Osamu "Ree" Takeuchi

Osamu Takeuchi on ResearchGate

Journal Articles/ Book Chapters
Test Development/ Software Development
Magazine Articles
Textbooks, Annotations
Presentations (at International Conferences)
Keynote Speeches, Symposiums, and Workshops (at International Conferences)
Editorial Board/Reviewer/Reader/Examiner

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1994. Information-oriented society and foreign language teaching. Seibido. (with H. Mine, N. Saeki, Y. Edasawa: First Author) written in Japanese.

2000. A cognitive approach to language teaching. Shohakusha. written in Japanese.

2002. Fundamental concepts in foreign language education research and testing. Kansai Univ. Press. (with T. Shizuka, and K. Yoshizawa: Second Author) written in Japanese.

2003. Searching for better language learning strategies: Studies on good foreign language learners in the Japanese FL context. Shohakusha. written in Japanese. (Winner of the 2004 JACET Award for Outstanding Academic Achievement). Synopsis in English here.

2007. How to learn English in the Japanese EFL context: Data-oriented research on the strategies used by the successful EFL learners. Soshisha. written in Japanese.

2008. Explorations in CALL: Expanding its possibilities. Shohakusha. (with H.Yoshida, N. Uozaki, S. Sumi, M. Ikeda: as Editor and first author) written in Japanese.

2012. The handbook of research in foreign language learning and teaching. Shohakusha. (with A. Mizumoto: as the first Editor and author) written in Japanese. Click here for the companion site.

2014. The handbook of research in foreign language learning and teaching (Revised Edition). Shohakusha. (with A. Mizumoto: as the first Editor and author) written in Japanese. Click here for the companion site.

2023. The handbook of research in foreign language learning and teaching (3rd Edition). Shohakusha. (with A. Mizumoto: as the first Editor and author) written in Japanese. Click here for the companion site.

2024. Paradigm shift in high school English: Hints for creating evolving lessons. Sanseido Publishing (with M. Kamegaya, Y. Ehara, & N. Naganuma: as the second author) written in Japanese.

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1996. Life-time devotion to English language teaching: Festschrift for Professor Yukinobu Oda. Yamaguchi-Shoten. (with four other editors) written in Japanese.

1998. Psycholinguistics and language learning: Papers in honor of Professor Morio J. Kohno on his 65th birthday. Kinseido. (with eight other editors) written in Japanese.

2002. Foreign language studies: Papers in honor of Professor Minoru Oda on his 70th birthday. Unius. (with four other editors) written in Japanese.

2007. Explorations of English language instruction: Papers in honor of Professor Eiji Saito on his retirement from Kansai University Sanseido. (Chief editor) written in Japanese.

2009. Researching language teaching and learning: An integration of practice and theory. Peter Lang. (with T. Yoshida, H. Imai, Y. Nakata, A. Tajino, and K. Tamai) written in English.

2011. WorldCALL: International perspectives on computer-assisted language learning. Routledge. (with M. Levy, F. Blin, and C. B. Siskin) written in English.

2014. WorldCALL: International perspectives on computer-assisted language learning (Paperback Edition). Routledge. (with M. Levy, F. Blin, and C. B. Siskin) written in English.

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2003. Kenkyusha's Dictionary of Applied Linguistics. Kenkyusha. (as an item author) written in Japanese.

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1996. Europe United by T. Dicks (Japanese title: Tobikiri Yokina Yorotupa-Shi) Chikuma-Shobo.

2000. Europe United (Revised) by T. Dicks (Japanese title: Bunko-ban Tobikiri Yokina Yorotupa-Shi) Chikuma-Shobo.

2003. The Practice of English Language Teaching. by J. Harmer (Japanese title: Jitsusenteki Eigokyouikuno Shidouho.) Pearson-Longman.(with E.Saito, M. Niizato, H. Okazaki, and N. Sugino)

2004. The BNC Handbook: Exploring the British National Corpus with SARA by G. Aston & L. Burnard (Japanese title: The BNC Handbook: Corpus Linguistics he no izanai.) Shohakusha. (with Y. Kitamura, E. Yamamoto, T. Usami, T. Shizuka, S. Yoshida, and H. Yoshida)

2006. Questionnaire in second language research. by Z. Dornyei (Japanese title: Gaikokugokyouikugakunotameno Shitumonshichosa Nyumon.) Shohakusha. (with T. Yashima)

2024. Babel no more: The serach for the world's most extraordinary language learners. by M. Erald (Japanese title:Babelwo Koete: Tagengoshutokuno Tatsujinwo Megurutabi.) Shohakusha.

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Journal Articles/ Book Chapters

1986. Foreigner talk input: Its nature and influence on second language acquisition. Master's Thesis Kobe City Univ. of Foreign Studies. written in English.

1987a. A study of English foreigner talk input: From a perspective of second language acquisition. Gohokenkyu to Eigokyoiku, 9, 46-53. Kyoto: Yamaguchi-Shoten. written in Japanese.

1987b. A cross-cultural survey of returnee pupils at Kobe. Gohokenkyu to Eigokyoiku, 9, 30-35. Kyoto: Yamaguchi-Shoten. (with M. Kohono, and T. Nozawa: Third author) written in Japanese.

1988. The effects of background knowledge on foreign language listening and reading comprehension. Asphodel, 22, 308-322. Doshisha Women's College, English Literary Society. written in Japanese.

1989. Use of films in listening comprehension practice. Language Laboratory, 26, 19-40. (with Y. Edasawa, and K. Nishizaki: Second author) written in English

1990a. Do films improve EFL students' listening comprehension ability? Language Laboratory, 27, 81-98. (with Y. Edasawa, and K. Nishizaki: First author) written in English

1990b. Use of films in listening comprehension practice. The IALL Journal of Language Learning Technologies, 23, 21-34. (with Y. Edasawa, and K. Nishizaki: Second author) written in English.

1991a. Language learning strategies in second & foreign language acquisition. Bulletin of the Institute for Interdisciplinary Studies of Culture, Doshisha Women's College, 8, 64-83. Also in Eigogaku Ronsetu Shiryo,26:5 (1994), 254-264. Ronsetushiryo Hozon Kai. Both written in English.

1991b. A study of EFL students' use of language learning strategies. Gohokenkyu to Eigokyoiku,13, 58-65. Kyoto: Yamaguchi-Shoten. written in Japanese.

1992. The effects of teaching methods in using films for listening comprehension practice. Language Laboratory, 29, 53-69. (with Y. Edasawa, and K. Nishizaki: Second author) written in English.

1993a. A study of language learning strategies and their relationship to achievement in EFL listening comprehension. Bulletin of the Institute for Interdisciplinary Studies of Culture, Doshisha Women's College, 10, 131-141. written in English.

1993b. Language learning strategies and their relationship to achievement in English as a foreign language. Language Laboratory, 30, 17-34. written in English.

1993c. Language testing research: Its present status and problems. Gohokenkyu to Eigokyoiku, 15, 82-88. Kyoto: Yamaguchi-Shoten. written in Japanese.

1993d. Recent trends in language testing research. Annual Reports of Studies, Doshisha Women's College, 44, 92-117. Also in Eigogaku Ronsetu Shiryo27:5 (1995), 349-361. Ronsetushiryo Hozon Kai. written in Japanese.

1994a. Developing multimedia CALL software. Bulletin of the Institute for Interdisciplinary Studies of Culture, Doshisha Women's College,11, 130-143. written in Japanese

1994b. Use of language learning laboratory: A questionnaire survey. LLA Kansai Chapter Monograph Series, 5 ,15-49. (with Y. Edasawa, and N. Saeki: Second author) written in Japanese.

1994c. A study of language learning strategies and their relationship to gain in EFL listening comprehension Gohokenkyu to Eigokyoiku,15, 82-88. Kyoto: Yamaguchi-Shoten. written in Japanese.

1995a. Preparing future English teachers for the information-oriented society: A new course for the teacher training program at Doshisha Women's College. Annual Reports of Studies, Doshisha Women's College, 45, 170-195. written in Japanese

1995b. Developing and evaluating multimedia English learning materials. Denki Tushin Fukyuzaidan, Reports of Research, 9, 383-389. with H. Mine, Y. Edasawa, M. Takahara, and N. Saeki: Fifth author) written in Japanese.

1995c. Developing JACET intermediate listening comprehension test. Journal of JACET Kansai Chapter, 3, 22-32. with 11 other authors written in Japanese.

1995d. Basic research on student computer use and computer anxiety. Transactions of Japanese Society for Information and Systems in Education,12, 145-152. (with H. Yoshida, S. Yoshida, H. Nagasaki, and H. Mine: Third author) written in Japanese.

1995e. Research on student computer use and computer anxiety (II). Shijyokyo Taikai Shiryo, 9, 155-156. (with H.Mine, H. Nagasaki, H. Yoshida, and S. Yoshida : First author) written in Japanese.

1996a. Internet and foreign language teaching. Life-Time Devotion to English Language Teaching: Festschrift for Professor Yukinobu Oda Kyoto: Yagmaguchi-shoten. written in Japanese.

1996b. Internet: Its application to foreign language teaching and research. LLA Kansai Chapter Monograph Series, 6, 13-43. written in Japanese.

1996c. Research on student computer use and computer anxiety (III). Shijyokyo Taikai Shiryo,10 , 147-148. (with S. Yoshida, H. Mine, H. Yoshida, and H. Nagasaki : Third author) written in Japanese.

1996d. Developing multimedia English CALL software on Windows 95. Computer & Education, 1, 85-90. (with H. Yoshida, H. Mine, S. Yoshida, and N. Saeki : Third author) written in Japanese. Abstract in English is available.

1997a. Dictation: Is it really effective for language teaching?" Kansai University Audio-Visual Education, 20, 55-63. written in English.

1997b. Determining the strategies which can facilitate foreign language learning: Factorial and regressive analyses. Proceedings of the 37th LLA Annual Conference, , 86-89. (with H. Mine, H. Yoshida, and S. Yoshida: First author)

1997c. Research on student computer use and computer anxiety (IV). Proceedings of the 97 PC Conference,, 155-156. (with S. Yoshida, H. Yoshida, H. Mine, and H. Nagasaki: Fifth author) written in Japanese.

1997d. Developing multimedia English CALL software on Windows 95 (II). Proceedings of the 97 PC Conference, 158-161. (with H. Yoshida, H. Mine, S. Yoshida, and N. Saeki : Second author) written in Japanese.

1997e. Developing multimedia Japanese CALL software on Windows 95. Proceedings of the 97 PC Conference,, 170-172. (with N. Saeki, T. Kohno, H. Mine, H. Yoshida, and S. Yoshida: Sixth author) written in Japanese.

1997f. English language education in Faculty of Informatics, Kansai University: Needs analysis and materials development. Proceedings of the 37th LLA Annual Conference, , 141-144. (with E. Yamamoto, T. Usami, Y. Kitamura, T. Yashima, and K. Yoshizawa : Fourth author) written in Japanese.

1997g. How visual information affects association and comprehension: A pilot study.Proceedings of the 5th Joint Conference on Educational Technology, , 141-144. (with T. Mizukoshi and K. Abe: First author) written in Japanese.

1998a. The effect of a short-term overseas study program on the use of language learning strategies: From a strategy training perspective. In J. Arimoto et al. (Eds.), Psycholinguistics and Language Learning: Papers in Honor of Professor Morio J. Kohno on his 65th Birthday. Kinseido. written in Japanese.

1998b. Developing and evaluating multimedia rapid reading CALL program. Kotoba to Communication, 2, 41-52. (with H. Yoshida, H. Mine, S. Yoshida, and N. Saeki: Second author) written in Japanese.

1998c. Developing and evaluating a multimedia CALL software system. In P. Liddell (Ed.), Proceedings of the 3rd Conference of Foreign Language Education and Technology, 463-472.(with S. Yoshida, H. Yoshida, H. Mine, N. Saeki, and T. Kono: Fifth author)

1998d. Network-based CALL: A theoretical framework and its problems. LLA Kansai Chapter Monograph Series, 7, 29-48. written in Japanese.

1998e. Modalities of subtitling and foreign language learning. LLA Kansai Chapter Monograph Series, 7, 49-64. written in English(with H. Yoshida, S. Uematsu, S. Yoshida: Fourth author).

1999a. Toward the establishment of country-by-country SILL norms. Language Laboratory, 36, 51-62. (with H. Mine, H. Yoshida, S. Yoshida: First author)

1999b. Visual information and language learning: From the perspectives of association and memory. Kotoba to Communication, 3, 29-35.(with T. Mizukosi: First author) written in Japanese.

1999c. CALL and language learning strategies. Computer & Education, 6, 76-79. (with H. Mine, H. Yoshida, S. Yoshida: First author) written in Japanese. Abstract in English is available.

1999d. Learning styles and language learning strategies: An empirical study.   Kansai University Audio-Visual Education, 22, 1-19. written in English. Abstract in English is available.

2000a. Tasks and strategy use: Empirical implications for questionnaire studies.  JACET Bulletin, 31, 21-32. written in English (with M. Ikeda: Second author).

2000b. Questionnaires and strategy research: An empirical appraisal of the research method.  Journal of the Japan Society for Speech Sciences, 1, 67-81. written in Japanese (with M. Ikeda: First author).

2000c. Development and evaluation of the web-based rapid reading program.  Proceedings of the 6th Joint Conference on Educational Technology, 2, 567-568. (with Y. Kitamura, H. Yoshida, H. Yoshida: Third author) written in Japanese.

2000d. Network-based English cloze test: A study of answering strategies.  Proceedings of the 6th Joint Conference on Educational Technology, 2, 569-570. (with Y. Kitamura, H. Yoshida, H. Yoshida: Third author) written in Japanese.

2001a. The effect of repeated presentations of materials on listening: Function words vs. content words.  LET Kansai Chapter Monograph Series, 8, 31-40. (with M. Ikeda: Second author) written in Japanese.

2001b. Language learning strategies used by Japanese college learners of English: A synthesis of four empirical studies.  Language Education and Technology, 38,21-44. (with N. Wakamoto: First author) written in English.

2001c. Effects of perceived utility, cost, and preference on the use of language learning strategies.   Journal of the Japan Society for Speech Sciences, 2, 23-33. written in Japanese. Abstract in English is available from the author.

2001d. Repeated presentations of materials: Is It effective for EFL students' listening?  Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Foreign Language Education and Technology, 584-591. (with M. Ikeda: Second Author) written in English.

2001e. How students differ in using dictionaries: printed dictionaries vs. electronic dictionaries. Proceedings of the 41st Annual Conference of the Japan Association for Language Education and Technology,196-199. (with T. Koyama: Second author) written in Japanese.

2001f. An investigation of Japanese EFL readers' test-taking strategies using an on-line cloze test: Functional words vs. content words.  The Proceedings of the 41st Annual Conference of the Japan Association for Language Education and Technology, 150-153. written in Japanese (with H. Yoshida, Y. Kitamura, S. Yoshida,and M. Ikeda: Third author).

2001g. An investigation of Japanese EFL readers' test-taking strategies using an on-line cloze test: How proficiency difference affects.  Proceedings of the 17th Annual Conference of JET, 813-814. written in Japanese (with H. Yoshida, Y. Kitamura, S. Yoshida, and M. Ikeda: Third author).

2001h. How students differ in using dictionaries: A qualitative perspective.  Proceedings of the 17th Annual Conference of JET, 477-478. (with T. Koyama: Second author) written in Japanese.

2001i. Developing and evaluating EFL vocabulary software: A "Root" approach.   Proceedings of AILA '99 (CD-ROM) Vol.3 Section 204-3, 1-7. (with H. Yoshida, S. Yoshida, and N. Saeki: Third author) written in English.

2002a. Instructional media and foreign language education: A historical perspective.  In T. Mizukoshi, and ICTE (Eds.),  Toward the improvement of media and communication literacy Osaka: Nichibun. written in Japanese.

2002b. Analyses of EFL learning and teaching behaviors through "Tracking".  In Usami, T. et al. (Eds.),  Foreign Language Studies: Papers in Honor of Professor Minoru Oda on his 70th Birthday. Osaka: Unius. written in Japanese.

2002c. What can we learn from good foreign language learners?: Qualitative studies in the Japanese FL context.   Language Learning Strategies: Proceedings of the 29th JACET Summer Seminar, 20-26. JACET. written in English.

2002d. Using the on-line cloze test in a college classroom.   Proceedings of the 18th Annual Conference of JET, 297-298. (with S. Yoshida, Y. Kitamura, and H. Yoshida: Third author) written in Japanese.

2002e. Effects of pauses on L2 learners' comprehension: From the viewpoint of word frequency.  Proceedings of the 18th Annual Conference of JET, 331-332. (with Y. Yoshida, K. Horii, Y. Kitamura, and K. Kotani: Fourth author) written in Japanese.

2002f. Printed dictionaries vs. electronic dictionaries: Influence of interface design on the searching behavior by Japanese EFL learners.   Proceedings of the 18th Annual Conference of JET, 811-812. written in Japanese (with T. Koyama: Second author).

2003a. Reading aloud: An indicator of integrative ability of EFL.  LET Kansai Chapter Collected Papers, 9, 23-30. written in Japanese (with M. Ikeda: Second author).

2003b. Determining the parameters for the scrolling text display technique. In J. Hyona, R. Radach, and H. Deubel (Eds.),  The mind's eye: Cognitive and applied aspects of eye movement research. pp.645-656. Amsterdam: Elsevier. (with Y. Kitamura, H. Horii, K. Kotani, and G. d'Ydewalle: Third author) written in English.

2003c. Printed dictionaries vs. electronic dictionaries: A pilot study on how Japanese EFL learners differ in using dictionaries. Language Education and Technology, 40, 61-80. (with T. Koyama: Second author) written in English.

2003d. What can we learn from good foreign language learners?: A qualitative study in the Japanese foreign language context.  System, 31, 385-392. written in English.

2003e. Can strategy instruction help EFL learners to improve their reading ability?: An empirical study.  JACET Bulletin, 37, 49-60. written in English (with M. Ikeda: Second author).

2004a.Comparing electronic and printed dictionaries: How the difference affected EFL learning. JACET Bulletin, 38, 33-46. written in English (with T. Koyama: Second author).

2004b. Visual aids in foreign language teaching: An attempt for data triangulation. Facilitating Japanese Language Teaching/Learning at Local Communities (Booklet for Japanese Language Teaching/Learning 6)., Chapter 3, pp. 29-50. National Institute for Japanese Language. written in Japanese

2004c. Factors affecting English language activities in primary schools. English Teachers' Magazine, 53:2,, 27-29. written in Japanese.

2004d. How look-up frequency affects EFL learning?: An empirical study on the use of handheld-electronic dictionaries.  In W. M. Chan, K. N. Chin, P. Martin-Lau, and T. Suthiwan (Eds), Proceedings of the CLaSIC 2004 Conference., pp. 1018-1024. written in English (with T. Koyama: Second author)

2004e. Use of media and foreign language learning/teaching. Recent Trends in Second Language Acquisition Research., Chapter 14, pp.257-274. Taishukan Shoten. written in Japanese.

2005a. Formulating hypotheses on language learning strategy use: A diary study.  LET Kansai Chapter Collected Papers, 10, 1-15. written in English (with T. Yabukoshi: Second author).

2005b. From measurement/assessment to rating/reporting. Principles and Practices of English Language Teaching., Chapter 8 (pp.154-172). Taishukan Shoten. written in Japanese.

2005c. Does an assigned task result in better retention of words?: Two empirical studies on hand-held electronic dictionaries. Language Education & Technology, 42, 119-132. (with T. Koyama: Second author) written in English.

2005d. Studies on successful language learners in the Japanese FL context: From a strategic perspective. Unpublished Ph.D. Dissertation (Hyogo Univ. of Teacher Education, Hyogo, Japan) written in Japanese.

2005e. How has the difference affected the retention? Two empirical studies on electronic dictionaries. Proceedings of FLEAT-V Conference, 66-71. (with T. Koyama: Second author) written in English.

2005f. From CALL to LMDS: A new way to help self-learning in EFL. Computer & Education, 19, 19-24. (with S. Sumi, E. Yamamoto, and T. Nabei: Second author). written in Japanese

2006a. A comparison of three- and four-option English tests for university entrance selection purposes in Japan. Language Testing, 23, 35-57.(with T. Shizuka, T. Yashima, and K. Yoshizawa: Second author) written in English

2006b. A scientific inquiry into language learning strategies: Methodological Perspectives.  Gengo (Language), 35:4, 64-69. Taishukan Shoten. written in Japanese.

2006c. Exploring language learning strategies used by Japanese junior high school students of EFL: A qualitative approach.  Language Education & Technology, 43, 39-56. (with T. Yabukoshi: Second author) written in English .

2006d. Clarifying the differences in learning EFL reading strategies: An analysis of portfolios . System, 34, 384-398. (with M. Ikeda: Second author) written in English

2006e.Verbal encouragements for motivating EFL learners: A classroom research. JACET Bulletin, 43, 59-72. (with M. Sugita: Second author) written in English.

2007a. Autonomy and self-learning: Necessities and methods. Teaching English Now, 8, 2-5. written in Japanese.

2007b. Learners, teachers, and media: An integrative framework for the foreign language education research. In O. Takeuchi, et al. (Eds.), Explorations of English Language Instruction: Papers in Honor of Professor Eiji Saito on His Retirement from Kansai University (pp. 90-102), Sanseido. written in Japanese.

2007c. How to learn English effectively in the Japanese EFL context: A strategic perspective. The English Teachers' Magazine, 55:14, 10-12. written in Japanese.

2007d. Does look-up frequency help reading comprehension of EFL learners? Two empirical studies of electronic dictionaries. CALICO Journal, 25,110-125. (with T. Koyama: Second author) written in English.

2007e. Metacognition and EFL learning: Theoretical and empirical perspectives. Annual Review of English Learning and Teaching, 12, 41-44. in English.

2007f. Motivating junior high school students in the Japanese EFL context: An empirical study on motivational strategies.The English Teachers' Magazine, 56:7, 65-67. (with M. Sugita: Second author) written in Japanese.

2007g. Applying strategies to context: The role of individual, situational, and group differences. In A. Cohen and E. Macaro (Eds.), Language Learner Strategies: Thirty Years of Research and Practice (Ch4. pp.69-92). Oxford University Press. (with C. Griffiths, & D. Coyle: First author)

2008a. Reporting the effect size: Fundamental concepts and pitfalls. Studies in English Language Teaching, 31, 57-66.(with A. Mizumoto: Second author) written in Japanese.

2008b. Exploring the driving forces behind TOEIC scores: Focusing on vocabulary learning strategies, motivation and study time. JACET Journal, 46, 17-32. (with A. Mizumoto: Second author) written in English.

2008c. Metacognition and EFL teaching.EFL Theories and practices by SLA specialists, Ch.6, 79-92. Shohakusha. written in Japanese.

2008d. Improving the abilities to use educational media. The English Teachers' Magazine, 57:4, 32-34. written in Japanese.

2008e. Using an LMS for foreign language teaching/learning: An attempt based on the "cyclic model of learning". Information and Systems in Education, 7, 59-66.(with S. Sumi: Second author)

2009a. Why some Japanese students have trouble learning English: A factor analytic study. Annual Review of English Language Education in Japan, 20, 201-210. (with Y. Yamanaka: Second author) written in English.DOI:10.20581/arele.20.0_201

2009b. The interplay of classroom anxiety, intrinsic motivation, and gender in the Japanese EFL context. Foreign Language Education Research ,17, 41-64. (with T. Yashima, K. Noels, T. Shizuka, S. Yamane, and K. Yoshizawa: Fourth author) written in English.

2009c. A closer look at the relationship between vocabulary learning strategies and the TOEIC scores. TOEIC Research Report, 4, 1-34. IIBC. (with A. Mizumoto: Second author) written in English.

2009d. Language learning strategies used by lower secondary school learners in a Japanese EFL context. International Journal of Applied Linguistics, 19, 136-172. (with T. Yabukoshi: Second author) written in English.

2009e. How effectively do good language learners use hand-held electronic dictionaries: A qualitative approach.  Language Education & Technology, 46, 131-150. (with T. Koyama: Second author) written in English.

2009f. Examining the effectiveness of explicit instruction of vocabulary learning strategies with Japanese EFL university students. Language Teaching Research, 13, 425-449.(with A. Mizumoto: Second author) written in English.

2009g. Learning from good language learners in a specific context. In T. Yoshida et al. (Eds.), Researching Language Teaching and Learning: An Integration of Practice and Theory. (pp. 305-322). Peter Lang.

2009h. Comparing frequency and truness scale descriptors in a Likert scale questionnaire on language learning strategies. JLTA Journal, 12, 116-136. (with A. Mizumoto: Second author) written in English.

2010a. What can teachers do to motivate their students? A classroom research on motivational strategy use in the Japanese EFL context. Innovation in Language Learning and Teaching, 4, 21-35. (with M. Sugita: Second author) written in English.

2010b. EFL students' vocabulary learning in NS-NNS e-mail interactions: Do they learn new words by imitation? ReCALL, 22, 70-82. (with A. Sasaki: Second author) written in English.

2010c. Investigating EFL motivation. The English Teachers' Magazine, 59:2 (May), 22-25. written in Japanese.

2010d. The cyclic model of learning: An ecological perspective on the use of technology in foreign language education. Language Education & Technology, 47, 51-74. (with S. Sumi: Second author) written in English.

2010e. Motivational influences surrounding secondary EFL students. Language Education & Technology, 47, 181-204. (with M. Sugita: Second author) written in English.

2010f. What we have learned from language learner research: Form an individualistic perspective to a holistic one. In H. Kojima. et al. (Eds.), Learner development in English Education-Learner factors and autonomous learning- (A series of studies on English education, Vol.6) (Chapter 1, pp.3-20). Taishukan-shoten. written in Japanese.

2011a. Fundamentals for English teachers:Doing, feeling, and thinking in English language Learning, (1), (2), (3). Teaching English Now, 20-22 ,12-13. Sanseido. written in Japanese.

2011b. EFL students' metalinguistic awareness in E-mail tandem. In M. Levy, F. Blin, C. B. Siskin, O. Takeuchi (Eds.), WorldCALL: International perspectives on computer-assisted language learning (Chapter 4, 55-69). Routledge. (with A. Sasaki: Second author) written in English.

2011c. What is an appropriate style for academic presentation by scientists? JACET Journal, 52, 51-70.(with T. Shimamura: Second author)written in English.

2011d. An introduction to effect size and statistical power analysis: How to use statistical tests appropriately. Reports of the Methodology SIG, Kansai Chapter, LET, 47-73. (with A. Mizumoto: Second author) written in Japanese.

2012a. Adaptation and validation of self-regulating capacity in vocabulary learning scale. Applied Linguistics, 33, 83-91. doi:10.1093/applin/amr044 (with A. Mizumoto: Second author) written in English

2012b. Slow EFL learners and self-regulated learning. The English Teachers' Magazine, 61:4 (July), 39-41. written in Japanese.

2012c. Validating the L2 motivational self system in a Japanese EFL context: The interplay of L2 motivation, L2 anxiety, self-efficacy, and the perceived amount of information. Language Education & Technology, 49,1-22. (with M. Ueki: Second author) written in English.

2012d. Reading aloud activity in L2 and cerebral activation. RELC Journal, 43, 151-167. https://doi.org/10.1177/0033688212450496 (with M. Ikeda and A. Mizumoto: First author) written in English.

2012e. Eight guiding principles for the use of ICT in language teaching. Teaching English Now, 23, 2-5. written in Japanese.

2012f. The cerebral basis for language learner strategies: A near-infrared spectroscopy study. Reading in a Foreign Language, 24, 136-157. https://doi.org/10125/66861 (with M. Ikeda and A. Mizumoto: First author) written in English.

2013a. Exploring the concept of the ideal L2 self in an Asian EFL context: The case of Japanese university students. The Journal of Asian TEFL, 10, 25-45. (with M. Ueki: Second author) written in English.

2013b. The cyclic model of learning: An attempt based on the DBR in an EFL context (pp.157-181). In J. C. Rodriguez & C. Pardo-Ballester (Eds.), Design-based research in CALL. CALICO. (with S. Sumi: Second author) written in English.

2013c. Forming a clearer image of the ideal L2 self: the L2 Motivational Self System and learner autonomy in a Japanese EFL context. Innovation in Language Learning and Teaching, 7, 238-252. (with M. Ueki: Second author) written in English.

2014a. Motivational strategies in EFL classrooms: How do teachers impact students' motivation? Innovation in Language Learning and Teaching, 8, 20-38.(with M. Sugita-McEown: Second author) written in English.   This paper was the journal's most read article throughout 2014 (Routledge).

2014b. Utilizing TAs and the e-LINC (English Language Instruction Network Center) for the effective management of an EFL teacher training course. In C. Iwasaki (Ed.), The design of learning environment for active learning. (Chapter 5, pp. 111-124) (Osaka: Kansai Univ. Press) written in Japanese.

2014c. Fostering globally oriented students: Agency in action. Hyogo Kyoiku, August Issue, pp. 4-7. (Hyogo: Hyogo Prefecture Institute of Education) written in Japanese.

2014d. Review of the studies concerning autonomous L2 learning. In JASELE (Ed.)., The Current Status of ELT Teaching in Japan, (Chapter 9, pp.234-237). JASELE, written in Japanese.

2014e. In search of commensurability in SLA research. JACET Chubu Chapter Journal, 12, 13-22. JACET Chubu Chapter, written in Japanese.

2015a. Searching for the appropriate use of L2 in EFL classroom: Principles for code-switching. Tips for using L2 in junior high school classroom. (Chapter 1, pp. 2-3). Sanseido. written in Japanese.

2015b. An analysis of the questionnaire survey. Annual report on the state of the English language proficiency of Japanese high school students for the year of 2014. pp.91-120 (Chapter 4). Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology (MEXT). written in Japanese.

2015c. Toward the realization of active learning in EFL. Teaching English Now, 31, 2-3. Sanseido, written in Japanese.

2015d. Study abroad and motivation to learn a second language: Exploring the possibility of the L2 Motivational Self System. Language Education & Technology, 52, 1-25.(with M. Ueki: Second author) written in English.

2015e. Reviewing effect sizes, statistical powers and sample sizes of foreign language teaching research in Japan: A case of Language Education & Technology. Language Education & Technology, 52,105-131.(with K. Kusanagi, and A. Mizunoto: Third author), written in Japanese

2016a. Validating self-determination theory in the Japanese EFL context: The relationship between innate needs and motivation. The Asian EFL Journal Quarterly, 18, 6-22. (with T. Agawa: Second author) written in English.

2016b. Re-examination of psychological needs and L2 motivation of Japanese EFL learners: An interview study. The Asian EFL Journal Professional Teaching Articles, 89, 74-98. (with T. Agawa: Second author), written in English.

2016c. A new questionnaire to assess Japanese EFL learners' motivation: Development and validation. Annual Review of English Language Education in Japan, 27, 1-16. (with T. Agawa: Second author), written in English.

2016d. A comparison of cognitive processing during cloze and multiple-choice reading tests using brain activation. Annual Review of English Language Education in Japan, 27, 65-80. (with A. Mizumoto and M. Ikeda: Third author), written in English.

2016e. Promoting and maintaining L2 learning motivation: From the perspectives of motivational influences and motivational strategies. JACET Kansai Journal, 18, 36-51., written in Japanese.

2016f. Examining the application of private (non-profit) English proficiency tests to university entrance exams: A report, 1-152. (as a member of the research team at Zenken commisioned by the Japanese Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology)

2016g. Examining the effectiveness of explicit instruction of vocabulary learning strategies with Japanese EFL university students (Reprint). In S. Webb (Ed.). Vocabulary, Vol.3, Part 12. Vocabulary Learning Strategies. Routledge. (with A. Mizumoto; Second author), written in English.

2017a. The impact of studying abroad experience on the affective changes related to L2 motivation: A qualitative study of the processes of change (Chapter 7, pp. 119-133). In M.T. Apple, D. Da Silva, & T. Fellner (Eds.), L2 selves and motivations in Asian contexts. Multilingual Matters. (with M. Ueki; Second author), written in English

2017b. Examining the validity of a newly developed motivation questionnaire: Applying self-determination theory in the Japanese University EFL context. JACET Journal, 61, 1-22. (with T. Agawa: Second author), written in English.

2017c. Developing a core curriculum for English teacher training program: The 2016 progress report, 1-192. (as a member of the research team at Tokyo Gakugei University commissioned by the Japanese Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology).

2017d. Development of a sustainable system of in-service teacher training: Focusing on the reduction of teacher anxiety for teaching English at primary schools. JES Journal, 17, 4-19.(with M. Ikeda, and H. Imai: Third author), written in Japanese.

2017e. Pedagogical intervention to enhance self-determined forms of L2 motivation: Applying self-determination theory in the Japanese University EFL context. Language Education & Technology, 54 135-166. (with T. Agawa: Second author), written in English. This article is the winner of the 2018 LET award for outstanding academic articles.

2018a. Situating metacognition in context: Importance of others and affect in metacognitive interventions. In M. C. W. Yip (Ed.), Cognition, metacognition and academic performance: An East Asian perspective (Chapter 7, pp.89-100). Routledge. (with M. Ikeda: First author), written in English.

2018b. Encouraging and motivating vocabulary development. In M. DelliCaprini (Ed.). The TESOL Encyclopedia of English Language Teaching (Winner of Association of American Publishers 2019 PROSE Award). Wiley-Blackwell. (with M. Grogan and M. Lucas: Third author), written in English. DOI: 10.1002/9781118784235.eelt0728

2018c. Research-based vocabulary instruction strategies. In M. DelliCaprini (Ed.). The TESOL Encyclopedia of English Language Teaching (Winner of Association of American Publishers 2019 PROSE Award). Wiley-Blackwell. (with M. Lucas and M. Grogan: Third author), written in English. DOI: 10.1002/9781118784235.eelt0729

2018d. Toward a modeling of a prototypical use of language learning strategies with decision tree-based methods. In R.L. Oxford & C. M. Amerstorfer (Eds.), Language learning strategies and individual learner characteristics: Situating strategy use in diverse contexts (Chapter 5, pp.99-122). Bloomsbury. (with A. Mizumoto: Second author), written in English.

2018e. Reading aloud activities revisited. Teaching English Now, 40, 1-5., written in Japanese.

2019a. An innovative approach to in-service teacher training for teaching English at Japanese public elementary schools. In H. Reinders, S. Ryan, & S. Nakano (Eds.), Innovation in language learning & teaching: The case of Japan. pp.257-282. Palgrave Macmillan. (with Ikeda, M., & Imai, H.: Third author). ISBN: 978-3-030-12566-0, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-12567-7_13

2019b. Strategy reserach: Past, present, and future. The English Teachers' Magazine, June, 68:3, pp.10-11. written in Japanese.

2019c. Language learning strategies: Insights from the past and directions for the future. In X. A. Gao (Ed.), Second handbook of English language teaching (Chapter 37, pp.683-702). Springer, Cham. ISBN: 978-3-030-02897-8, DOI:10.1007/978-3-030-02899-2_37

2019d. Harnessing web-based contrastive instruction to address English relative clause accuracy and subject-object asymmetry. System, 85, 1-15. DOI: 10.1016/j.system.2019.102112 (with M. Lucas: second author).

2020a. What is SRL? The English Teachers' Magazine, April, 69:1, pp.34-35. written in Japanese.

2020b. Investigating dynamic changes of elementary school teachers' anxiety in teaching English. In C. Gkonou, J-M. Dewaele, & J. King (Eds.), The emotional rollercoaster of language teaching (Chapter 10, pp.173-192). Multilingual Matters. (with Ikeda, M., & Imai, H.: Second author).

2020c. On remote teaching of English. The English Teachers' Magazine, October, Supplement, pp.66-67. written in Japanese.

2020d. "Who" should be looking at "what": Toward the improvement of L2 teaching . In K. Asakawa, A. Tajino, & M. Oda (eds.), New frontiers in classroom ELT research. JACET Applied Linguistics Series Vol.1 (Chapter 4, pp. 73-88). Hitsuji Shobo., written in Japanese.

2020e. Humanistic education in globalized society. In E. Kajita, T. Asada, O. Furukawa (eds.), Explorations in humanistic education: Vol. 1: Principles in humanistic education (Chapter 11, pp.208-221). Minerva Publishing, written in Japanese.

2021a. How to deal with grammar in junior high schools under the newly introduced Course of Study. English Language Education, 51, 87-90. written in Japanese.

2021b. Fremdsprachenunterricht online: Überlegungen zu dessen effektiver Gestaltung. Deutschunterricht in Japan, 25, 4-12, written in Japanese.

2022a. Self-regulated vocabulary learning in a Japanese high school EFL environment: A structural equation modeling approach. JACET Journal, 66, 97-111. (with S. Ueno: Second author).

2022b. On the merits and demerits of digital English textbooks. The English Teachers' Magazine, May, 71:2, pp.40-41. written in Japanese.

2022c. Phrasal verb usage and L1 typology: A corpus-based study on Chinese and Japanese EFL learners. Journal of Asia TEFL, 19(4), 1200-1218. (with Haugh, S.: Second author)

2023a. Application of piezoelectric PLLA braided cord as wearable sensor to realize monitoring system for indoor dogs with less physical or mental stress. Micromachines, 14, 143.(with Y. Tajitsu and 20 others: 11th author)

2023b. Applicability of a Piezoelectric sensor to measure English speaking anxiety in a communicative context. Journal of the Institute of Electrostatics, Japan, 47(1), 2-7. (with J. Takarada, M. Ueki, T. Wakita, J. Moriya, Y.Tajitsu, and 10 others: 15th author) written in Japanese.

2023c. Study abroad from home: Development of L2 learner autonomy in an unprecedented online program during the COVID-19 pandemic. In K. Sadeghi, M. Thomas, & F. Ghaderi (Eds.)., Technology-enhanced language teaching and learning: Lessons from the Covid-19 pandemic (Chapter 5, pp. 75-88). Bloomsbury.(with A. Sasaki: Second author)

2023d. Parental involvement and Japanese elementary school pupils’ English learning motivation: A qualitative study. JES Journal, 23, 4-19.(with S. Tanaka: Second author)written in Japanese.

2023e. Thinking converts intent into action: The role of metacognition in Japanese EFL university students’ engagement in E-learning. Annual Review of English Language Education in Japan (ARELE), 34, 33-48.(with A. Sasaki: Second author)

2023f. Development and validation of the English teaching materials for primary school pupils, focusing on English word order. The English Teachers' Magazine, November, pp.38-39. written in Japanese.(with Y. Okamoto: Second author)

2023g. Effective corpus use in second language learning: A meta-analytic approach. Applied Corpus Linguistics, 3(3), 100076 (Elsevier). (with S. Ueno: Second author)

2023h. Assessing the interactional competence in English speaking of Japanese junior high school students in an interview test. JLTA Journal, 26, 3-22. (with K. Kawamura: Second author)

2023i. Which vocabulary learning strategies are important and useful for Japanese university students? A text-mining approach. Vocabulary Learning and Instruction, 12(1), 18-39. (with S. Ueno: Second author)

2023j. Relationship between second language vocabulary knowledge and vocabulary learning strategies use: A meta-analysis of correlational studies. International Review of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching (IRAL) (De Gruyter). (with S. Ueno: Second author)

2023k. Application of braided piezoelectric poly-l-lactic acid cord sensor to sleep bruxism detection system with less physical or mental stress. Micromachines, 15, 86.(with 13 others:10th author)

2023l. Is there motivation there? The relationship between foreign language learning and motivation. Interpreting and Translation Studies, 23, 1-13.

2024a. Is motivation sufficient for engagement? Significance of metacognition in Japanese EFL university students’ E-learning. LET Kansai Chapter Collected Papers, 22, 1-19. (with A. Sasaki: Second author).

2024b. Sociocultural influences on young Japanese English learners: The impact of parents’ beliefs on their learning motivation. Journal for the Psychology of Language Learning, 6 (1), 1-15. e6112524. (with S. Tanaka: Second author)

2024c. Learner knowledge of English phrasal verbs: Awareness, confidence, and learning experiences. International Journal of Applied Linguistics, 34(2), 656-671.(Wiley).(with S. Haugh: Second author)

2024d. Understanding growth mindset, self-regulated vocabulary learning, and vocabulary knowledge. System, 122, 103255.(with M. F. Teng, and A. Mizumoto: Third author)

2024e. Does it make a difference? COVID-19 and its effect on a factor structure of SRL in an EFL online context. System, 124, 103363.(with J.A.Molnar: second author)

2024f. Validating the foreign language enjoyment scale for young learners: An exploratory structural equation modeling approach. Research Methods in Applied Linguistics, 3, 100167. (with Y. Nakanishi: Second author)

2024g. Stimulated recall interviews using digital technology in L2 research . In K. Sadeghi (Ed.), Routledge handbook of technological advances in researching language learning (Chapter 15, pp. 186-198). Routledge. (with M. Yuasa: Second author)

2024h. Strategic use of machine translation: A case study of Japanese EFL university students. AILA Review 37(2), 215-240.(with M. Yuasa: Second author)

2025a. Exploring the studies of self-regulated learning in second/foreign language learning: A systematic review. International Journal of TESOL Studies, 7(1), 126-147. (with S. Ueno, and Y. Shinhara:Second author)

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Test Development/ Software Development

1996. JACET Intermediate Listening Comprehension Test. Kaitakusha (as a member of JACET Kansai Chapter Listening Test Developing Committee)

1997. Multimedia CD-ROM: Win the STEP 2nd Grade. Shohakusha (with H. Mine, H. Yoshida, S. Yoshida, N. Saeki: Fourth author)

2011. VELC (Visualizing English Language Competency) Test. VELC Research Association.

2017-. Supervision of Training Gym (Self-study Program) for CASIO Ex-Word RISE, CASIO Ex-Word. CASIO Co., Ltd.

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Magazine Articles

1991a. Round-Table Discussion: Language Laboratory and Teaching Materials(1) LL Kyoiku-Tushin 44, pp. 6-14. Matsushita Tushin Co. Ltd. LLA Kansai Chapter Monograph Series 6. written in Japanese.

1991b. A Round-Table Discussion: Language Laboratory and Teaching Materials(2) LL Kyoiku-Tushin 45, pp. 4-16. Matsushita Tushin Co. Ltd. written in Japanese.

1996a. Expanding Educational Environment with a Single Computer. LL Hotline 103 pp. 22-33. JVC. written in Japanese.

1996b. Learning English on Internet: With Emphasis on Listening Comprehension. English Network, June, pp.30-33. Alc. written in Japanese.

1996c. Issues and Problems in College Entrance Exams: With Emphasis on English Exams. Daigakujiho 246, pp.42-47. Nihon Shiritu Daigaku Renmei. written in Japanese.

1996d. Listening Comprehension Practice on Internet. Internet & English Nov., pp.19-23. Internet & English. written in Korean.

1997a. Enjoying Web Pages in English: 10 Top Sites. English Network Jan., pp.22-25. Alc. written in Japanese.

1997b. Basic English Verbs in Web Pages: their Features and Usages. English Network Feb., pp.28-29. Alc. written in Japanese.

1997c. Improving Your English through Internet Asahi Weekly April 20 pp.6-7. Asahi Newspaper. written in Japanese.

1997d. Foreign Language Learning Strategy Research: Recent Developments. Kotoba to Communication 1, pp. 82-83. Eicho-sha. written in Japanese.

1997e. Expressions used in Electronic Chat. English Network June., pp.20-21. Alc. written in Japanese.

1997f. How to Use English Tense System. English Network August pp.18-27, 30-31 Alc. written in Japanese.

1997g. A Round-Table Discussion: Multimedia and LL with Emphasis on Internet. LL Kyoiku-Tushin Special Issue, pp. 3-10.Matsushita Tushin Co. Ltd. written in Japanese.

1997f. Mastering 30 Verbs which Convey Your Thought. English NetworkDecember pp.15, 22-30. Alc. written in Japanese.

1998a. Often Used Phrases Top3: Greetings. English JournalApril pp.44-46. Alc. written in Japanese.

1998b. Learn Idioms through Movies. English JournalAugust pp.44-49. Alc. written in Japanese.

1998c. No need for LL? : Selection of Suitable Educational Environments in Language Teaching. LL Introduction Guidebookpp.12-15. Japan Association for Promotion of Educational Technology. written in Japanese.

1999a. How to express yourself in "Dear Editor" columns. English JournalMarch pp.40-42. Alc. written in Japanese.

1999b. Media do not influence learning. LL-Tushin205 p.1. Sony. written in Japanese.

1999c. Legitimate Peripheral Participation Kotoba to Communication 3. pp. 67-68. Eicho-sha. written in Japanese.

1999d. Tips for Better Conversation. English JournalDecember pp.28-31, 38-39. Alc. written in Japanese.

2000a. Useful Expressions in Conversation: Likes and Dislikes. English JournalApril pp.40-43. Alc. written in Japanese.

2000b. Roundtable Discussion: FLEAT IV LL Kyoiku-Tushin Special Issue, pp. 1-8. Matushita-Tushin Co.Ltd. written in Japanese. (with Y.Kitamrua, J. Arimoto, Y.Edasawa, H.Yoshida)

2000c-2002a. Series:Tips for reading English Newspapers. Novark Vol.1-18. Nova Publishing. written in Japanese.

2000d. 30 Tips for Japanese Learners of English: Katakana English and Kanchigai English. English Journal December. pp.40-43. ALC. written in Japanese.

2001a. Make Them Say "Yes":Tips for Negotiation in English. English Jounral July, pp.31-35. ALC. written in Japanese.

2001b. How Do You Say That in English? English Journal November, pp.41-47. Tokyo: ALC. written in Japanese.

2002a. Round-Table Discussion:Prospects for JACET JACET Fortieth Anniversary Overview. pp.72-86. JACET written in Japanese.

2002b. Tips for Listening. Part 3 & 4 English Journal June, pp.36-39. ALC. written in Japanese.

2002c. Success or Failure in Foreign Language Learning: Some Keys for Success. Mainichi Shinbun (Newspaper), August 20th. written in Japanese.

2002d. "Repeating" for Beginning EFL Learners. English Journal Octorber, pp.34-39. ALC. written in Japanese.

2003a. Article Review "Experts and Novice Teachers Talking Technology: Percepts, Concepts, and Misconcepts." in Language Learning & Technology 6:3. The English Teachers' Magazine, July, p.84. Taishukan. written in Japanese.

2003b. Article Review "Understanding the Other Side: Intercultural Learning in a Spanish-English E-mail Exchange." in Language Learning & Technology 7:2. The English Teachers' Magazine, November, p.84. Taishukan. written in Japanese.

2004a. Article Review "Optimal Psycholinguistic Environments for Distance Foreign Language Learning." in Language Learning & Technology 7:3. The English Teachers' Magazine, March, p.85. Taishukan. written in Japanese.

2004b. Article Review "A Comparison of Student Participation Levels by Group Size and Language Stages during Chatroom and Face-to-face Discussions in German." in CALICO Journal 21:1. The English Teachers' Magazine, June, p.51. Taishukan. written in Japanese.

2004c. Seminar Report:Learner Strategies in Language Learning: Building on Success: An International Seminar (Oxford Univ.)  The English Teachers' Magazine, September, p.46. Taishukan. written in Japanese.

2004d. Article Review "CALL-past, Present and Future." in System, 31, The English Teachers' Magazine , October, p.84.Taishukan. written in Japanese.

2005a. Article Review "Towards an Effective Use of Audio Conferencing in Distance Language Courses." in Language Learning & Technology, 8:1, The English Teachers' Magazine, February, p.84.Taishukan. written in Japanese.

2005b. Learning English at Home by Using Textbooks: From a Perspective of Learning Strategy Use. Teaching English Now Topic Issues Vol.3, pp.12-13. Sanseido. written in Japanese.

2005c. Article Review "Computer-mediated Collaborative Learning." in System, 32:2, The English Teachers' Magazine, June, p.88. Taishukan. written in Japanese.

2005d. English Activities Tailored to Developmental Stages: In the Case of Junior High School Students. English Teaching Relay Column on Sanseido's Home Page

2005e. Article Review "Communication Topics and Strategies in e-mail Consultation: Comparison between American and International University Students." in Language Learning & Technology, 9:2, The English Teachers' Magazine, October, p.88. Taishukan. written in Japanese.

2005f. Reading Strategy Training Tailored to Proficiency GTEC Report Vol.16, pp.1-2, Benesse

2006a. Article Review "Hints about CALL Use from Research." in PacCALL Journal, 1:1, The English Teachers' Magazine, February, p.88.Taishukan. written in Japanese.

2006b. Brave New World for English Activities: What Primary School Teachers Can Do and Should Do.   English Seminar for the Elementary Schools, 20, pp.6-7. Meijitosho.written in Japanese.

2006c. Article Review "Future foreign language teachers' social and cognitive collaboration in an online environment." in Language Learning & Technology, 10:1,  The English Teachers' Magazine, June, p.88. Taishukan. written in Japanese.

2006d. Article Review "Perceived Processing Strategies of Students Watching Captioned Video." in Foreign Language Annals, 38:3,  The English Teachers' Magazine, September, p.88. Taishukan. written in Japanese.

2007a. Hints for Creating English Activities (1) ---Using Niche Time. English Seminar for the Elementary Schools, 24, pp.76-77. Meijitosho. written in Japanese.

2007b. Factors Contributing to the Success of CALL  CALL in EFL: Lectures and Activities, Vol.1, 1-15. Matsushita Education Foundation.

2007c. Hints for Creating English Activities (2) ---Recycling Activities. English Seminar for the Elementary Schools, 25, pp.76-77. Meijitosho, written in Japanese.

2007d. Article Review "Making CALL Work: Towards Normalisation." in System, 34:4, The English Teachers' Magazine, August, p.88. Taishukan. written in Japanese.

2007e. Hints for Creating English Activities (3) ---Keeping pupils calm. English Seminar for the Elementary Schools, 26, pp.76-77. Meijitosho. written in Japanese.

2007f. Hints for Creating English Activities (4) ---Selecting key teachers. English Seminar for the Elementary Schools, 27, pp.76-77. Meijitosho. written in Japanese.

2008a. Article Review "An Activity Theory Perspective on Student-reported Contradictions in International Telecolaboration." in Language Learning & Technology, 11:2, The English Teachers' Magazine, February, p.88. Taishukan. written in Japanese.

2008b. What We will Teach in the New Curriculum for English Activities at Elementary Schools.  English Seminar for the Elementary Schools, 28, pp.14-15. Meijitosho. written in Japanese.

2008c. Teaching English at Elementary Schools: A Balanced Approach.  Teaching Master---English at Elementary Schools pp.20-21. Benesse, written in Japanese.

2008d. Praising them, Acknowledging them, and Making them Challenge: Three Important Points in Classroom EFL Teaching.English Education, 38, 9-11, Kumamoto Prefecture English Education Research Society for JHS Teachers. written in Japanese.

2008e. How to Study English Effectively.The 21,281, 36-37, PHP, written in Japanese.

2008f. Focusing on Linguistic Awareness in Foreign Language Activities at Elementary Schools  English Seminar for the Elementary Schools, 30, pp.6-7. Meijitosho. written in Japanese.

2009a. Article Review "Supporting Learner Autonomy: Developing Practice through the Production of Courses for Distance Learners of French, German, and Spanish." in Language Teaching Research, 12:1, The English Teachers' Magazine, February, p.92.Taishukan. written in Japanese.

2009b. Principles in Elementary School Foreign Language Activities(1)-Nurturing the Attitude towards Communication.  English Seminar for the Elementary Schools, 32, pp.76-77. Meijitosho. written in Japanese.

2009c. A Round Table Discussion: Bridging the Elementary Schools with Junior High Schools through English. Teaching English Now 15, pp.2-11.Sanseido (with F. Inaoka, K. Kashiwagi, N. Kaneshige, and A. Hatada) written in Japanese.

2009d. Principles in Elementary School Foreign Language Activities (2)-Importance of Noticing.  English Seminar for the Elementary Schools, 33, pp.76-77. Meijitosho. written in Japanese.

2009e. Article Review "Does teachers' confidence with CALL equal innovative and integrated use?." in Computer Assisted Language Learning, 21:3, The English Teachers' Magazine, August, p.81.Taishukan. written in Japanese.

2009f. Principles in Elementary School Foreign Language Activities (3)-Promoting Cultural Understanding.  English Seminar for the Elementary Schools, 34, pp.76-77. Meijitosho. written in Japanese.

2010a. Principles in Elementary School Foreign Language Activities (4)-Getting Accustomed to the Sounds and Expressions of English.  English Seminar for the Elementary Schools, 35, pp.76-77. Meijitosho. written in Japanese.

2010b. Article Review "Multimodal student interaction online: An ecological perspective." in ReCALL, 21:2, The English Teachers' Magazine, February, p.81. Taishukan. written in Japanese.

2010c. Article Review "Toward an ecological CALL: Update to Garrett (1991)." in The Modern Language Journal, 93 (Focus Issue), The English Teachers' Magazine, August, p.73. Taishukan. written in Japanese.

2011a. Article Review "CALL teacher education as an impetus for L2 teachers in integrating technology" in ReCALL, 22, The English Teachers' Magazine, February, p.89. Taishukan. written in Japanese.

2011b. Forward: Quantative vs. qualitative- A note on a paradigm shift. Senrieno-michi: Journal of the Graduate School of Foreign Language Education and Reserach, Kansai University, 9, i-ii. written in Japanese.

2011c. Article Review "Students' and instructors' attitudes toward the use of CALL in foreign language teaching and learning" in Comupter Assisted Language Learning, 23, The English Teachers' Magazine, July, p.88. Taishukan. written in Japanese.

2012a. Article Review "The effects of hypertext glosses on L2 vocabulary acquisition: A meta-analysis." in Comupter Assisted Language Learning, 24, The English Teachers' Magazine, February, p.81. Taishukan. written in Japanese.

2012a. Article Review "A systematic review of CALL in English as a second language: Focus on primary and secondary education." in Language Teaching, 45, The English Teachers' Magazine, August, p.88. Taishukan. written in Japanese.

2013a. Book Review for Reserach Methodology in SLA.  The English Teachers' Magazine, January, p.20. Taishukan. written in Japanese.

2013b. Article Review "Language learning motivation, self and identity: Current theoretical perspectives." in Computer Assisted Language Learning, 24, The English Teachers' Magazine, February, p.90.Taishukan. written in Japanese.

2013c. Article Review "Understanding on-screen reading behaviors in academic contexts: A case study of five graduate English-as-a-second-language students." in Computer Assisted Language Learning, 25, The English Teachers' Magazine, August, p.82. Taishukan. written in Japanese.

2013d. A Critical Review of "the Reform of English Language Education in Japan by the Education Revitalization Committee."The English Teachers' Magazine, November, pp.62-64. Taishukan. written in Japanese. (with Y. Ushiro, and H. Jimbo)

2014a. Article Review "A meta-analysis of effectiveness studies on computer technology-supported language leanring." in ReCALL, 25, The English Teachers' Magazine, February, p.84. Taishukan. written in Japanese.

2014b. Article Review "Captioned video for L2 listening and vocabulary learning: A meta-analysis." in SYSTEM, 41, The English Teachers' Magazine, August, p.82. Taishukan. written in Japanese.

2015a. Article Review "Research trends in mobile assisted language learning from 2000 to 2012." in ReCALL, First View Article, The English Teachers' Magazine, February, p.72. Taishukan. written in Japanese.

2015b. Article Review "Technologies for foreign language learning: A review of technology types and their effectiveness." in Computer Assisted Language Learning, 27, 70-105, The English Teachers' Magazine, August, p.70. Taishukan. written in Japanese.

2015c. Opening new life-worlds through English: Interview with Dr. Xuesong (Andy) Gao. The English Teachers' Magazine, September, pp.70-71. Taishukan. written in English.

2016a. Article Review "A meta-synthesis of empirical research on the effectiveness of computer-mediated communication (CMC) in SLA." in Language Learning & Technology, 19, (http://lit.msu.edu/issues/june2015/lin.pdf), 85-117, The English Teachers' Magazine, February, p.70. Taishukan. written in Japanese.

2016b. Language learning activities in active learning. Eigo Joho, Summer, 6-9. Eiken written in Japanese.

2016c. Article Review "The use of computer games as foreign language learning tasks for digital natives." in System, 54, 91-102, The English Teachers' Magazine, August, p.73. Taishukan. written in Japanese.

2016d. Studying abroad: Thruogh the experiences at the Faculty of Foreign Language Studies, Kansai University. Hyogo Kyoiku, 787 (September), pp.31-33

2017a. Article Review "Technology in language use, language teaching, and language learning." in The Modern Language Journal, 100, 64-80, The English Teachers' Magazine, Februrary, p.96. Taishukan. written in Japanese.

2017b. Article Review "Emerging trends and new directions in telecollaborative learning." in CALICO Journal, 33, 291-310, The English Teachers' Magazine, August, p.95. Taishukan. written in Japanese.

2018a. Article Review "Perceptions of senior-year ELT students for flipped classroom: A materials development course." in Computer Assisted Language Learning, 30, 204-222, The English Teachers' Magazine, Februrary, p.96.Taishukan. written in Japanese.

2018b. Newly introduced Course of Study and primary school English education: From anxiety to challenge  Education in Akashi City, 190, pp.2-3. Akashi City Education Reserach Institute.

2018c. Article Review "The incorporation of flipped learning into conventional classes to enhance EFL learners' L2 speaking, L2 listening, and engagement." in Innovation in Language Learning and Teaching, On-line First Version, The English Teachers' Magazine, August, p.95. Taishukan. written in Japanese.

2019a. Article Review "Viewing L2 caption videos: What's in it for the listener?" in Computer Assisted Language Learning, 31, 367-389. The English Teachers' Magazine, Februrary, p.99. Taishukan. written in Japanese.

2019b. Interview with Dr. Heath Rose. The English Teachers' Magazine, June, pp.12-13. Taishukan. written in English.

2019c. Article Review "Strategies in technology-enhanced language learning." in Studies in Second Languaeg Learning and Teaching, 8, 471-495, The English Teachers' Magazine, August, p.84. Taishukan. written in Japanese.

2020a. Article Review "Reading from paper compared to screens: A systemeic reiew and meta-analysis." in Journal of Research in Reading, 42, 288-325, The English Teachers' Magazine, Februrary, p.96. Taishukan. written in Japanese.

2020b. Grammar and grammatical structure in newly revised New Crown. Teaching English Now (TEN), 45, p.7. Sanseido

2020c. Grammar and grammatical items in newly revised New Crown. Teaching English Now (TEN), Special Issue, pp. 4-5. Sanseido

2020d. Article Review "Technology, motivation and autonomy, and teacher Psychology in language learning: Exploring the myths and possibilities." in Annual Review of Applied Linguistics, 39, 40-51, The English Teachers' Magazine, August, p. 99. Taishukan. written in Japanese.

2021a. Summary of on-line seminar on remote learning.The English Teachers' Magazine, January, p. 42. Taishukan. written in Japanese.

2021b. Article Review "Digitally mediated remote learning of pragmatics." in Foreign Language Annals, 53, 353-358, The English Teachers' Magazine, February, p. 97. Taishukan. written in Japanese.

2021c. Article Review "The flipped classroom in second language learning: A meta-analysis." in LanguageTeaching Research, On-line First Version, The English Teachers' Magazine, August, p. 93. Taishukan. written in Japanese.

2022a. Article Review "The effectiveness of machine translation in foreign language education: A systematic review and meta-analysis." in Computer Assisted Language Learning, , On-line First Version, The English Teachers' Magazine, February, p. 93. Taishukan. written in Japanese.

2022b. Article Review "Still taboo? Using machine translation for low-level EFL writers." in ELT Journal, 75(4), 432-441., The English Teachers' Magazine, August, p. 64. Taishukan. written in Japanese.

2023a. Article Review "Mobile-assisted or paper-based? The influence of the reading medium on the reading comprehension of English as a foreign language." in Computer Assisted Language Learning, 35(1-2), 217-345., The English Teachers' Magazine, February, p. 79. Taishukan. written in Japanese.

2024a. Article Review "Exploring the potential of using an AI language model for automated essay scoring." in Research Methods in Applied Linguistics, 2(2), 100050 , The English Teachers' Magazine, February, p.78. Taishukan. written in Japanese.

2024b. Article Review "Can ChatGPT make comprehension testing items on par with human experts." in Language Learning & Technology, 27(3), 27-40., The English Teachers' Magazine, August, p.79. Taishukan. written in Japanese.

2025a. Article Review "The effectiveness of automated speech recognition in ESL/EFL pronunciation: A meta-analysis." in ReCALL, 36(1), 27-40., The English Teachers' Magazine, February, p.79. Taishukan. written in Japanese.

Click here to go back to the top of the page.


1988. Speech, Language, and Thought. Kinseido. (with M. Kohono: Second editor)

1989. Women & Work: Photographic Stories. Nanundo. (with N. Matsumura: Second editor)

1997a. Global English with CNN International. Kinseido/Kansai Univ. Press. (as a member of KU Language Teaching Materials Development Committee)

1997b. Introducing HTML to Language Teachers. LLA Kansai Chapter (with N. Sugimori: First author)

2000a. English for Global Age with CNN International (1). Asahi Press. (as a member of KU English Teaching Research Circle)

2000b. Topics for Today 2nd Ed.. Shohakusha. (with Y. Kitamura, E. Yamamoto, and T. Shizuka: First author)

2001a. English for Global Age with CNN International (2). Asahi Press. (as a member of KU English Teaching Research Circle)

2001b. Improve Your Social Skills in English NOVA Press. (with A.B.Kitzman, and M. Ikeda:First author)

2002a. English for Global Age with CNN International (3). Asahi Press. (as a member of KU English Teaching Research Circle)

2002b. Tapestry Reading 2 (Japan Edition). Shohakusha. (with M.Ikeda, and K. Nishikawa: First author)

2002c. English for Science and Technology: Starting from the Basics. Kodansha Scientific. (with J.Noguchi, M.Mori, and M.Suehiro: Second author)

2003a. Sailing Oral Communication 1. Keirinkan. (with T. Yashima, N. Wakamoto, M. Sochi, C. Kelley, and J. Noguchi: Second author) Authorized Textbook for High School Students.

2003b. English for Global Age with CNN International (4). Asahi Press. (as a member of KU English Teaching Research Circle)

2003c. Sailing Oral Communication 1 Teacher's Manual. Keirinkan. (with T.Yashima, N.Wakamoto, M.Sochi, S. Yamane, M. Nakamura, and S. Takeda : Second author)

2003d. A Comprehensive/Comprehensible Preparatory Course for TOEIC Test. NOVA Press. (with M.Hata, and T.A. Delaney:First author)

2004a. English for the Global Age with CNN International (5). Asahi Press. (as a member of KU English Teaching Research Circle)

2004b. A Comprehensive/Comprehensible Preparatory Course for TOEIC Test-Reading Section. NOVA Press. (with M.Hata, and T.A. Delaney:First author)

2005a. English for the Global Age with CNN International (6). Asahi Press. (as a member of KU English Teaching Research Circle)

2005b. Keys to Better Paragraph Writing. Shohakusha. (with K.Nishi, and T.Yabukoshi: First author)

2005c. Social English in the Business World. Taipei Cosmos Culture Ltd. written in Chinese (with A.B.Kitzman, and M. Ikeda:First author)

2006a. New Crown English Series 1-3 (2006 Edition). Sanseido. (A member of Editorial Board) Authorized Textbook for Junior School Students.

2006b. English for the Global Age with CNN International (7). Asahi Press. (as a member of KU English Teaching Research Circle)

2007a. Concepts & Comments-An Advanced Reading Practice (Japan Ed.) Shohakusha. (with A. Mizumoto, M.Sugita, S.Shibata, and S.Sumi: First author)

2007b. Discoveries & Findings-An Intermediate Reading Practice (Japan Ed.) Shohakusha. (with M.Ikeda, Y.Yamanaka, and M.Kondo: First author)

2007c. English for the Global Age with CNN International (8). Asahi Press. (as a member of KU English Teaching Research Circle)

2007d. Sailing Oral Communication 1 (Revised) Keirinkan (with T. Yashima, N. Wakamoto, C. Kelley, and J. Noguchi: Second author) Authorized Textbook for High School Students.

2007e. Ideas for Primary School English Activities (for 3 & 4 graders). Sanseido (with E. Saito: Second author).

2007f. Ideas for Primary School English Activities (for 5 & 6 graders). Sanseido (with E. Saito: Second author).

2008a. English for the Global Age with CNN International (9). Asahi Press. (as a member of KU English Teaching Research Circle)

2008b. Our Planet, Our Future-Extensive Reading. Shohakusha. (with M.Ikeda, and A.Mizumoto: First author)

2008c. Talk with Our Planet-Intensive Reading. Shohakusha. (with M.Ikeda, and A.Sasaki: First author)

2009a. Listening Partner: An intermediate course. Kinseido. (with G.Todd, and R. Palmer: First author)

2009b. English for the Global Age with CNN International (10). Asahi Press. (as a member of KU English Teaching Research Circle)

2010a. Tapestry Reading 1-4 Shohakusha. (Supervisor)

2010b. Practical Tips for the TOEIC Test. Seibido (with M. Sugita, and J. Smith: Third author)

2010c. English for the Global Age with CNN International (11). Asahi Press. (as a member of KU English Teaching Research Circle)

2011. English for the Global Age with CNN International (12). Asahi Press. (as a member of KU English Teaching Research Circle)

2012a. Reading Stream: Pre-intermediate. Kinseido.(with T. Yabukoshi, S. Sumi, & M. Ueki: First author)

2012b. New Crown English Series 1-3 (2012 Edition) . Sanseido. (A member of Editorial Board) Authorized Textbook for Junior School Students.

2013a. Reading Stream: Intermediate. Kinseido Press.(with T. Yabukoshi, S. Sumi, & M. Ueki: First author)

2013b. Reading Stream: Elementary. Kinseido Press.(with T. Yabukoshi, S. Sumi, & M. Ueki: First author)

2013c. My Home, My English Root: The Experiences of 15 Japanese Teachers of English, Vol.1 (Chapter 4) edited by Y. Saito Shohakusha.

2013d. LANDMARK English Communication-1. Keirinkan (Editor-in-Chief) Authorized Textbook for Senior High School Students.

2013e. Sailing English Conversation. Keirinkan (A member of Editorial Board) Authorized Textbook for Senior High School Students.

2014. LANDMARK English Communication-2. Keirinkan (Editor-in-Chief) Authorized Textbook for Senior High School Students.

2015. LANDMARK English Communication-3. Keirinkan (Editor-in-Chief) Authorized Textbook for Senior High School Students.

2016a. Lighting up the TOEIC test. Kinseido (with M. Ueki, K. Yamaoka, B. Cotsworth: Fourth author)

2016b. New Crown English Series 1-3 (2016 Edition) . Sanseido. (A member of Editorial Board) Authorized Textbook for Junior School Students.

2017a. LANDMARK English Communication-1 (Revised). Keirinkan (Editor-in-Chief) Authorized Textbook for Senior High School Students.

2017b. LANDMARK FIT English Communication-1. Keirinkan. (A member of Editorial Board) Authorized Textbook for Senior High School Students

2017c. A Good Read: Dveloping Strategies for Effective Reading (Japan Edition) Book 1. Shohakusha (Series editor)

2017d. A Good Read: Dveloping Strategies for Effective Reading (Japan Edition) Book 2. Shohakusha (Series editor)

2018a. LANDMARK English Communication-2 (Revised). Keirinkan (Editor-in-Chief) Authorized Textbook for Senior High School Students.

2018b. LANDMARK FIT English Communication-2. Keirinkan. (A member of Editorial Board) Authorized Textbook for Senior High School Students.

2018c. English Stream: Pre-Intermediate. Kinseido Press.(with M. Ueki, T. Yabukoshi, & S. Sumi: First author)

2018d. A Good Read: Dveloping Strategies for Effective reading (Japan Edition) Book 3. Shohakusha (Series editor)

2019a. LANDMARK English Communication-3 (Revised). Keirinkan (Editor-in-Chief) Authorized Textbook for Senior High School Students.

2019b. LANDMARK FIT English Communication-3. Keirinkan. (A member of Editorial Board) Authorized Textbook for Senior High School Students.

2019c. English Stream: Intermediate. Kinseido Press.(with T. Yabukoshi, S. Sumi, & M. Ueki: First author)

2019d. English Stream: Elementary. Kinseido Press.(with S. Sumi, T. Yabukoshi, & M. Ueki: First author)

2020. Crown Jr. 5, 6. Sanseido. (as an author) Authorized Textbook for Primary School Pupils.

2021a. New Crown, 1-3. Sanseido. (A member of Editorial Board) Authorized Textbook for Junior High School Students.

2021b. Creative Ideas for Products & Services Shohakusha (with Y. Shinhara: Second author)

2021c. Illuminating the Path to the TOEIC L&R Test. Kinseido (with M. Ueki, K. Yamaoka, B. Cotsworth: Fourth author)

2022a LANDMARK English Communication-1.Keirinkan (Editor-in-Chief) Authorized Textbook for Senior High School Students.

2022b. LANDMARK FIT English Communication-1. Keirinkan. (A member of Editorial Board) Authorized Textbook for Senior High School Students.

2023a. Integrity-Advanced. Kinseido Press (Series editor)

2023b. Integrity-Intermediate. Kinseido Press (Series editor)

2023c. Integrity-Beginner. Kinseido Press (Series editor)

2023d. Toward a diverse society 1. Shohakusha (with M. Ikeda, M. Yuasa & M. Murakami: First author)

2023e LANDMARK English Communication-2. Keirinkan (Editor-in-Chief) Authorized Textbook for Senior High School Students.

2023f. LANDMARK FIT English Communication-2. Keirinkan. (A member of Editorial Board) Authorized Textbook for Senior High School Students.

Click here to go back to the top of the page.

Presentations (at International Conferences)

1995. Japanese EFL teachers' expectations for media: A survey. Association for Educational Communications & Technology (AECT) 1995 Convention. (Anaheim, U.S.A.) with Y.Edasawa

1997. Developing Japanese and English multimedia CALL systems for academic purposes. The 3rd International Conference on Foreign Language Education and Technology (FLEATIII: Victoria, Canada) with S. Yoshida, H. Mine, H. Yoshida, N. Saeki, T. Kohno

1999a. Language learning strategies used by Japanese college learners of English: A synthesis of four empirical studies. (Symposium: Language Learning Strategies: Recent Research and Applications, with Drs. A. Cohen, A. Chamot, R. Oxford, and M. Kimura) The 12th World Congress of Applied Linguistics (AILA99, Tokyo, Japan)

1999b. Developing and evaluating EFL vocabulary software: A Root approach. The12th World Congress of Applied Linguistics (AILA99,Tokyo, Japan) with S. Yoshida, H. Mine, H. Yoshida, N. Saeki

1999c. Strategy use and task difficulty: Empirical implications for inventory studies. The12th World Congress of Applied Linguistics (AILA99, Tokyo, Japan) with M. Ikeda

2000. Repeated presentation of materials: Is it really effective for EFL listening? The 4th International Conference on Foreign Language Education and Technology (FLEAT-IV, Kobe, Japan) with M. Ikeda

2001a. Determining the parameters for scrolling text display technique. The 11th European Conference on Eye Movements(ECEM 11, Turku, Finland) with K. Horii, Y. Kitamura, and K. Kotani

2001b. Invited lecture: What can we learn from good foreign language learners?: Qualitative studies in the Japanese FL context. The 29th JACET Summer Seminar (Kusatsu, Japan)

2002. A qualitative analysis of strategy instruction: A portfolio study. The 13th World Congress of Applied Linguistics (AILA02, Singapore) with M. Ikeda

2004a. Efficacy of using portfolios in reading strategy instruction. Learner Strategies in Language Learning: Building on Success. (Oxford, UK)

2004b. How look-up frequency affects EFL learning?: An empirical study on the use of handheld-electronic dictionaries. CLaSIC 2004 Conference.(Center for Language Studies, Singapore) with T. Koyama

2005a. Using portofolios in EFL reading strategy instruction for university students. The 14th World Congress of Applied Linguistics (AILA05, Madison, USA) with M. Ikeda

2005b. How has difference affected retention?: Two empirical studies on electronic and printed dictionaries. The 5th International Conference on Foreign Language Education and Technology. (Utah:BYU) with T. Koyama

2005c. From CALL to LMDS: Introducing a new perspective on the use of LMS in foreign language teaching/learning. The 2nd International Conference of the Pacific Association for Computer Assisted Language Learning (PacCALL 2005, China, Kunming). with S. Sumi, E. Yamamoto, and T. Nabei

2006a. Language learning strategies used by Japanese secondary school students of EFL: Development of a strategy questionnaire and its validation. The 4th Asia TEFL International Conference (Fukuoka, Japan) with T. Yabukoshi

2006b. How do good language learners use a hand-held electronic dictionary?: A qualitative study.The 4th Asia TEFL International Conference (Fukuoka, Japan) with T. Koyama

2006c. A qualitative study on handheld electronic dictionaries: Can technology help EFL learners? The 3rd PacCALL Annual Conference (Nanjing, China) with T. Koyama

2007a. What can promote learners' motivation for continuing CALL independent learning?     Independent Learning Association International Conference, 2007 (Chiba, Japan) with M. Ikeda, and S. Sumi

2007b. Examining the effectiveness of Explicit Instruction of Vocabulary Learning Strategies     15th KOTESOL International Conference (Seoul, Korea) with A. Mizumoto

2008a. EFL students' language awareness in an E-mail tandem activity.     3rd World CALL Conference (Fukuoka, Japan) with A. Sasaki

2008b. Facilitating learner reflection in individual learning in an LMS: An exploratory study in EFL reading skill development.    3rd World CALL Conference (Fukuoka, Japan) with M. Ikeda and S. Sumi

2008c. Voices from EFL teachers: A qualitative investigation of teachers' use of CALL.    3rd World CALL Conference (Fukuoka, Japan) with S. Sumi and M. Ikeda

2008d. CALL and its future: Three issues that we should think about in the Japanese EFL context.    3rd World CALL Conference (Fukuoka, Japan) Panel discussion with M. Levy, R. Fisher, T. Robb, A.G. Sanz

2008e. Does learners' vocabulary size influence the efficacy of reading strategy? The 15th World Congress of Applied Linguistics (Essen, Germany) with M. Ikeda

2008f. EFL reading with computers: How does it differ from ordinary reading with textbooks. The 15th World Congress of Applied Linguistics (Essen, Germany) with M. Ikeda and S. Sumi.

2008g. Language learning strategies in an Asian EFL context. The 16th KOTESOL International Conference (Seoul, Korea) with T. Yabukoshi.

2008h. What is an appropriate style for academic presentation? The 16th KOTESOL International Conference (Seoul, Korea) with T. Shimamura.

2009a. Establishing the cerebral basis for language learner strategies: A NIRS study comparing L1 and L2 strategy use. First and Second Languages: Exploring the Relationship in Pedagogy-related Contexts. (Oxford, UK) with M. Ikeda, and A. Mizumoto.

2011a. Exploring the concept of ideal L2 self in an EFL context. The 9th Asia TEFL International Conference. (Seoul, Korea) with M. Ueki, and T. Yashima.

2011b. Do cloze tests really assess learners' integrative abilities of a foreign language? A brain-imaging study. The 16th World Congress of Applied Linguistics (AILA11, Beijing, China) with M. Ikeda, and A. Mizumoto.

2011c. Motivational strategy: Its effectiveness and features in the classroom. The 16th World Congress of Applied Linguistics (AILA11, Beijing, China) with M. Sugita.

2011d. Symposium: Language learning strategies for tertiary education:Self-regulation and learner strategies. The 50th JACET Commemorative International Conference (Fukuoka, Japan) with E. Macaro, Y. Nakatani, N. Ozei

2012a. Forming a clearer image of the ideal L2 self: Validating the L2 motivational self system in a Japanese EFL context in relation to L2 learner autonomy. The 5th Independent Learning Association Conference (ILAC 2012), (Wellington, NZ: VUW) with M. Ueki.

2012b. Investigating learners' decision making in mobile EFL learning: Promoting learner autonomy. The 20th KOTESOL International Conference (Seoul, Korea) with M. Ueki.

2013a. Invited lecture: Strategy, metacognition, and motivation: A self-regulatory approach to L2 learning. The 40th JACET Summer Seminar (Kusatsu, Japan)

2013b. Examining the effects of metacognitive instruction and the relationships between metacognition, self-efficacy, strategy use, and oral communication in EFL classrooms. The KATE 2013 International Conference (Seoul, Hakuku Univ. of Foreign Studies) with A. Kobayashi.

2014c. A comparison of self-determined language learning motivation in Japan and Canada. The 22nd Congress of the International Association for Cross-cultural Psychology (IACCP 2014) (Reims, France) with K.E. Chafee, K.A. Noels, M. Sugita-McEown, and A. Mizumoto

2014e. Formation and maintenance of motivation in L2 learning: Implications from a study abroad program. The 17th World Congress of Applied Linguistics (AILA2014, Brisbane, Australia)Brisbane Convention & Exhibition Center with M. Ueki

2014f. Do learners' affective factors influence the effectiveness of metacognitive strategy intervention? The 17th World Congress of Applied Linguistics (AILA2014, Brisbane, Australia) Brisbane Convention & Exhibition Center with M. Ikeda

2014g. Willpower, the ideal L2 self and L2 motivation: Exploring their possible relationships in the Japanese EFL context. International Conference on Motivational Dynamics and Second Language Acquisition(University of Nottingham, UK)with M. Ueki

2015a. Self-regulated EFL learning emerging through collaborative learning: Implications for metacognitive strategy intervention. Situating Strategy Use: The Interplay of Language Learning Strategies and Individual Learner Characteristics (SSU 2015). (Alpen-Adria Universitat Klagenfurt, Austria) with M. Ikeda

2015b. Toward modeling a prototypical use of language learning strategies with decision-tree based methods. Situating Strategy Use: The Interplay of Language Learning Strategies and Individual Learner Characteristics (SSU 2015). (Alpen-Adria Universitat Klagenfurt, Austria) with A. Mizumoto

2015c. Effects of collaborative writing on learners' strategy use and affect. Excellence in Language Instruction: Supporting Classroom Teaching & Learning (TESOL Regional Conference) , (National Institute of Education, Singapore) with M. Ueki

2016. Are they two sides of a coin? Redefining the relationship of anxiety and self-efficacy in the Japanese EFL context. Psychology of Language Learning 2 (PLL2): Individuals in contexts, (Jyvaskyla, Finland) with M. Ueki

2017. How does effective collaboration emerge? Investigating the effect of teacher feedback on collaborative L2 writing in the Japanese EFL context. Symposium on Second Language Writing 2017, (Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand) with M. Ueki

2018. Symposium: Strategy assessment for learning and emotion regulation: Psychological and methodological aspects -Utilizing innovative methods for analyzing quantitative and qualitative data in learning strategy assessment. Psychology of Language Learning (PLL) 3 (Tokyo: Waseda University) with R. Oxford, C. Gknou, & A. Mizumoto

2019a. (Panel Session) Study abroad experience for heritage language learners: Identity and motivation (Panel Session Theme: (Re-)Shaping social identities in the Japanese context). The 16th International Pragmatics Conference (Hong Kong, Hong Kong Polytechnic University) with M. Ueki (Second author).

2019b. Is the National Core Curriculum for Teaching English in Pre-service Training effective? : A validation of elementary school teacher courses.The 17th Asia TEFL International Conference (Ambassador Hotel, Bangkok, Thailand) with Kasuya, K., Baba, T., and others (Third author). DOI:10.13140/RG.2.2.35481.36961

2019c. Japanese university students' strategy use in Mobile-Assisted Language Learning. The Third International Conference on Situating Strategy Use: Stepping Into a New Era of Strategy Research and Practice (SSU3; GranCube Osaka, Osaka) with A. Sasaki (Second author).

2021a. The newly introduced National Core Curriculum for Pre-Service English Teacher Education in Japan: Developing comprehensive model programs. The 19th World Congress of Applied Linguistics (AILA2021,Groningen, Netherlands) On-line with Kaken Research Team members (11th author out of 14)

2021b. The use of smartphone-based L2 learning strategies: From other regulation to self-regulation. The 19th World Congress of Applied Linguistics (AILA2021,Groningen, Netherlands) On-line with A. Sasaki (Second author)

2022. Strategic use of Google Translate by Japanese university students of English. Situating Strategy Use: Strategic Learning in an uncertain world (SSU 4; Wellington, NZ), with M. Yuasa (Second author)

2022. Pulse measurement and its signal processing with a flexible piezoelectric sensor for objective psychological assessment. The 17th Pacific Polymer Conference (Brisbane Convention & Exhibition Centre, Australia), December 2022. J. Takarada, M. Ueki, T. Wakita, J. Moriya, O. Takeuchi, Y. Tjitsu, and 10 others (15th author)

2023a. Effects of classroom environment on L2 learners’ affective factors. The 20th World Congress of Applied Linguistics (AILA2023, ENS Lyon, France), with M. Ikeda (Second author)

2023b. Parental influence on children’s L2 English motivation. The 20th World Congress of Applied Linguistics (AILA2023, ENS Lyon, France), with S. Tanaka (Second author)

2024a. A comparative analysis of interview and paired tests for assessing interactional competence in English beginner learners. The 21st World Congress on Applied Linguistics (AILA 2024, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia), with K. Kawamura (Second author)

2024b. Transitioning other-regulation to self-regulation in e-Learning strategies among Japanese university students. The 21st World Congress on Applied Linguistics (AILA 2024, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia), with A. Sasaki (Second author).

2024c. Clarifying the relationship between grid, mindset, SRL strategy use, and L2 achievement in the Japanese EFL context. The 5th International Conference on the Situating Strategy in Use: Embracing Strategy Diversity in the Multilingual World (SSU5; University of Warsaw, Poland), with M. Ikeda, and S. Tanaka (Second author).

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Keynote Speeches /Symposiums/Workshops at International Conferences

2001. (Keynote Speech) What can we learn from good foreign language learners?: Qualitative studies in the Japanese FL context. The 29th JACET Summer Seminar (Kusatsu, Japan)

2008. (Invited Panel Discussion) CALL and its future: Three issues that we should think about in the Japanese EFL context. The 3rd World CALL Conference (Fukuoka, Japan with M. Levy, R. Fisher, T. Robb, A.G. Sanz)

2013. (Keynote Speech) Strategy, metacognition, and motivation: A self-regulatory approach to L2 learning. The 40th JACET Summer Seminar (Kusatsu, Japan)

2019a. (Keynote Speech) Language learning strategies: Insights from the past and directions for the future. The "multiple languages for a shared future" international conference and emerging scholars' workshop (Tongi University, Shanghai, China).

2019b. (Invited Workshop) Introducing qualitative research in applied linguistics. The "multiple languages for a shared future" international conference and emerging scholars' workshop (Tongi University, Shanghai, China).

2019c. (Invited Symposium) Learning strategies across languages and cultures- Any drastic changes? Comparing present-day L2 learning strategy use with that of the past in the Japanese EFL environment. The Third International Conference on Situating Strategy Use: Stepping Into a New Era of Strategy Research and Practice (SSU3; GranCube Osaka, Osaka with Yolanda Ruiz De Zarobe, Frank Yang Gong).

2021. (Invited Workshop) English language teaching in Japan under the newly introduced Course of Study. Tottori University PD/FD Workshop Series (Tottori University, on-line).

2022. (Invited Symposium) Assessing learning strategies using near-infrared spectroscopy: Possibilities and challenges. Situating Strategy Use: Strategic Learning in an uncertain world (SSU 4; Wellington, NZ), with M. Ikeda, A. Mizumoto, R. Oxford, P. Gu, N. Thomas, P. Gunning, X. Ma, A. Alamer

2023a. (Invited Lecture) Assessing learning strategies using near-infrared spectroscopy: Possibilities and challenges. On-line Talk at Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra Faculty of Education, Department of English Language and Culture, Slovakia

2023b. (Invited Lecture) Effects of classroom environment on L2 learners’ affective factors. On-line Talk at Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra Faculty of Education, Department of English Language and Culture, Slovakia, and J. E. Purkynê University, Faculty of Education, Department of English, Czech

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1990. Book Review: Reading, Schema Theory and Second Language Learners. by S. K. Kitao, Ph. D. Tokyo: Eichosha Shinsha Co., Ltd., 1989. Bulletin of the Institute for Interdisciplinary Studies of Culture, Doshisha Women's College VII. pp. 195-197. written in Japanese.

1992. An Introduction to Second Language Acquisition Research. by D. Larsen-Freeman & M. H. Long. London: Longman. , 1991 and The Research Manual: Design and Statistics for Applied Linguistics. by E. Hatch & A. Lazaraton. New York : Newbury House., 1991. LLA Kansai Chapter News 8. pp. 12-13. written in Japanese.

2005. Book Review: Who succeeds and who fails in Foreign Language Learning: An Invitation to Second Language Acquisition Studies. by K. Shrai. Tokyo: Iwanami. 2004. Cognitive Studies, pp. 39-41. written in Japanese.

2006. Book Review: Psychology, Language, and Brain Science. by S. Yamadori, Y. Tuji. Tokyo: Taishukan. 2006. English Teachers' Magazine, 55:10, p. 94. written in Japanese.

2010. Book Review:The Developing Language Learner: An Introduction to Exploratory Practice. International Journal of Applied Linguistics, 20:3, 423-426.

2020a. Book Review: The Guidebook of the Learning Sciences. by J. Ohshima, & Y. Chiyo-Nishio (Eds.), 2019. English Teachers' Magazine, 68:13, p. 88. written in Japanese.

2020b. Book Review: Project and Task-based English Language Teaching. by H. Takashima (Ed.), 2020. English Teachers' Magazine, 69:10, p. 92. written in Japanese.

Click here to go back to the top of the page.


1986. Use of English particle "Well" by Japanese learner of English. Modern English Teaching May, Readers' Forum. pp. 61-62. Tokyo: Kenkyu-sha. written in Japanese.

1987. Is it natural English? : I belong to the baseball club. Modern English Teaching May, Readers' Forum. pp. 60-61. Tokyo: Kenkyu-sha. written in Japanese.

1993a. Introducing CAI doftware: The Sounds of English, Vowel Sounds, Consonants. LLA Kansai Chapter News 10. p. 9. written in Japanese.

1993b. What is the ethnographic approach? JACET News 89, p. 1269 (9) written in Japanese.

1993c. Introducing CAI software: Desert Storm: War in the Gulf LLA Kansai Chapter News 11. p. 9. written in Japanese.

1994a. Introducing CAI software: Telephone Talk 1, 2 LLA Kansai Chapter News 12. pp.10-11. written in Japanese.

1994b. Comparing Japanese, German, and English expressions: Deciding the basic unit of research. Bulletin of the Institute for Interdisciplinary Studies of Culture, Doshisha Women's College11. Research Project Report pp.125-129. (with C. Oshima, H. Hattori: Third author) written in Japanese.

2013. Cover Quote for Language Learning Motivation in Japan. (Multilingual Matters)

2015. Human agency in Revisiting LLS research 40 years later edited by A.D. Cohen & C. Griffiths, TESOL Quarterly, 49, 425. (with M. Ueki: First author)

2017. Short endorsement for Teaching and researching language learning strategies: Self-regulation in context (2nd Ed.). by R. Oxford (Routledge)

2019. Short endorsement for Language Strategy Instruction in the Language Classroom: Issues and Implementationby A. U. Chamot & V. Harris (Multilingual Matters)

202b. Cover quote for Situating language learning strategy use: Present issues and future trends.by Z. Gavriilidou & L. Mitts (Eds.) (Multilingual Matters).

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Editorial Board/Reviewer/Reader/Examiner

1990- Article Reviewer for JACET Journal (formerly known as JACET Bulletin ; Japan Association for College English Teachers).

2000. Fulbright Scholarship Proposal Reviewer (Applied Linguistics/ELT/Communication)

2003. Kluwer Publisher (USA) Book Proposal Reviewer

2003- Editorial Board Member/Article Reviewer for Language Education & Technology (formerly known as Language Laboratory ; Japan Association for Language Education and Technology).

2005- Ph.D. Dissertation Internal Examiner (Chairpesonship; Kansai University).

2006. Ph.D. Dissertation External Examiner (University of Newcastle, Australia).

2006- Article Reader for Annual Review of English Language Education in Japan (Japan Society of English Language Education).

2006- Article Reviewer for International Review of Applied Linguistics (IRAL; Julius Groos Verlag).

2007- Editorial Board Member/Article Reviewer for Asian Journal of English Language Teaching (AJELT; Chinese Univ. Press).

2007- Article Reader for Language Learning (LL; Wiley-Blackwell).

2007- Article Reader for The Modern Language Journal (MLJ: Wiley-Blackwell).

2010. Ph.D. Dissertation External Examiner (St. Paul's University, Japan).

2011. Ph.D. Dissertation External Examiner (Temple University, Japan).

2011- Article Reader for Reading in a Foreign Language (University of Hawai'i)

2011- Article Reader for Instructional Science (Springer).

2012- Article Reader for International Perspectives in Psychology (APA).

2012- Review Committee Member for WorldCALL 2013 (Glasgow, UK).

2012- Article Reviewer for System (Elsevier).

2013- Article Reviewer for TESOL Quarterly (TESOL).

2014- Editorial Board Member for System (Elsevier)

2014- Article Reviewer for Innovation in Language Learning and Teaching (Taylor & Francis)

2014- Article Reviewer for Learning and Individual Differences (Elsevier)

2014/2020. Springer (Germany) Book Proposal Reviewer

2015- Article Reviewer for Linguistics and Education (Elsevier)

2015- Article Reviewer for International Journal of Applied Linguistics (Wiley)

2015- Article Reviewer for ReCALL (Cambridge University Press)

2015- Editorial Board Member for Turkish Online Journal of English Language Teaching (TOJELT)

2015- Article Reviewer for Applied Psycholinguistics (Cambridge University Press)

2015. Outstanding Reviewer recognized by Elsevier for SYSTEM

2015. Fulbright Scholarship Proposal Reviewer (Linguistics/ELT)

2018-2019. Conference Chair for The 3rd International Conference on Situating Strategy in Use (SSU3)

2018- Article Reviewer for Teaching and Teacher Education (Elsevier)

2019- Article Reviewer for Studies in Second Language Learning and Teaching (Open Access Journal)

2019- Article Reviewer for Studies in Second Language Acquisition (Cambridge Univ. Press)

2020-. Selection Committee Member for the STEP English Education Research Fund

2020-. Article Reviewer for Journal of Psycholinguistic Research (Springer)

2020. Ph.D. Dissertation External Examiner (University of Southern Queensland, Australia)

2021. Palgrave Macmillan (UK) book proposal Reviewer

2021. Ph.D. Dissertation External Examiner (St. Paul's University, Japan).

2022-. Article Reviewer for Research Methods in Applied Linguistics (Elsevier)

2023. Scientific Board Member for International Conference on Best Practice in Second Language Education Conference (Istanbul, Turkey)

2023. Article Reviewer for BATJ Journal (British Association for Teaching Japanese)

2023-. Editorial Board Member for Journal of English Education Program (Universitas Tanjungpura)

2024. Article Reviewer for Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development (Taylor & Francis)

2024-. Advisory Board Member for International Journal of TESOL Studies (Cranmore Publications)

2024. Scientific Board Member for International Conference – Education in Motion: Disciplinary Literacy and Critical Thinking (Nitra, Slovakia)

2024-. Editorial Board Member for Digital Applied Linguistics (Castletown)

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1991-1992. Fulbright Scholarship Award

2004. JACET Award for Outstanding Academic Achievement

2005. Outstanding Alumni Award, Monterey Institute of International Studies, USA.

2008. Excellent Award, the 4th National Institute of Multimedia Education Contest (2008), National Institute of Multimedia Education/Tokyo Gakugei University (with S.Sumi)

2009. LET Award for Outstanding Academic Achievement

2018. LET Award for Outstanding Academic Articles (with T. Agawa)

2021. Mentioned as one of the outstanding researchers in the field of L2 motivation study in Teaching and Researching Motivation. (3rd Ed.) by Z. Dörenyei & E. Ushidoa (Routledge)

2024. JLTA Award for Outstayed Academic Articles (with K. Kawamura).

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Updated: December 10th, 2024