The Data Mining Laboratory conducts research into business applications for data mining technology that expresses in a clear and comprehensible format useful information extracted from large-scale data.
With the rapid spread of ubiquitous environments in recent years there has been an information explosion in large-scale data that includes, among many others, web logs, sensor data, transaction data and business data. On a daily basis, both within companies and in the public sphere, this data is piling up with growing momentum.
In order to strategically use these large-scale data to express information useful in a business context, it is crucial to conduct interdisciplinary research that organically fuses science with the humanities. Such a fusion will bring together scientific factors for the analysis of large data, including programming, analysis capabilities and statistical mathematics, as well as social scientific factors, including psychological insight, comprehension and literary reasoning ability, that permit analysis of consumer behavior patterns and consumer behavior itself.
Our objective at the Data Mining Laboratory (DMLab) is to construct a research system that comprehensively and seamlessly links several research processes - development of fundamental technology and applications for data mining, development of consumer behavior models, and validation of the entire structure through practical testing - with the end goal of applying the system to data mining tasks in the business field. To achieve this goal, we will aim, through international collaborative research with the Marketing Department of Columbia University Business School and cooperation with outstanding research institutions and companies both in Japan and overseas, to create a world-class research hub for data mining applications in the marketing field.
Setting as a target the formation of a world-class research hub in the data mining field, DMLab conducts practical research into business applications for data mining technologies that extract and express useful information contained within large-scale data.