1. (with T.Kogiso), A
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2. Indecomposability of weak Hopf algebras, in: "Hopf
algebras, tensor categories and related topics", edited by N.
Andruskiewitsch, G. Liu, S. Montgomery and Y. Zhang, Contemp.
Math. 771, Amer. Math. Soc., RI, 2021, 309--332.
3. (with T. Kogiso) A bridge between Conway-Coxeter friezes
and rational tangles through the Kauffman bracket polynomials,
J. Knot Theory Ramif. 28 (2019), 1950083, 40pp.
4. (with T. Kogiso) Kauffman bracket polynomials for Conway
Coxeter Friezes, in: "Proceedings of the Meeting for Study of
Number Theory, Hopf algebras and Related Topics" edited by H.
Yamane, T. Kogiso, Y. Koga and I. Kimura, Yokohama Publ.,
2019, 51—79.
5. Braided Morita equivalence for finite-dimensional
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the Meeting for Study of Number Theory, Hopf algebras and
Related Topics" edited by H. Yamane, T. Kogiso, Y. Koga and I.
Kimura, Yokohama Publ., 2019, 157—183.
6. (with K. Shimizu) Schrödinger representations from the
viewpoint of monoidal categories, Algebras and Representation
Theory 18 (2015), 1623—1647.
7. Triangular structures of Hopf algebras and tensor Morita
equivalences, Revista de la Union Matematica Argentina 51
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8. Polynomial invariants
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dimension, J. Pure Appl. Algebra 214 (2010), 701—728.
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Sato) (2+1)-dimensional topological quantum field theory from
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10. Various structures
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Erratum, Algebras and Representation Theory 12 (2009), 93—95.
11. The coribbon
structures of some finite dimensional braided Hopf algebras
generated by 2×2-matrix coalgebras, Noncommutative geometry
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12. (with N. Sato) Computations
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subfactors, J. Knot Theory Ramif. 12 (2003), 543—574.
13. (with N. Sato)
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3-manifolds, Geometry and Topology Monographs 4 (2002),
Invariants of knots and 3-manifolds (Kyoto 2001), 281—294.
14. (with K. Suzuki) On
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E6-subfactor, Kyushu J. Math. 56 (2002), 59—81.
15. Fusion algebras for
orbifold models (a survey), in: "Topology, geometry and field
theory", edited by K. Fukaya, M. Furuta, T. Kohno and D.
Kotschick, World Scientific, 225—235, 1994.
16. On Dijkgraaf-Witten
invariant for 3-manifolds, Osaka J. Math. 29 (1992), 675—696.