rollercoaster of language teaching (pp.173-192). Multilingual Matters.

久保信子 (1997). 大学生の英語学習動機尺度の作成とその検討 『教育心理学研究』, 45, 449-455.

Lethaby, C., and Mayne, R. (2020). A critical examination of perceptual learning styles in English language teaching. International Review of Applied Linguistics (IRAL), 58, 221-237.

Macaro, E. (2006). Strategies for language learning and for language use: Revising the theoretical framework. The Modern Language Journal, 90, 320-337.

MacIntyre, P.D., and Mercer, S. (2014). Introducing positive psychology to SLA. Studies in Second Language Learning and Teaching, 4, 153-172.

Mercer, S., and Dörnyei, Z. (2020). Engaging language learners in contemporary classrooms. Cambridge.

Mercer, S., and Ryan, S. (2010). A mindset for EFL: Learners’ beliefs about the role of natural talent. ELT Journal, 64(4), 436-444.

Mizumoto, A., and Takeuchi, O. (2012). Adaptation and validation of self-regulating capacity in vocabulary learning scale. Applied Linguistics, 33, 83-91. https://doi.org/10.1093/applin/amr044

Moyer, A. (2014). Exceptional outcomes in L2 phonology: The critical factors of learner engagement and self-regulation. Applied Linguistics, 35, 418-440.

Muñoz, C., and Singleton, D. (2011). State-of-the-art article: A critical review of age-related research on L2 ultimate attainment. Language Teaching, 44, 1-35.

Nakatani, Y. (2005). The effects of awareness-raising on oral communication strategy use. The Modern Language Journal, 89, 75-90.

Nakatani, Y. (2006). Developing an oral communication strategy inventory. The Modern Language Journal, 90, 151-168.

小河原義朗 (2001). 外国人日本語学習者の日本語発音不安尺度作成の試み−タイ人大学生の場合『世界の日本語教育』11, 39-53.

Oxford, R., Cho, Y., Leung, S., and Kim, H.J. (2004). Effect of the presence and difficulty of task on strategy use: An exploratory study. International Review of Applied Linguistics, 42, 1-47.

Plonsky, L. (2011). The effectiveness of second language strategy instruction: A meta-analysis. Language Learning, 61, 993-1038.

Plonsky, L. (2019). Language learning strategy instruction: Recent research and future directions. In A. U. Chamot and V. Harris (Eds.), Learning strategy instruction in the language classroom: Issues and implementation (pp.3-21). Multilingual Matters.

Reid, J.M. (1987). The learning style preferences of ESL students. TESOL Quarterly, 21, 87-111.

Robinson, P. (2005). Aptitude and second language acquisition. Annual Review of Applied Linguistics, 25, 46-73.

Rose, H., Briggs, J.G., Boggs, J.A., Serio, L., and Ivanova-Slavianskaia, N. (2018). A systematic review of language learner strategy research in the face of self-regulation. System, 72, 151-163.

Rubin, J. (1975). What the 'good language learner' can teach us? TESOL Quarterly, 9, 41-51.

Sawyer, M., and L.Ranta (2001). Aptitude, individual differences, and instructional design. In P. Robinson (Ed.), Cognition and second language instruction (Ch.11, pp.319-353). Cambridge University Press.

Scovel, T. (2001). Learning new languages: A guide to second language acquisition. (Chapter 5, pp. 111-116). Heinle & Heinle, Thomson Learning.

Sugita-McEown, M., and Takeuchi, O. (2014). Motivational strategies in EFL classrooms: How do teachers impact students’ motivation? Innovation in Language Learning and Teaching, 8, 20-38.

鈴木克明 (1995). 「魅力ある教材」設計・開発の枠組みについて-ARCS 動機づけモデルを中心に- 『教育メディア研究』1, 50-61.

Takeuchi, O. (2003). What can we learn from good language learners: A qualitative study. System, 31, 313-432.

Takeuchi, O. (2019). Language learning strategies: Insights from the past and directions for the future. In Gao X. (Ed.), Second handbook of English language teaching. NY: Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-58542-0_37-1

*竹内 理 (2003). 『よりよい外国語学習法を求めて-外国語学習成功者の研究』(第2章「12才では遅すぎるのか」、第3章2節「方略は教えることができるのか」)松柏社

竹内 理 (2010). 学習者の研究からわかること−個別から統合へ 小嶋英夫,尾関直子,廣森友人(編)『成長する英語学習者—学習者要因と自律学習』(英語教育学体系第6巻, pp.3-20)大修館書店

竹内 理 (2014). 第二言語習得研究における共約可能性を求めて 『JACET中部支部紀要』12, 13-22.

Teimouri, Y., Goetze, J., and Plonsky, L. (2019). Second language anxiety and achievement. Studies in Second Language Acquisition, 41, 363-387.

Turner, J. (1993). Using Likert Scales in L2 research: Another researcher comments... TESOL Quarterly, 27, 736-739.

Ueki, M. (2013). L2 communication anxiety levels in relation to different communication patterns: An empirical study in Japanese EFL classrooms. JACET Kansai Journal, 15, 25-39.

Ueki, M., and Takeuchi, O. (2013). Forming a clearer image of the ideal L2 self: The L2 motivational self system and learner autonomy in a Japanese EFL context. Innovation in Language Learning and Teaching, 7, 238-252.

Ushioda, E. (2017). The impact of Global English on motivation to learn other languages: Toward an Ideal multilingual self. The Modern Language Journal, 101, 469-482. https://doi.org/10.1111/modl.12413

Wei, R., Kang, Y., & Wang, S. (2022). The relationship between tolerance of ambiguity and multilingualism revisited. System, 107, 102798. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.system.2022.102798

Wen, Z. E., Biedron, A., and Skehan, P. (2017). Foreign language aptitude theory: Yesterday, today and tomorrow. Language Teaching, 50, 1-31.

Wen, Z. E., Skehan, P., Biedron, A, Li, S., and Sparks, R.L. (2019). Language aptitude: Advancing theory, testing, research and practice. Routledge.

VI. 参考文献




VII. 成績評価

この授業では、1) クラスにおける意見の表明と質問を50%、2) レポート(講義内容に関して自分が最も関心を持った点を掘り下げた研究)を50%として評価する。レポートは、Due Date を2023年1月12日(木)として、電子ファイルとして提出する。フォーマットはA4サイズで、章・節を作り、APA形式の参考文献一覧を必ず付けること。なお、図表なども利用して、説得力のある構成のレポートにすること。また、レポートとは別に、指定文献のうち5つの内容(あるいは教科書1冊)を要約したものを、電子ファイルとして提出すること。なお、レポート等に剽窃行為が見つかった場合には、単位の認定は行わないので、十分に注意すること。

Released: 08/20/22
Revised: 08/31/22