Mobility Model Based on Incoming and Outgoing Nodes to an Area

Satoshi Aihara Masahiro Sasabe Hirotaka Nakano

In Proc. of The 5th International Symposium on Mobile Mapping Technology (MMT), 2007


In this paper, we propose a mobility model which estimates a node distribution in a service area from node flows on the boundary of the area. Our model targets new wireless communication techniques, such as Bluetooth and ZigBee, whose transmission ranges, called cells, are relatively small. The proposed model reproduces the mobility of nodes in an area by the observation of the incoming and outgoing nodes to the area. At first, we focus on a person as a node and observe an area where people actually pass through. From the observation results, we show that a node moves along with an approximately straight line with a velocity following a normal distribution. Furthermore, we propose two methods that estimate correspondences between incoming and outgoing events to the area; combinatorial optimization based method (COM) and Bayesian estimation based method (BEM). As a result, the reproduction ratio of COM is 0.736, and that of BEM is 1.


Text Reference

Satoshi Aihara, Masahiro Sasabe, Hirotaka Nakano, Mobility Model Based on Incoming and Outgoing Nodes to an Area, Proc. of The 5th International Symposium on Mobile Mapping Technology (MMT), pp.1-6, May 2007.

BibTex Reference

    author = "Aihara, Satoshi and Sasabe, Masahiro and Nakano, Hirotaka",
    title = "Mobility {{Model}} Based on {{Incoming}} and {{Outgoing Nodes}} to an {{Area}}",
    booktitle = "Proc. of {{The}} 5th {{International Symposium}} on {{Mobile Mapping Technology}} ({{MMT}})",
    year = "2007",
    month = "May",
    pages = "1--6"