X. Zhong, K. Ishibashi and K. Yada, "An Empirical Study of the Relationship Among Self-Control, Price Promotions and Consumer Purchase Behavior", 2018 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC 2018, Miyazaki, Japan), pp. 1867-1872, 2018.
Y. Zuo, K. Yada, T. Li and P. Chen, "Application of Network Analysis Techniques for Customer In-store Behavior in Supermarket", 2018 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC 2018, Miyazaki, Japan), pp. 1861-1866, 2018.
K. Yada, Y. Sun and B. Wu, "The Short-Term Impact of an Item-Based Loyalty Program", 2018 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC 2018, Miyazaki, Japan), pp. 1846-1851, 2018.
金子雄太・石橋健・矢田勝俊(共著)「視線追跡データを用いた消費者の店舗内購買行動の分析」 経営情報学会 PACIS2018全国研究発 表大会要旨集, pp. 103-106, 2018.
K. Yada, K. Ichikawa, K. Takai and K. Miyazaki, "A Framework of ASP for shopping path analysis", 2017 4th Asia-Pacific World Congress on Computer Science and Engineering (APWC on CSE 2017, Mana Island, Fiji), pp. 49-54, 2017.
B. Wu and K. Yada, "The Effect of Crowding on Visit Ratio at an Product Area: Based on RFID Data in a Japanese Supermarket", 2017 4th Asia-Pacific World Congress on Computer Science and Engineering (APWC on CSE 2017, Mana Island, Fiji), pp. 27-32, 2017.
Y. Kaneko and K. Yada, "Do Sales Promotions Affect Dynamic Changes in Sales Outcomes: Estimation of Dynamic State of Product Sales", 2017 4th Asia-Pacific World Congress on Computer Science and Engineering (APWC on CSE 2017, Mana Island, Fiji), pp. 19-26, 2017.
石橋健・宮﨑慧・矢田勝俊(共著)「店舗内の時系列な行動が購買行動に与える効果に関する研究」 オペレーションズ・リサーチ(経営の科学), Vol.62 No.12, pp. 789-794, 2017.
左毅・矢田勝俊(共著)「ベイジアンネットワークを用いた消費者行動モデルの構築実験」 オペレーションズ・リサーチ(経営の科学), Vol.62 No.12, pp. 795-800, 2017.
金子雄太・矢田勝俊(共著)「スケールの階層性から探るスーパーマーケットの消費者行動」 オペレーションズ・リサーチ(経営の科学), Vol.62 No.12, pp. 807-814, 2017.
K. Ishibashi, T. Iwasaki, S. Otomasa and K. Yada, "Model selection for financial statement analysis: Comparison of models developed by using data mining technique", 2017 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC 2017, Banff AB, Canada), pp. 81-86, 2017.
Y. Kaneko, S. Miyazaki and K. Yada, "The Influence of Customer Movement between Sales Areas on Sales Amount: A Dynamic Bayesian Model of the In-store Customer Movement and Sales Relationship", Procedia Computer Science, Vol. 112, pp. 1845-1854, 2017.
W. So and K. Yada, "A Framework of Recommendation System Based on In-store Behavior", Proceedings of the 4th Multidisciplinary International Social Networks Conference (MISNC 2017, Bangkok, Thailand), pp. 1-4, 2017.
2014 - 2016
Y. Kaneko and K. Yada, "A Deep Learning Approach for the Prediction of Retail Store Sales", 2016 IEEE 16th International Conference on Data Mining Workshops (ICDM 2016, Barcelona, Spain), pp. 531-537, 2016.
Z. Li, K. Ishibashi, Y. Kaneko, K. Miyazaki, H. Shioji and K. Yada, "Vehicle Ownership and Economic Development", 2016 3rd Asia-Pacific World Congress on Computer Science and Engineering (APWC on CSE 2016, Nadi, Fiji), pp. 171-180, 2016.
Y. Zuo, K. Yada and A. Ali, "Prediction of Consumer Purchasing in a Grocery Store Using Machine Learning Techniques", 2016 3rd Asia-Pacific World Congress on Computer Science and Engineering (APWC on CSE 2016, Nadi, Fiji), pp. 18-25, 2016.
Z. Li and K. Yada, "Does the Existence of Private-Label Brands Really Impede National Brands Sales? Empirical Evidence Based on POS Data", Proceedings of 2016 3rd International Conference of Asian Marketing Associations, pp. 1-17, 2016.
K. Ishibashi, T. Iwasaki, S. Otomasa and K. Yada, "Model Selection for Financial Statement Analysis: Variable Selection with Data Mining Technique", Procedia Computer Science, Vol. 96, pp. 1681-1690, 2016.
N. Sano, R. Tsutsui, K. Yada and T. Suzuki, "Clustering of Customer Shopping Paths in Japanese Grocery Stores, Procedia Computer Science, Vol. 96, pp. 1314-1322, 2016.
Y. Kaneko and K. Yada, "Fractal Dimension of Shopping Path: Influence on Purchase Behavior in a Supermarket", Procedia Computer Science, Vol. 96, pp. 1764-1771, 2016.
Z. Li and K. Yada, "Complementary Relationship between Private Brands and National Brands: Empirical Evidence Based on POS Data", Proceedings of 2016 38th ISMS Marketing Science Conference, pp. 37-47, 2016.
津本周作・矢田勝俊・福井健一・小野田崇・阿部明典・中嶋宏(共著)「データマイニングの応用」医療情報学, Vol. 36 No. 6, pp. 315-324, 2016.
Z. Li, K. Ishibashi, K. Takai and K. Yada, "Shop area visit ratio, stay time, and sales outcomes: In-depth analysis based on RFID data", 2015 2nd Asia-Pacific World Congress on Computer Science and Engineering (APWC on CSE 2015, Nadi, Fiji), pp. 1-7, 2015.
Y. Zuo and K. Yada, "Using Statistical Learning Theory for Purchase Behavior Prediction via Direct Observation of Instore Behavior", 2015 2nd Asia-Pacific World Congress on Computer Science and Engineering (APWC on CSE 2015, Nadi, Fiji), pp. 1-6, 2015.
Z. Li and K. Yada, "Why do Retailers End Price Promotions: A Study on Duration and Profit Effects of Promotion", 2015 IEEE 15th International Conference on Data Mining Workshops (ICDM 2015, Atlantic City NJ, USA), pp. 328-335, 2015.
N. Sano, N. Machino, K. Yada and T. Suzuki, "Recommendation System for Grocery Store Considering Data Sparsity", Procedia Computer Science, Vol. 60, pp. 1406-1413, 2015.
K. Ishibashi, K. Miyazaki and K. Yada, "Verification of Effect on Next Purchase When Many Vice Category Products are Brought", Procedia Computer Science, Vol. 60, pp. 1780-1787, 2015.
Y. Kaneko, S. Miyazaki and K. Yada, "Visualization System for Shopping Path", Procedia Computer Science, Vol. 60, pp. 1772-1779, 2015.
N. Sano and K. Yada, "The influence of sales areas and bargain sales on customer behavior in a grocery store", Neural Computing and Applications, Vol. 26 No. 2, pp. 355-361, 2015.
Y. Zuo and K. Yada, "Using Bayesian network for purchase behavior prediction from RFID data", 2014 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC 2014, San Diego CA, USA), pp. 2262-2267, 2014.
Y. Zuo, A.B.M.S. Ali and K. Yada, "Consumer Purchasing Behavior Extraction Using Statistical Learning Theory", Procedia Computer Science, Vol. 35, pp. 1464-1473, 2014.
N. Sano, S. Tamura, K. Yada and T. Suzuki, "Evaluation of Price Elasticity and Brand Loyalty in Milk Products", Procedia Computer Science, Vol. 35, pp. 1482-1487, 2014.
N. Sano, K. Yada and T. Suzuki, "Category evaluation method for business intelligence using a hierarchical Bayes model", 2014 IEEE 13th International Conference on Cognitive Informatics and Cognitive Computing (London, UK), pp. 400-407, 2014.
2010 - 2013
K. Takai and K. Yada, "A framework for Analysis of the Effect of Time on Shopping Behavior", Journal of Intelligent Information Systems, Vol. 41 No. 1, pp. 91-107, 2013.
N. Sano and K. Yada, "Determining the share of product categories on discount flyers based on the interaction effect between bargain scale and sales area", 2013 IEEE 12th International Conference on Cognitive Informatics and Cognitive Computing (ICCI*CC 2013), pp. 315-319, 2013.
Y. Zuo and K. Yada, "Application of Bayesian Network Sheds Light on Purchase Decision Process Basing on RFID Technology", 2013 IEEE 13th International Conference on Data Mining Workshops, (ICDM 2013, Dallas TX, USA), pp. 242-249, 2013.
T. Nakahara and K. Yada, "Analyzing Consumers’ Shopping Behavior Using RFID Data and Pattern Mining", Advances in Data Analysis and Classification, Vol. 6 No. 5, pp. 355-365, 2012.
M. Kholod and K. Yada, "An Examination of the Impact of Neurophysiologic and Environmental Variables on Shopping Behavior of Customers in a Grocery Store in Japan", Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications, Vol. 243: Advances in Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems, pp. 2099-2103, 2012.
N. Sano and K. Yada, "Customer Behavior Modeling Using Radio Frequency Identification Data and the Hidden Markov Model", Proceedings of 2012 Service Research and Innovation Institution Global Conference (SRII 2012), IEEE CPS, pp. 509-514, 2012.
宮崎慧・矢田勝俊(共著)「顧客動線データを利用した消費者の店舗内回遊行動の探索」行動経済学第6回大会プロシーディングス, Vol. 5, pp. 204-207, 2012.
T. Nakahara and K. Yada, "Evaluation of the Shopping Path to Distinguish Customers Using a RFID Dataset", International Journal of Organizational and Collective Intelligence, Vol. 2 No. 4, pp. 1-14, 2011.
K. Yada, "String Analysis Technique for Shopping Path in a Supermarket", Journal of Intelligent Information Systems, Vol. 36 No. 3, pp. 385-402, 2011.
S. Miyazaki, T. Washio and K. Yada, "Analysis of Residence Time in Shopping Using RFID Data - An Application of the Kernel Density Estimation to RFID", 2011 IEEE 11th International Conference on Data Mining Workshops (ICDM 2011, Vancouver BC, Canada), pp. 1170-1176, 2011.
K. Yada and K. Ichikawa, "Decision Support System for Policy Making during a Financial Crisis", Proceedings of IEEE GrC 2011, pp. 756-760, 2011.
K. Takai and K. Yada, "Finding Latent Groups of Customers via the Poisson Mixture Regression Model", Proceedings of 2011 IEEE Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, IEEE Press, pp. 3603-3608, 2011.
T. Nakahara and K. Yada, "Extraction of Customer Potential Value Using Unpurchased Items and In-Store Movements", In: König A., Dengel A., Hinkelmann K., Kise K., Howlett R.J., Jain L.C. (eds), Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems. KES 2011. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 6883, pp. 295-303, 2011.
M. Kholod, K Takai and K. Yada, "Clockwise and Anti-clockwise Directions of Customer Orientation in a Supermarket: Evidence from RFID Data", In: König A., Dengel A., Hinkelmann K., Kise K., Howlett R.J., Jain L.C. (eds), Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems. KES 2011. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 6883, pp. 304-309, 2011.
K. Ichikawa, E. H. Ip, K. Yada and T. Washio, "Application of DNA Sequence Alignment Algorithm to Classification of Shopping Paths through a Supermarket", Proceedings of SIAM International Workshop on Data Mining for Marketing, pp. 37-42, 2011.
X. Ding and K. Yada, "Transition Matrix Compression Algorithm for In-store Shopping Path Analysis", Proceedings of SIAM International Workshop on Data Mining for Marketing, pp. 43-47, 2011.
T. Nakahara, T. Kin and K. Yada, "Analysis of the Impact of Media Contact on the Purchase Process", Proceedings of SIAM International Workshop on Data Mining for Marketing, pp. 48-61, 2011.
K. Yada, T. Washio and H. Koga, "A Framework for Shopping Path Research", Proceedings of SIAM International Workshop on Data Mining for Marketing, pp. 31-36, 2011.
K. Yada, "Special Issue on Chance Discovery Returned", New Mathematics and Natural Computation, Vol. 6 No. 2, pp. 163-165, 2010.
K. Yada, T. Washio and Y. Ukai, "Modeling deposit outflow in financial crises: application to branch management and customer relationship management", International Journal of Advanced Intelligence Paradigms, Vol. 2 No. 2/3, pp. 254-270, 2010.
Y. Ohsawa and K. Yada, "International Workshop on Innovating Service Systems", In: Onada T., Bekki D., McCready E. (eds), New Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence. JSAI-isAI 2010. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 6797, pp. 232, 2010.
T. Nakahara, T. Uno and K. Yada, "Extracting Promising Sequential Patterns from RFID Data Using the LCM Sequence", Proceedings of KES 2010, Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems, Lecture Notes In Artificial Intelligence (LNAI), Vol. 6278, pp. 244-253, September 2010.
K. Takai and K. Yada, "Relation between stay-time and purchase probability with RFID data in a Japanese supermarket", Proceedings of KES 2010, Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems, Lecture Notes In Artificial Intelligence (LNAI), Vol. 6278, pp. 254-263, September 2010.
M. Kholod, T. Nakahara, H. Azuma and K. Yada, "The Influence of Shopping Path Length on Purchase Behavior in Grocery Store", Proceedings of KES 2010, Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems, Lecture Notes In Artificial Intelligence (LNAI), Vol. 6278, pp. 273-280, September 2010.
K. Ichikawa, K. Yada and T. Washio, "Development of Data Mining Platform MUSASHI Towards Service Computing", 2010 IEEE International Conference on Granular Computing (GrC 2010, San Jose CA, USA), pp. 235-240, 2010.
K. Yada, T. Washio, Y.Ukai and H. Nagaoka, "Modeling Bank Runs in Financial Crises", The Review of Socionetwork Strategies, Vol. 3 No. 1, pp. 19-31, 2009.
K. Ichikawa, K. Yada, N. Nakachi and T. Washio, "Advertising Carryover Effects and Optimal Budget Allocation", Proceedings of KES 2009 (Santiago, Chile), LNAI, Vol. 5712, pp. 270-277, 2009.
矢田勝俊 「スーパーマーケットにおける顧客動線分析と文字列解析」統計数理, 統計数理研究所, Vol. 56 No. 2, pp. 199-213, 2008.
K. Yada, "Character String Analysis and Customer Path in Stream Data", 2008 IEEE 8th International Conference on Data Mining Workshops (ICDM 2008, Pisa, Italy), pp. 829-836, 2008.
K. Ohno and K. Yada, "Pricing System for Seeking Optimal Prices in the Diet Foods Market", Proceedings of 2008 IEEE Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, IEEE Press, pp. 3514-3518, 2008.
K. Yada, T. Washio, Y. Ukai and H. Nagaoka, "A Bank Run Model in Financial Crises", In: Lovrek I., Howlett R.J., Jain L.C. (eds), Knowledge-Based Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems. KES 2008. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 5178, pp. 703-710, 2008.
K. Yada, E. Ip, Y. Hamuro and N. Katoh, "Is this brand ephemeral? A multivariate tree-based decision analysis of new product sustainability", Decision Support Systems, Elsevier, Vol. 44 No. 1, pp. 223-234, 2007.
K. Yada, "CODIRO: A New System for obtaining Data Concerning Consumer Behavior Based on Data Factors of High Interest Determined by the Analyst", Soft Computing, Springer-Verlag, Vol. 11 No. 8, pp. 811-817, 2007.
砂山渡・矢田勝俊(共著)「説得プロセス分析の枠組みと債権回収会話ログへの適用」人工知能学会論文誌, Vol. 22 No. 2, pp. 239-247, 2007.
矢田勝俊 「マーケティングにおけるストリームデータと文字列解析」 Proceedings of International Workshop on Data-Mining and Statistical Science (DMSS2007), 統計数理研究所研究教育活動報告, No.25, pp.111-128, October 2007.
K. Yada, "Lessons learned from a case study on process data management", 2007 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics (SMC 2007, Montreal Que., Canada), pp. 3530-3534, 2007.
K. Yada, "Data Mining Application for Time-Series Data", Information Sciences 2007 Proceedings of 10th Joint Conference (JCIS 2007), pp. 21-27, July 2007.
K. Yada, "Business Application of Sequence Analysis Technique in the Supermarket", Information Sciences 2007 Proceedings of 10th Joint Conference (JCIS 2007), pp. 178-182, July 2007.
K. Yada, D. Naito and K. Ohno, “Business Application and Risk of Data Mining”, Proceedings of International Workshop on Risk Informatics (RI 2007), pp. 21-29, 2007.
K. Yada, "Data Mining Technique for Gene Analysis Makes Profits in the Supermarket", 2007 AMA Winter Educators' Conference Proceedings (San Diego CA, USA), pp. 122-129, February 2007.
T. Washio, Y. Shinnou, K. Yada, H. Motoda and T. Okada, "Analysis on a Relation Between Enterprise Profit and Financial State by Using Data Mining Techniques", New Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence, LNCS, Vol. 4384, pp. 305-316, 2007.
K. Yada and K. Ohno, "Knowledge Discovery from Click Stream Data and Effective site management", New Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence, LNCS, Vol. 4384, pp. 360-373, 2007.
K. Yada, "The Structure of Scenario Communication and Chance Discovery", In: Ohsawa Y., Tsumoto S. (eds), Chance Discoveries in Real World Decision Making, Springer-Verlag, pp. 21-36, 2006.
K. Yada, H. Motoda, T. Washio and A. Miyawaki, "Consumer Behavior Analysis by Graph Mining Technique", New Mathematics and Natural Computation, Vol. 2 No. 1, pp. 59-68, 2006.
矢田勝俊 「PRISMを用いた店舗利益最大化のためのプライシング戦略」オフィス・オートメーション学会誌(A) , Vol. 26 No. 3, pp. 91-97, 2006.
W. Sunayama and K. Yada, "The River-Rafting System for Knowledge Discovery Related to Persuasion Process Conversation Logs", 2006 IEEE 6th International Conference on Data Mining Workshops (ICDM 2006, Hong Kong), pp. 575-579, 2006.
K. Yada and K. Ohno, "The Practice of an Optimal Pricing Strategy for Maximizing Store Profits Using PRISM", Proceedings of 2006 IEEE Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, IEEE Press, pp. 2121-2126, 2006.
K. Yada and N. Matsumura, "Knowledge Discovery from the Structure of Persuasive Communication", Proceedings of 2006 IEEE Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, IEEE Press, pp. 1741-1746, 2006.
K. Yada, N. Matsumura, K. Ohno and H. Tamura, “Does Web Log Data Reveal Consumer Behavior? The Case of Analysis for an Internet Mall”, Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Academy of Marketing Science, Vol. 24, pp. 256-262, 2006.
K. Yamamoto and K. Yada, "Optimum Pricing Strategy for Maximization of Profits and Chance Discovery", Proceedings of 9th International Conference of KES 2005 (invited session on Chance Discovery), LNAI, Vol. 3681, pp. 1160-1166, 2005.
K. Yada, H. Motoda and T. Washio, "A Data Mining for Graph Structure Data Helps to Discover New Knowledge in Consumer Behavior and Makes Profits", Proceedings CD of AMS International Retailing Conference 2005 (Reims, France), pp. 1-17, 2005.
K. Yada, Y. Hamuro, N. Katoh, T. Washio, I. Fusamoto, D. Fujishima and T. Ikeda, "Data Mining Oriented CRM Systems Based on MUSASHI: C-MUSASHI", In: S. Tsumoto et al. (eds), Active Mining, LNAI Vol. 3430, pp. 152-173, 2005.
T. Araki, S. Hamada, N. Matsumura, S. Niwase, Y. Ohsawa and K. Yada, "Chance Discovery from Consumer Research Using KeyGraph", Readings in Chance Discovery, Advanced Knowledge International, pp. 373-384, 2005.
K. Yada, Y. Hamuro, N. Katoh and K. Kishiya, "The Future Direction of New Computing Environment for Exabyte Data in the Business World", Proceedings of 2005 Symposium on Applications and the Internet (SAINT 2005), IEEE CS, pp. 316-319, 2005.
元田浩・ホーツーバオ・鷲尾隆・矢田勝俊・吉田哲也・大原剛三(共著)「構造データからのアクティブマイニング」『人工知能学会誌』人工知能学会, Vol. 20 No. 2, pp. 172-179, 2005.
羽室行信・加藤直樹・矢田勝俊・鷲尾隆(共著)「大規模ビジネスデータからの知識発見システム:MUSASHI」『人工知能学会誌』人工知能学会, Vol. 20 No. 1, pp. 59-66, 2005.
K. Yada, K. Kishiya and H. Osawa, "The Structure of Scenario Communication: A case study of consumer TV commercial awareness research", Proceedings of the First European Workshop on Chance Discovery (EWCD 2004), in conjunction with 16th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI 2004), pp. 132-140, 2004.
K. Yada, "Knowledge Discovery Process and Introduction of Domain Knowledge", In: B. Montano (eds), Innovations of Knowledge Management, IRM Press, pp. 86-98, 2004.
N. Katoh, K. Yada and Y. Hamuro, "Business Application for Sales Transaction Data by Using Genome Analysis Technology", Discovery Science, LNAI, Vol. 2843, pp. 208-219, 2003.
Y. Hamuro, N. Katoh, E.H. Ip, S.L. Cheung and K. Yada, "Combining Information Fusion with String Pattern Analysis: A New Method for Predicting Future Purchase Behavior", In: V. Torra (ed), Information Fusion in Data Mining, Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing, Vol. 123, Springer, pp. 161-187, 2003.
K. Yada, “Knowledge Discovery Process from Sales Data”, Proceedings of the 2003 Information Resource Management Association (IRMA) International Conference, Idea Group Publishing, pp. 161-187, 2003.
矢田勝俊 「ビジネスにおけるチャンス発見の考え方」『チャンス発見の情報技術(大澤幸生編著)』東京電機大学出版局, pp. 29-42, 2003。
Y. Hamuro, N. Katoh and K. Yada, "MUSASHI: Flexible and Efficient Data Preprocessing Tool for KDD based on XML", 2002 IEEE 2nd International Conference on Data Mining Workshops (ICDM 2002, Maebashi, Japan), pp. 38-49, 2002.
Y. Hamuro, H. Kawata, N. Katoh and K. Yada, "A Machine Learning Algorithm for Analyzing String Patterns Helps to Discover Simple and Interpretable Business Rules from Purchase History", Progress in Discovery Science, LNAI, Vol. 2281, Springer, pp. 565-575, 2002.
E. Ip, J. Johnson, K. Yada, Y. Hamuro, N. Katoh and S. Cheung, "A Neural Network Application to Identify High-Value Customer for a Large Retail Store in Japan", Neural Networks in Business: Techniques and Applications, Idea Group Publishing, pp. 55-69, 2002.
K. Yada, "The Future Direction of Active Mining in the Business World", Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications, Vol. 79, IOS Press, pp. 239-245, 2002.
矢田勝俊 「マーケティングとデータマイニング(共著)」, 『システム制御情報学会「システム/制御/情報」』, Vol. 46 No. 4, pp. 190-196, 2002.
Y. Hamuro, N. Katoh and K. Yada, "Discovering association strength among brand loyalties from purchase history", Proceedings 2001 IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (Pusan, Korea), pp. 114-117, June 2001.
加藤直樹・羽室行信・矢田勝俊(共著)「新規顧客からのロイヤルカスタマーの早期発見(共著)」『ESTRELA』, No. 89, pp. 10-17, 2001.
矢田勝俊・羽室行信・加藤直樹(共著)「経営データからの知識発見」『国民経済雑誌』, Vol. 184 No. 1, pp. 19-33, 2001.
川田英貴・羽室行信・加藤直樹・矢田勝俊(共著)「遺伝子解析技術を用いた購買履歴からのビジネスチャンスの発見」2001年度人工知能学会全国大会(第15回)論文集, pp. 175-176, 2001.
Y. Hamuro, N. Katoh and K. Yada, "Discovering Interpretable Rules that Explain Customers' Brand Choice Behavior", Discovery Science (DS 2000), LNCS, Vol. 1967, pp. 263-267, 2000.
矢田勝俊・加藤直樹・羽室行信(共著)「顧客の購買履歴からのデータマイニング」『発見科学とデータマイニング』共立出版, pp. 169-178, 2000.
E. Ip, K. Yada, Y. Hamuro and N. Katoh, “A Data Mining System for Managing Customer Relationship”, Proceedings of the 2000 Americas Conference on Information Systems, pp. 101-105, August 2000.
K. Yada, Y. Hamuro and N. Katoh, “The Discovery of Customer Loyalty from Newcomers”, Proceedings of 2000 MIS/OA International Conference, pp. 185-189, June 2000.
K. Fujisawa, Y. Hamuro, N. Katoh, T. Tokuyama and K. Yada, "Approximation of Optimal Two-Dimensional Association Rules for Categorical Attributes Using Semidefinite Programming", Proceedings of the Second International Conference DS'99, LNAI, Vol. 1721, pp. 148-159, 1999.
矢田勝俊・加藤直樹・羽室行信(共著)「アソシエーションルールを 用いた販売促進」『第 1 回データマイニングワークショップ講 演論文集』日本ソフトウエア科学会データマイニング研究会, pp. 31-38, 1999.
Y. Hamuro, N. Katoh and K. Yada, "Data Mining oriented System for Business Applications", Proceedings of First International Conference DS'98, LNAI, Vol. 1532, pp. 441-442, 1998.
Y. Hamuro, N. Katoh, N. Matsuda and K. Yada, "Mining Pharmacy Data Helps to Make Profits", Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, Vol. 2 No. 4, pp. 391-398, 1998.
K. Yada, N. Katoh, Y. Hamuro and Y. Matsuda, "Customer Profiling Makes Profits: How did a Japanese firm achieve competitive advantage through the knowledge creation?" Proceedings of The Practical Application of Knowledge Management 98, The Practical Application Company, pp. 57-66, March 1998.
"Bayesian Hidden Markov Model for Evaluating the Influence of In-Store Stationary Time of Customers on their Purchase Behavior" (共著), IEEE 2018 5th Asia-Pacific World Congress on Computer Science and Engineering (APWC on CSE 2018, Momi Bay, Fiji), 2018年12月10-12日.
"Assessment of Effect of POP on Purchase Behavior: Comparison of Effectiveness of Eyetracking Data and Shopping Path Data" (共著), IEEE 2018 5th Asia-Pacific World Congress on Computer Science and Engineering (APWC on CSE 2018, Momi Bay, Fiji), 2018年12月10-12日.
"How Game Users Consume Virtual Currency: The Relationship Between Consumed Quantity, Inventory, and Elapsed Time since Last Consumption in the Mobile Game World" (共著), IEEE International Workshop on Data Mining for Service (DMS 2018), in conjunction with 18th IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM 2018, Singapore), 2018年11月17-20日.
"An Empirical Study of the Relationship Among Self-Control, Price Promotions and Consumer Purchase Behavior" (共著), 2018 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC 2018, Miyazaki, Japan), 2018年10月7-10日.
"Application of Network Analysis Techniques for Customer In-store Behavior in Supermarket" (共著), 2018 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC 2018, Miyazaki, Japan), 2018年10月7-10日.
"The Short-Term Impact of an Item-Based Loyalty Program" (共著), 2018 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC 2018, Miyazaki, Japan), 2018年10月7-10日.
"A Framework of ASP for shopping path analysis" (共著), IEEE 2017 4th Asia-Pacific World Congress on Computer Science and Engineering (APWC on CSE 2017, Mana Island, Fiji), 2017年12月11-13日.
"Do Sales Promotions Affect Dynamic Changes in Sales Outcomes: Estimation of Dynamic State of Product Sales" (共著), IEEE 2017 4th Asia-Pacific World Congress on Computer Science and Engineering (APWC on CSE 2017, Mana Island, Fiji), 2017年12月11-13日.
"The Effect of Crowding on Visit Ratio at an Product Area: Based on RFID Data in a Japanese Supermarket" (共著), IEEE 2017 4th Asia-Pacific World Congress on Computer Science and Engineering (APWC on CSE 2017, Mana Island, Fiji), 2017年12月11-13日.
"Model selection for financial statement analysis: Comparison of models developed by using data mining technique" (共著), 2017 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC 2017, Banff AB, Canada), 2017年10月5-8日.
"The Influence of Customer Movement between Sales Areas on Sales Amount: A Dynamic Bayesian Model of the In-store Customer Movement and Sales Relationship" (共著), 21st International Conference on Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Information & Engineering Systems (KES 2017, Marseille, France), 2017年9月6-8日.
"A Framework of ASP for shopping path analysis" (共著), The 4th Multidisciplinary International Social Networks Conference (MISNC 2017, Bangkok, Thailand), 2017年7月17-19日.
2014 - 2016
"A Deep Learning Approach for the Prediction of Retail Store Sales" (共著), IEEE International Workshop on Data Mining for Service (DMS 2016), in conjunction with 16th IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM 2016, Barcelona, Spain), 2016年12月12日.
"Vehicle Ownership and Economic Development" (共著), IEEE 2016 3rd Asia-Pacific World Congress on Computer Science and Engineering (APWC on CSE 2016, Denarau Island, Fiji), 2016年12月4-6日.
"Prediction of Consumer Purchasing in a Grocery Store Using Machine Learning Techniques" (共著), IEEE 2016 3rd Asia-Pacific World Congress on Computer Science and Engineering (APWC on CSE 2016, Denarau Island, Fiji), 2016年12月4-6日.
"Does the Existence of Private-Label Brands Really Impede National Brands Sales? Empirical Evidence Based on POS Data" (共著), 3rd International Conference of Asian Marketing Associations (ICAMA 2016, Beijing, China), 2016年10月21-22日.
"Model Selection for Financial Statement Analysis: Variable Selection with Data Mining Technique" (共著), 20th International Conference on Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Information & Engineering Systems (KES 2016, York, UK), 2016年9月5-7日.
"Clustering of Customer Shopping Paths in Japanese Grocery Stores" (共著), 20th International Conference on Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Information & Engineering Systems (KES 2016, York, UK), 2016年9月5-7日.
"Fractal Dimension of Shopping Path: Influence on Purchase Behavior in a Supermarket" (共著), 20th International Conference on Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Information & Engineering Systems (KES 2016, York, UK), 2016年9月5-7日.
"Impact of Analog-to-digital Conversion on Predictive Performance: A Case Study of Bayesian Network vs. Support Vector Machine in Purchase Behavior Prediction" (共著), 2016 World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM 2016, Seoul, Korea), 2016年7月24-29日.
"Complementary Relationship between Private Brands and National Brands: Empirical Evidence Based on POS Data" (共著), 38th ISMS Marketing Science Conference (Shanghai, China), 2016年6月16-18日.
"Self-control and consumer behavior" (共著), International Marketing Trends Conference (IMTC 2016, Venice, Italy), 2016年1月21-23日.
"Shop area visit ratio, stay time, and sales outcomes: In-depth analysis based on RFID data" (共著), IEEE 2015 2nd Asia-Pacific World Congress on Computer Science and Engineering (APWC on CSE 2015, Nadi, Fiji), 2015年12月2-4日.
"Using Statistical Learning Theory for Purchase Behavior Prediction via Direct Observation of Instore Behavior" (共著), IEEE 2015 2nd Asia-Pacific World Congress on Computer Science and Engineering (APWC on CSE 2015, Nadi, Fiji), 2015年12月2-4日.
"Why Do Retailers End Price Promotions: A Study on Duration and Profit Effects of Promotion" (共著), IEEE International Workshop on Data Mining for Service (DMS 2015), in conjunction with 15th IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM 2015, Atlantic City NJ, USA), 2015年11月14-17日.
"Recommendation System for Grocery Store Considering Data Sparsity" (共著), 19th International Conference on Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Information & Engineering Systems (KES 2015, Singapore), 2015年9月7-9日.
"Verification of effect on next purchase when many vice category products are brought" (共著), 19th International Conference on Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Information & Engineering Systems (KES 2015, Singapore), 2015年9月7-9日.
"Visualization System for Shopping Path" (共著), 19th International Conference on Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Information & Engineering Systems (KES 2015, Singapore), 2015年9月7-9日.
"How Does Purchase of a Product Affect the Next Purchase?", 14th International Marketing Trends Conference (IMTC 2015, Paris, France), 2015年1月22-24日.
"Big Data and Marketing", IEEE 2014 Asia-Pacific World Congress on Computer Science and Engineering (APWC on CSE 2014, Nadi, Fiji), 2014年11月4-5日.
"Using Bayesian network for purchase behavior prediction from RFID data" (共著), 2014 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC 2014, San Diego CA, USA), 2014年10月5-8日.
"Consumer Purchasing Behavior Extraction Using Statistical Learning Theory" (共著), 18th International Conference on Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Information & Engineering Systems (KES 2014, Gdynia, Poland), 2014年9月15-17日.
"Evaluation of Price Elasticity and Brand Loyalty in Milk Products" (共著), 18th International Conference on Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Information & Engineering Systems (KES 2014, Gdynia, Poland), 2014年9月15-17日.
"Category Evaluation Method for Business Intelligence Using a Hierarchical Bayes Model" (共著), 13th IEEE International Conference on Cognitive Informatics & Cognitive Computing (ICCI*CC 2014, London, UK), 2014年8月18-20日.
「購買行動研究の最前線」 オギノFSP研究会 (甲府市,山梨県), 2014年5月.
2010 - 2013
"Determining the share of product categories on discount flyers based on the interaction effect between bargain scale and sales area" (共著), 2013 IEEE 12th International Conference on Cognitive Informatics and Cognitive Computing, (ICCI*CC 2013, New York NY, USA), 2013年7月16-18日.
"Application of Bayesian Network Sheds Light on Purchase Decision Process Basing on RFID Technology" (共著), IEEE International Workshop on Data Mining for Service (DMS 2013), in conjunction with 13th IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM 2013, Dallas TX, USA), 2013年12月7-10日.
"An Examination of the Impact of Neurophysiologic and Environmental Variables on Shopping Behavior of Customers in a Grocery Store in Japan" (共著), The 16th International Conference on Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Information & Engineering Systems (KES 2012, San Sebastian, Spain), 2012年9月10-12日.
"Customer Behavior Modeling Using Radio Frequency Identification Data and the Hidden Markov Model" (共著), 2012 Service Research and Innovation Institution Global Conference (SRII 2012, San Jose CA, USA), 2012年7月24-27日.
"Analysis of Residence Time in Shopping Using RFID Data - An Application of the Kernel Density Estimation to RFID" (共著), IEEE International Workshop on Data Mining for Service (DMS 2011), in conjunction with 11th IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM 2011, Vancouver BC, Canada), 2011年12月11日.
"Decision Support System for Policy Making during a Financial Crisis" (共著), 2011 IEEE International Conference on Granular Computing (GrC 2011, Kaohsiung, Taiwan), 2011年11月8-10日.
"Finding Latent Groups of Customers via the Poisson Mixture Regression Model" (共著), 2011 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC 2011, Anchorage AK, USA), 2011年10月9-10日.
"Extraction of Customer Potential Value Using Unpurchased Items and In-Store Movements" (共著), The 15th International Conference on Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Information & Engineering Systems (KES 2011, Kaiserslautern, Germany), 2011年9月12-14日.
"Clockwise and Anti-clockwise Directions of Customer Orientation in a Supermarket: Evidence from RFID Data" (共著), The 15th International Conference on Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Information & Engineering Systems (KES 2011, Kaiserslautern, Germany), 2011年9月12-14日.
"Application of DNA Sequence Alignment Algorithm to Classification of Shopping Paths through a Supermarket" (共著), SIAM International Workshop on Data Mining for Marketing (DMM 2011, Mesa AZ, USA), 2011年4月30日.
"Transition Matrix Compression Algorithm for In-store Shopping Path Analysis" (共著), SIAM International Workshop on Data Mining for Marketing (DMM 2011, Mesa AZ, USA), 2011年4月30日.
"Analysis of the Impact of Media Contact on the Purchase Process" (共著), SIAM International Workshop on Data Mining for Marketing (DMM 2011, Mesa AZ, USA), 2011年4月30日.
"A Framework for Shopping Path Research" (共著), SIAM International Workshop on Data Mining for Marketing (DMM 2011, Mesa AZ, USA), 2011年4月30日.
"International Workshop on Innovating Service Systems" (共著), Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence - International Symposia on Artificial Intelligence (JSAI-isAI 2010, Tokyo, Japan), 2010年11月18-19日.
"Extracting Promising Sequential Patterns from RFID Data Using the LCM Sequence" (共著), The 13th International Conference on Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Information & Engineering Systems (KES 2010, Cardiff, Wales, UK), 2010年9月8-10日.
"Relation between stay-time and purchase probability with RFID data in a Japanese supermarket" (共著), The 13th International Conference on Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Information & Engineering Systems (KES 2010, Cardiff, Wales, UK), 2010年9月8-10日.
"The Influence of Shopping Path Length on Purchase Behavior in Grocery Store" (共著), The 13th International Conference on Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Information & Engineering Systems (KES 2010, Cardiff, Wales, UK), 2010年9月8-10日.
"Development of Data Mining Platform MUSASHI Towards Service Computing" (共著), 2010 IEEE International Conference on Granular Computing (GrC 2010, San Jose CA, USA), 2010年8月14-16日.
2006 - 2009
"Advertising Carryover Effects and Optimal Budget Allocation" (共著), The 13th International Conference on Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Information & Engineering Systems (KES 2009, Santiago, Chile), 2009年9月28-30日.
"Character String Analysis and Customer Path in Stream Data", IEEE International Workshop on Data Mining for Design and Marketing (DMDM 2008), in conjunction with 8th IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM 2008, Pisa, Italy), 2008年12月19日.
"Pricing System for Seeking Optimal Prices in the Diet Foods Market" (共著), 2008 IEEE Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics (SMC 2008, Singapore), 2008年10月12-15日.
"A Bank Run Model in Financial Crises" (共著), The 12th International Conference on Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Information & Engineering Systems (KES 2008, Zagreb, Croatia), 2008年9月3-5日.
「マーケティングにおけるストリームデータと文字列解析」 International Workshop on Data-Mining and Statistical Science (DMSS 2007, Tokyo, Japan), 2007年10月5-6日.
"Lessons Learned from a Case Study on Process Data Management", 2007 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics (SMC 2007, Montreal Que., Canada), 2007年10月7-10日.
"Data Mining Application for Time-Series Data", 2007 Joint Conference on Information Sciences (JCIS, Salt Lake City UT, USA), 2007年7月20日.
"Business Application of Sequence Analysis Technique in the Supermarket", 2007 Joint Conference on Information Sciences (JCIS, Salt Lake City UT, USA), 2007年7月20日.
"Business Application and Risk of Data Mining" (共著), Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence Annual Conference: International Workshop on Risk Informatics (JSAI 2007: RI2007, Miyazaki, Japan), 2007年6月18-22日.
"Data Mining Technique for Gene Analysis Makes Profits in the Supermarket" (共著), 2007 American Marketing Association (AMA) Winter Educators' Conference (San Diego CA, USA), 2007年2月16-19日.
"The River-Rafting System for Knowledge Discovery Related to Persuasion Process Conversation Logs" (共著), IEEE International Workshop on Data Mining for Design and Marketing (DMDM 2006), in conjunction with 6th IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM 2006, Hong Kong), 2006年12月18日.
"Knowledge Discovery from the Structure of Persuasive Communication" (共著), 2006 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics (SMC 2006, Taipei, Taiwan), 2006年10月8-11日.
"The Practice of an Optimal Pricing Strategy for Maximizing Store Profits Using PRISM" (共著), 2006 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics (SMC 2006, Taipei, Taiwan), 2006年10月8-11日.
"Analysis on a Relation between Enterprise Profit and Financial Sate by Using Data Mining Techniques" (共著), Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence Annual Conference: International Workshop on Risk Mining (JSAI 2006, Tokyo, Japan), 2006年6月5-9日.
"Knowledge Discovery from Click Stream Data and Effective Site Management" (共著), Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence Annual Conference: International Workshop on Risk Mining (JSAI 2006, Tokyo, Japan), 2006年6月5-9日.
"Does Web Log Data Reveal Consumer Behavior The Case of Analysis for an Internet Mall" (共著), 2006 Academy of Marketing Science Annual Conference (San Antonio TX, USA), 2006年5月24-27日.
「Random Tree Based Committee Learning による企業リスクモデルの構築」(共著)電子情報通信学会知能ソフトウェア工学研究会,電子情報通信学会技術研究報告,信学技報, IEICE Technical Report, KBSE2005-30, pp.19-24,平成18年1月24日.
2001 - 2005
"Optimum Pricing Strategy for Maximization of Profits and Chance Discovery" (共著), The 9th International Conference on Knowledge-Based Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems (KES 2005, Melbourne, Australia), 2005年9月14-16日.
"A Data Mining for Graph Structure Data Helps to Discover New Knowledge in Consumer Behavior and Makes Profits" (共著), Academy of Marketing Science International Retailing Conference 2005 (Reims, France), 2005年7月1-2日.
"The Future Direction of New Computing Environment for Exabyte Data in the Business World" (共著), The 2005 International Symposium on Applications and the Internet (SAINT 2005, Trento, Italy), 2005年1月31日-2月4日.
"Consumer Behavior Analysis by Graph Mining Technique" (共著), The 8th International Conference on Knowledge-Based Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems (KES 2004, Wellington, New Zealand), 2004年9月20-25日.
"The Structure of Scenario Communication: A case study of consumer TV commercial awareness research" (共著), The First European Workshop on Chance Discovery (EWCD 2004), in conjunction with the 16th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI 2004, Valencia, Spain), 2004年8月22-27日.
"Data Mining Oriented CRM Systems Based on MUSASHI: C-MUSASHI" (共著), Second International Workshop on Active Mining (AM 2003) in conjunction with 14th International Symposium on Methodologies for Intelligent Systems (ISMIS 2003, Maebashi City, Japan), 2003年10月28-31日.
"Business Application for Sales Transaction Data by Using Genome Analysis Technology" (共著), The 6th International Conference on Discovery Science (DS 2003, Sapporo, Japan), 2003年10月17-19日.
"Customer Attrition Analysis in Supermarket", International Business & Economic Research Conference 2003 (IBER 2003, Las Vegas NV, USA), 2003年10月6-10日.
"Chance Discovery from Consumer Research Using KeyGraph" (共著, Full-day Workshop), 10th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (HCI 2003, Crete, Greece), 2003年6月22-27日.
"Knowledge Discovery Process from Sales Data", The 14th Information Resources Management Association International Conference (IRMA 2003, Philadelphia PA, USA), 2003年5月18-21日.
"MUSASHI: Flexible and Efficient Data Preprocessing Tool for KDD based on XML" (共著), First International Workshop on Data Cleaning and Preprocessing (DCAP 2002), in conjunction with 2nd IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM 2002, Maebashi, Japan), 2002年12月9日.
「アクティブマイニングに基づく需要予測の戦略的販売促進への応用」(共著)第56回知識ベース研究会(SIG-KBS-A201)(韓国海洋大学校 in 釜山)、平成14年5月24日.
"Discovering Purchase Association among Brands from Purchase History" (共著), International Conference on Advances in Infrastructure for Electronic Business, Education, Science, and Medicine on the Internet (SSGRR 2002, L'Aquila, Italy), 2002年1月21-27日.
"Discovery of interesting rules for purchase behavior using string pattern analysis", The 2001 World Congress of Mass Customization and Personalization (MCPC 2001, Hong Kong), 2001年10月1-2日.
"Customer Knowledge in the Adult Incontinence Market" (共著), INFORMS 2001 (Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences), 2001年6月19日.
"Discovering Association Strength among Brand Loyalties from Purchase History" (共著), 2001 IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (ISIE 2001, Pusan, Korea), 2001年6月13日.
"Discovering Interpretable Rules that Explain Customers' Brand Choice Behavior" (共著), The Third International Conference on Discovery Science (DS 2000, Kyoto, Japan), 2000年12月4-6日.
"The Discovery of Business Chance from Customer Knowledge" (共著), The 26th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, 2000 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Electronics, Control and Instrumentation (IECON 2000, Nagoya, Japan), 2000年10月22-28日.
"A Data Mining System for Managing Customer Relationship" (共著), Proceedings of the 2000 Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS 2000, Long Beach CA, USA), 2000年8月10-13日.
"The Discovery of Customer Loyalty from Newcomers" (共著), MIS/OA International Conference, 2000年6月.
「経営データからの知識発見」 (共著) ACM SIGMOD (Association for Computing Machinery's Special Interest Group on Management of Data) 日本支部第14回大会(於:東京大学生産技術研究所)、平成12年4月24日.
"Approximation of Optimal Two-Dimensional Association Rules for Categorical Attributes Using Semidefinite Programming" (共著), The Second International Conference on Discovery Science (DS'99, Tokyo, Japan), 1999年12月6-8日.
"Data Mining Oriented System for Business Application" (共著), The First International Conference on Discovery Science (DS'98, Fukuoka, Japan), 1998年12月14-16日.
"Customer Profiling Makes Profits: How did a Japanese firm achieve competitive advantage through the knowledge creation?" (共著), The First International Conference on the Practical Application of Knowledge Management (PAKeM'98, London, UK), 1998年3月23-25日.
IEEE ICDM (International Conference on Data Mining) Workshop, Data Mining for Service (DMS 2010), Co-chairs, 2010-present.
Editor-in-chief, The Review of Socionetwork Strategies, Springer, 2010-present.
SIAM International Workshop on Data Mining for Marketing (DMM2011), Chair.
Special Issue on Chance Discovery returned, New Mathematics and Natural Computation (NMNC), Vol.6, No.2, pp.163-165, 2010, Guest editors.
Technical Committee Co-chairs of TC on Information Systems for Design and Marketing, IEEE Systems, Man & Cybernetics Society, 2006-present.
IEEE International Conference on SMC, Track on Tools for Discovery, Decision and Design, Track Organizers, 2006-present.
2006 - 2009
Yukio Ohsawa, Katsutoshi Yada: Special issue on chance discovery - Discovery of significant events for decision making. Inf. Sci. 179(11): 1567-1569 (2009)
2008 IEEE ICDM (International Conference on Data Mining) Workshop, Data Mining for Design and Marketing (DMDM2008), Co-chairs.
PAKDD 2008: The Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining 2008, Local Arrangement Committee Co-chairs.
IEEE ICDM 2007: The Seventh IEEE International Conference on Data Mining, Program Committee.
2007 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, PC member.
2007 AMA (American Marketing Association) Winter Educator's Conference, Session Chair.
2006 IEEE ICDM (International Conference on Data Mining) Workshop, Data Mining for Design and Marketing (DMDM2006), Co-chairs.
9th Joint Conference on Information Sciences, Special Session on Chance Discovery, Session Co-chairs.
チャンス発見コンソーシアム事務局長 (2003年〜2010年)
International Workshop on Risk Management Systems with Intelligent Data Analysis (In conjunction with the 19th Annual Conference of the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence, JSAI2005), Program Committee.
International Workshop on Chance Discovery: From Data Interaction to Scenario Creation, (In conjunction with the International Conference on Machine Learning, ICML2005), Program Committee.
International Workshop on Computer Intelligence for Exabyte Scale Data Explosion (In conjunction with the 2005 International Symposium on Application and the Internet, SAINT2005), Program Committee.
First European Workshop on Chance Discovery in ECAI 2004 (EWCD-04), Program Committee.
2003 Information Resources Management Association International (IRMA) Conference: 2003 Program Committee.
The Seventh Pacific Rim International Conference on Artificial Intelligence (PRICAI), The 2nd Workshop on Chance Discovery (CDWS2) 2002 Program Committee.
IEEE ICDM '02: The 2002 IEEE International Conference on Data Mining, The Industry Track Program Committee.