Takayoshi Kusago (Professor)
Social System Design, Faculty of Sociology
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- 1986
- The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan
Bachelor of Arts in Economics
Emphasis: Development Economics, International Trade and Investment, Economic Development in Southeast Asia and Latin America. - 1992
- Stanford University, Stanford, California, USA
Master of Arts in Development Economics
Emphasis: International Agricultural Policy, Development Economics, Econometrics. - 1996
- The University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, Wisconsin, USA
Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Development Studies
Emphasis: Socio-economic Analysis of Agrarian Household Welfare, Female Migration and Industrial Development, Social Structure and Economic Development, Quantitative and Qualitative Research Methods.
Professional Training Received
- 1992
- Social Impact Assessment Workshop, International Association for Impact Assessment, Washington DC, USA.
- 1993
- Rapid Rural Appraisal Workshop, Land Tenure Center, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Wisconsin, USA.
- 1997
- Economic Analysis in Education, Human Development Department Education Group, The World Bank, Washington DC, USA.
- 1997
- Human Resources Professional Development Training, The World Bank, Washington DC, USA.
- 1997
- Labor Economics: Issues and Principles, The World Bank, Washington DC, USA.
- 2001
- International Microfinace Training Seminar, United Nations Capital Development Fund, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia.
- 2005
- Empowerment Evaluation, American Evaluation Association, Toronto, Canada.
B.A. in Economics (The University of Tokyo 1986)
M.A. in Development Economics (Stanford University 1992)
Ph.D. in Development Studies (The University of Wisconsin-Madison 1996)
- 1986-1987
- TONEN Corporation, Tokyo, Japan
Comptroller's Department, charged financial analysis of capital investment such as Tanker and FCC plant constructions. - 1987-1989
- TONEN Corporation, Tokyo, Japan
Comptroller's Department, charged operational budget control and semi-annual reporting to the parental companies (Exxon and Mobil corps) - 1989-1990
- Japan Development Institute, ECFA, Tokyo, Japan
Junior Researcher, assisted in financial and economic analysis of Sipansihaporas hydroelectric power development project, Indonesia and a research project on human resources development in international development in Japan. - 1990
- Associates in Rural Development, Inc., Burlington, Vermont, USA
Visiting Researcher, conducted a study on ODA strategy of major donor countries (the United States, Germany, Sweden, the Netherlands and Japan). - 1991
- Japan Development Institute, ECFA, Tokyo, Japan
Researcher, economic and social development unit, charged in proposals for a research on basic education in developing countries and a project on export processing zones in Russia. - 1992
- Associates in Rural Development, Inc., Burlington, Vermont, USA
Summer Intern, assisted in building methodology for social and economic profiles for agrarian regions in developing countries. - 1995
- The University of Wisconsin Foundation, Madison, Wisconsin, USA
Researcher, charged in the analysis of US charity foundations for the University of Wisconsin-Madison. - 1996
- The University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, Wisconsin, USA
Research assistant, Land Tenure Center.
Charged in quantitative analysis of a large household data in Albania. - 1997-1998
- The World Bank, Washington, D.C., USA
Labor/Gender economist at the Human Development Network Social Protection Group to work on the project on multi-national companies and their workers in export-processing zones in developing countries (designing questionnaires for management and workers for field data collection, sample selection, data analysis and report writing). Conducted field data collection in Mauritius. - 1998-2000
- Associate Professor, Faculty of International Studies, Meiji Gakuin University, Japan.
Taught two lectures on (1) Social Development in Developing Countries and (2) Government and Public Policy.
Research topics included (1) Micro-level Effects of Economic Crisis on Factory Labor in Malaysia, (2) Human Resources Development in Rural Indonesia (working with the World Bank) and (3) Modeling Intr-Household Time Allocation: A Case of Japanese Household Survey Data. - 2001-2003
- Senior Policy Advisor for Poverty Reduction, Bangkok Sub-Regional Resource Facility, Bureau for Development Policy, United Nations Development Programme, Bangkok,Thailand.
Assisted member countries in Asia and the Pacific region in the area of poverty reduction. This included technical assistance on poverty measurement and household and community level survey work, combined use of qualitaive and quantitative data collection and analysis. Also, provided knowledge through internet-based poverty network and MDG network. - 2000-2005
- Associate Professor, Graduate Shool of Economics and Business Administration, Hokkaido University, Japan.
Taught Development Economics, Labor Economics, Japanese Economics (in English), Social Development and Statistics at the graduate and undergraduate levels. Research topics included (1) Regional Disparity in Non-Farm Economic Opportuinities in Rural Indonesia, (2) Pro-poor post-conflict economic reconstruction, (3) A multidisciplinary research on the sustainability of health projects in international collaboration, (4) Social and economic impacts of Community-Based Rehabilitation (Disability and Poverty), (5) Livelihood in informal economy and microfinance, (6) GDP, HDI and MDGs: Measuring development