Proxy Caching Mechanisms with Quality Adjustment for Video Streaming Services

Masahiro Sasabe Yoshiaki Taniguchi Naoki Wakamiya Masayuki Murata Hideo Miyahara

In IEICE Transactions on Communications, 2003


In a P2P file-sharing system, a node finds and retrieves its desired file. If multiple nodes cache the same file to provide others, we can achieve a file-sharing system with low latency and high file availability. However, a node has to spend costs, e.g., processing load or storage capacity, on caching of a file. Consequently, a node may selfishly behave and hesitate to cache a file. In such a case, there is a possibility that unpopular files disappear from the system. In this paper, we aim to accomplish effective caching in the whole system that emerges from autonomous and selfish node behavior. We discuss relationship between selfish node behavior and system dynamics by using evolutionary game theory. As a result, we show that our proposed caching can make a file-sharing system robust to file disappearance depending on a cost and demand model for caching even if nodes behave selfishly. We further demonstrate that the proposed caching is competitive with the traditional game theoretic caching based on a centralized control.


Text Reference

Masahiro Sasabe, Yoshiaki Taniguchi, Naoki Wakamiya, Masayuki Murata, Hideo Miyahara, Proxy Caching Mechanisms with Quality Adjustment for Video Streaming Services, IEICE Transactions on Communications, E86-B, pp.1849-1858, June 2003.

BibTex Reference

    author = "Sasabe, Masahiro and Taniguchi, Yoshiaki and Wakamiya, Naoki and Murata, Masayuki and Miyahara, Hideo",
    title = "Proxy {{Caching Mechanisms}} with {{Quality Adjustment}} for {{Video Streaming Services}}",
    year = "2003",
    month = "June",
    journal = "IEICE Transactions on Communications",
    volume = "E86-B",
    pages = "1849--1858"