Refereed Journal Articles (International)


Refereed Journal Articles (Japanese)▽

  • 2005. “The Production and Distribution Structure of Ho Chi Minh City’s Domestic Apparel Industry: Interfirm Relationships of Personal Networks and Subcontracting Arrangements” Ajia Keizai, 46 (10), pp. 2-25

Doctoral Dissertation

  • Dec. 2004. Structural Analysis of the Vietnamese Apparel Industry: The Organization of Production and Distribution from an Interfirm Relationship Perspective
    Kyoto University

Books and book chapters

Non-refereed articles, reports, working papers and others

  • 2024."Viet Nam's Textile and Garment Industry in the Global Value Chain", in Kimura, F. (ed.) Viet Nam 2045: Development Issues and Challenges, Jakarta: ERIA, pp. 337-358.

    *A Vietnamese version of this report has also been published and is available for downloads from the same website.
  • 2023."Business and Human Rights and Japan's co-creation strategy with Asia" in Voice, November issue, 82-89 (in Japanese).
  • 2023."'Business and Human Rights'in the Era of Globalization" in Kansai and the Asia Pacific: Economic Outlook 2022-2023 (Associate Editor), Osaka: Asia Pacific Institute of Research, pp. 56-66.
  • 2022. "Responsible Supply Chains in Asia: The Case of the Electronics Industry"International Labour Office, Tokyo: ILO. (Published in both English and Japanese)
  • 2022. "Labor Markets in Asia and the Informal Economy during the COVID-19 Pandemic" in Kansai and the Asia Pacific: Economic Outlook 2022-2022 (Associate Editor), Osaka: Asia Pacific Institute of Research, pp. 80-92.
  • 2022. "Implementing SDGs for the revitalization of the local economy? The challenges of the SKIMA Project" The Academia's Challenges for SDGs, Kansai University Press, pp. 214-226. (in Japanese)
  • 2021. "SDGs in globalization: Challenges in the mainstreaming into business practices" in Asia Business Compass, Kobe: Hyogo Economic Research Institute, pp.2-5 (in Japanese).
  • 2021. "The Asian Labor Market and the Informal Economy amidst the Corona Pandemic" Kansai Economy White Paper 2021 Asia Pacific Institute of Research, pp 53-59.(in Japanese)
  • 2020. "The Asian Economy and Global Value Chains amidst the COVID-19 Pandemic" Kansai Economy White Paper 2020 Asia Pacific Institute of Research, pp 50-57.(in Japanese)

    *An English version of this chapter has been published under the title "Impacts of the Coronavirus Pandemic on the Asian Economy and Global Value Chains" in April 2021.
  • 2020. Essay. "Living the era of connectivity" in Shosai no Mado (Window of an Author's Study), July, 25-29 (in Japanese).
  • 2020. Book review.Tran Van Tho and Shunji Karikomi The middle income trap and China and ASEAN in Asian Studies 66(2), 98-100 (in Japanese).
  • 2020."SDGs and Global Value Chains" in Kansai and the Asia Pacific: Economic Outlook 2019-2020 (Associate Editor), Osaka: Asia Pacific Institute of Research, pp. 71-79.
  • 2020. "Author's Note - What is the Asian Economy?" Mita Hyoron Keio University, p 93.(in Japanese)
  • 2019. "SDGs and Global Value Chains" Kansai Economy White Paper 2019 Asia Pacific Institute of Research, pp 80-85.(in Japanese)
  • 2019. "Labor issues in Vietnam and future challenges" in Rodo-Chosa (Labor Research), Labor Research Council, pp. 9-13.
  • 2019. "New Asian Dynamisms and Japan’s Development Strategy" in Kansai and the Asia Pacific: Economic Outlook 2018-2019 (Associate Editor), Osaka: Asia Pacific Institute of Research, pp. 45-55.
  • 2018. "Catch-up Industrialization" in Japan Society for International Development (eds.) Encyclopedia of International Development , Maruzen Publishers, pp 388-389 (in Japanese).
  • 2018. "The New Asian Dynamisms and Japan's Development Strategy" Kansai Economy White Paper 2018 Asia Pacific Institute of Research, pp 80-85.(in Japanese)
  • 2018. "New developments of middle-income economies in a diverse and multipolar Asia" in Kansai and the Asia Pacific: Economic Outlook 2017-2018, Osaka: Asia Pacific Institute of Research (Maruzen Planet), pp.87-91.
  • 2018. Book Review "Industrial Organization in Iran: The Weakly Organized System of the Iranian Apparel Industry by Yoko Iwasaki, Singapore, Springer" Developing Economies, 56(2), 145-148.
  • 2018. "The Electronics Industry of Vietnam and Global Supply Chains: Improving Competitiveness and Socially Responsible Management and Employment Strategies" DIO, 31(4) (No. 336), JTUC Research Institute for Advancement of Living Standards, pp. 9-12 (in Japanese).
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  • 2018. "Economic Integration in Africa: Challenges and Opportunities in light of the Asian Experience" The Keizai Ronsyu: The Economic Review of Kansai University, 67(4), 627-644 (in Japanese).
  • 2018. "The New Dimensions of the Asian Economy and Japan: A preliminary Study on 'Multi-Polarization' and 'Connectivity'" Doshisha Policy and Management Review, 19(2), 1-10 (in Japanese).
  • 2018. "More and Better Jobs through Socially Responsible Labour and Business Practices in the Electronics Sector of Viet Nam"International Labour Office, Geneva: ILO (with Yukiko Arai).
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  • 2017. "Chapter 3 Changing Asian Economy and Japan" Kansai Economy White Paper 2017 Asia Pacific Institute of Research, pp 59-63.(in Japanese)
  • 2017. "'Firms' and 'Nations' in the Era of Globalization: Vietnam's Textile and Apparel Industry and the TPP" in Kansai and the Asia Pacific Economic Outlook, Osaka: Asia Pacific Institute of Research (Maruzen Planet), pp.110-114.
  • 2017. "Socially Responsible Labour Practices and Competitiveness in Global Supply Chains" The Journal of Ohara Institute for Social Research Hosei University Publishing, pp30-39. (in Japanese).
  • 2017. "The State and Enterprise under Globalization" Weekly Economist Mainichi Shimbun Publishing, pp 94.(in Japanese).
  • 2016. "Vietnam's Minimum Wage in Globalization and Industrial Upgrading" Work & Life Japan Association for Advancement of ILO Activities, pp 34-39.(in Japanese)
  • 2016. "Enterprises and Nations in Globalization" Kansai Economy White Paper 2016 Asia Pacific Institute of Research, pp 12-16.(in Japanese)
  • 2016. "Country Assistance Evaluation of Vietnam (Third Party Evaluation)"Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Government of Japan (with Tatsufumi Yamagata and KPMG AZSA LLC).
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  • 2013. "Aid for Trade and Value Chains in Textiles and Apparel"WTO/OECD/IDE-JETRO (with Takahiro Fukunishi and Tatsufumi Yamagata).
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  • 2012. "Is the Vietnamese Garment Industry at a Turning Point?: Upgrading from the Export to the Domestic Market" IDE Discussion Paper No.373, IDE-JETRO.
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  • 2012. "What can the Myanmar garment industry learn from Vietnam’s experience?" Policy Review on Myanmar Economy No.2, Bangkok Research Center, Bangkok: IDE-JETRO (with Toshihiro Kudo).
    Also translated into Burmese, and published in Myanmar (get PDF)

  • 2012. “The Vietnamese Garment Industry: Functional upgrading and the domestic market” Textile Trends (Seni-Torendo), May-June 2012, Chiba: Toray Corporate Business Research Inc., pp. 36-40 (in Japanese).
  • 2012 (March). “Is the Vietnamese Garment Industry at a Turning Point? Upgrading from the Export to the Domestic Market” in Fukunishi, Takahiro (eds) Dynamics of the Garment Industry in Low-Income Countries: Experience of Asia and Africa, Research Report 2011-IV-10 , Chiba: Institute of Developing Economies, pp. 1-23.
  • 2011 (November). “Upgrading, relocating, or going informal? Local survival strategies in the era of globalisation: the case of the Thai garment industry”, Working Paper F-51, Economic Society of Kansai University, pp. 1-21.
  • 2011. "The Vietnamese Garment Industry: Current Situation and its Challenges” in Textile Trends (Seni-Torendo), July-August 2011, Chiba: Toray Corporate Business Research Inc., pp. 67-72 (in Japanese).
  • 2011. "Industry Performance Differences and its Determinants” in Kubo, Koji (eds) Economic Policies and Economic Structures of Transition Economies in Southeast Asia: a Comparative Study of Myanmar and Vietnam, Research Report 4-24, Chiba: Institute of Developing Economies, pp. 103-123 (in Japanese).
  • 2011. "Industrialization Strategies in the Era of Globalization: Lessons from Vietnam and Cambodia” Annual Report of The Institute of Economic and Political Studies (2010), Osaka: Kansai University, 21-30 (in Japanese).
  • 2009.7. "Challenges to the Cambodian Garment Industry in the Global Garment Value Chain” Ritsumeikan Center for Asia Pacific Studies (RCAPS) Working Paper No.09-3, pp.1-33 (with Natsuda, Kaoru and John Thoburn).
  • 2009. "The Current Situation and Future Prospects of the Garment Industry of Vietnam: From an Upgrading and Development Perspective” Kagaku Keizai (Chemical Economics), Tokyo; pp. 58-64. (in Japanese).
  • 2008. "The Changing Global Trading Environment and the Garment Industry” in Toshihiro Kudo eds. Development Prospects of The Garment Industry of Myanmar ? with Special Reference to the Japanese Market, Institute of International Studies and Training, pp.1-12 (in Japanese).
  • 2008. "The Vietnamese Garment Industry in the Post MFA Era: Upgrading, Relocating, or Moving Out?” Working Paper WPF-28, Economic Society of Kansai University, pp. 1-23.
  • 2008. "Enterprise Strategies of Garment Firms in the Post MFA Era” in Shozo Sakata eds. Vietnamese Enterprises in a Changing Economy, Institute of Developing Economics, pp. 89-117 (in Japanese).
  • 2007. "Industrial Upgrading of the Vietnamese Garment Industry: An Analysis from the Global Value Chains Perspective” Ritsumeikan Center for Asia Pacific Studies (RCAPS) Working Paper No.07-1, pp.1-15.
  • 2006. Labour and Social Trends in Asia and the Pacific 2006: Progress towards Decent Work. International Labour Organization. 115 pages.
  • 2005. Labour and Social Trends in Asia and the Pacific 2005. International Labour Organization. 74 pages.
  • 2002. "Coordinating Risks and Creating Value: The Challenges for the Vietnamese Textile and Garment Industry” Discussion Paper Number 5, Japan International Cooperation Agency and National Economic University.
  • 1998. "Kenya, The Textile Industry and Economic Growth” PAE, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA. (with Chad Steinberg).
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