High-Speed Collective Readout of Large Quantities of Moving Electronic Tags Using the Response Probability Control Method

Hirotaka Nakano Masahiro Sasabe

In IEEE Systems Journal, 2007


When more than two electronic tags respond to a reader request, the request fails. This is referred to as the collision problem. To overcome this problem, a novel electronic tag readout method, termed the response probability control method (RPCM), is proposed in this paper. In the RPCM, the reader indicates the response probability of a request, ensuring rapid and simultaneous readout of multiple electronic tags. We have already reported the basic RPCM characteristics for a large number of nonmoving electronic tags. In this paper, the extended characteristics of electronic tags located on a conveyor belt are simulated and a portion of them is analyzed. The RPCM and the existing dynamic framed slotted ALOHA (DFSA) method are compared. The simulation demonstrated that, in the case of nonmoving electronic tags, the readout of the RPCM is 1.6 times faster than that of DFSA, while in the case of moving electronic tags, it is more than 2.5 times faster.


Text Reference

Hirotaka Nakano, Masahiro Sasabe, High-Speed Collective Readout of Large Quantities of Moving Electronic Tags Using the Response Probability Control Method, IEEE Systems Journal, 1(2), pp.160-167, December 2007.

BibTex Reference

    author = "Nakano, Hirotaka and Sasabe, Masahiro",
    title = "High-{{Speed Collective Readout}} of {{Large Quantities}} of {{Moving Electronic Tags Using}} the {{Response Probability Control Method}}",
    year = "2007",
    month = "December",
    journal = "IEEE Systems Journal",
    volume = "1",
    number = "2",
    pages = "160--167",
    doi = "10.1109/JSYST.2007.907681"